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Friday, December 3, 2010

reviews :)

sooo first of alllll HELLO :D
well i'm terribly sorry for being such an awful blogger. i'm kinda busy these days. yerp im having my first semester final exams. now lets take a peek of what i did during the torture hours. so shoukd we say yay or what?

first day of my trip to "hell" aka testroom aka bhs indonesia 3 room aka the place where i did all my tests.

civics and moral ed : we should probably change it into ciVUCS. why oh why? i actually did pretty well on this but i dpnt think i did my best. i studied with laziness surrounding me so i think i deserve to get a bad score. but please dont make it so baaaaad at least not below 80. fine, its inpossible *sigh.

maths : now, think about this. when a moral education thingies made my day sucked, what did maths thingies do? if you're thinking it made me sucked more, then you deservr an A++++++++++++++++++...+. cos it did ruin my not so beautiful day. haaaaaaaahhhh i'm a billion percent sire i wont be getting the above 80s.

second day of the dragging me to hell process.

english : aaaaaahh i love english B) this is the only subject that made me feel like i'm in heaven. my deeds for the exam wasnt so bad i think. but lets just wish for the best :)

IT : this was also done quite well. errr i'm not interested in this lets roollll :p

third day in the damnation


conversation : bulr gila celana kedodoran pake celana di pinggul kayak .... isi sendiri lah gue udah males ngomong

forthh dddaaayyyy : TOUGH DAY.

mandarin : succesfuly sucked. the thing is, i'm not interested to anything chinese. even chinese hotties.
*well for that part it's actually a beautiful lie hehehehe

biology : i panicked. it wasnt only me who was panicking. everybody did. ouyyeea bio really stressed us all out. afterall, the questions werent as hard as i expected though

fifth dayyy hihi after this, i'm outta hell!

history : not bad, ut was well indeed :) but i wont get any 100s of course haha ah i'm loving history B)

heyheyyy sebenernya sih gue masih ada satu tes lagi yaaa. yaituu bahasa indonesia heheh terus ya hari ini gue jalan gitu deh sm angel sama bianda ke sms. btw gur pake indo ya skrg gue jadi males mikir hehhee

nahh selama prjalanan ke sms, gue bergumul dgn diri gue. si angel ngajakin ke jakarta tuh naek shuttle. tapi pad gue cek dompt, duit gue cuman ada noceng. yaiksss ironis. akhirnya sih dapet ya duit goban haha akhirnya kita bertiga ke sms juga si hehe udah gitu nyampe sms lgsung ke hokben deh makan. terus nunggu di xxi, eh sebelon itu ketemu si cindy.

yaudah kan kita ajakin nonton, trus pas sampe atas si cindy kaya ngotot gitu pengen nonton babies. padahal dari awal itu gue angel bianda udh pengen ntn paranormal act ato ga unstoppable. eh ternyata paranormal act blm ada, yaudah gue pengeeeeeeeeeen bgt ntn unstoppable, gimana ya soalnya ada chris pine sih awaw

trus si condy kaya ngotot terus gt kan blg babies lucu anak2nya lah, babies gini lah, babies gitu lah. lalala. udah gtu bosen kan terus trun lg ke bawah ke mana th pokoknya antara stroberi ato warna gue lupa deh. terus si cindy masih agak ngotot gitu mau ntn babies, udh gitu dia ngmong duitnya mau di abisin belanja aj drpd ntn. kalauu bleh jujur ya, pas itu udah pingin gua tabok hehee maaf ya cin, abus ly bacot ngt gila. akhrnya dia pulang sm maknya. terus.gue angel bianda ke atas lg dehh

eh sampe di atas trnyata udah buka, yaudah langsung deh kita beli tiket unstoppable. gue agak shock sih ya pas itu, masa org yg nonton cuman kita ber3 sama ada 2 org lg di depan? astaga mana si angel blgnya serem felmnya. ckck

udah gitu mulainya masih sejam lg tuh, yaudah kita.duduk di lantai deoan studio terus ketawa ketawa. tbtb anak anak eftoel dateng, terus kita.berbincang sbntr. terus kan lg ngbrol2 gtuu, terus si angel tny ke cara, 'ra kaki lo.kenapaa?' tbtb si.andrew geje blg 'jatoh diaa' terus tbtb dia memeragakan jatohnya si cara GUEDEBWUUUUKK! yak dia berhasil membuat gue cengo sedetik. maksudnya, busrt dah itu org ngpaain cb tbtb jatoh gitu hahahh

terus pas mrk masuk studio kt kaya pd ngmgin gitu, 'lu tadi liat ga si andrew tbtb jatoh' 'hahahahahaahaa iya gila geje ya? hahhahhaa' yak lalu kita menguakaksss haahha

terus pas udah di dalem studio dn udah ntn, felemnya kg serem sm skali, memang suh agak bikin deg degan git hehe tp gak serem sm skalii haha eh pas felemnya slesai kita.memutuskan utk nonton lg, yaituuuu narnia hehe

udah gitu pas nonton tuh ya gila dah jantungan guuaa! bukan karena felemnya serem ngagetin ato begimanaa. tapi sebelah gue itu loh yg ngaget ngagetin! si angeeeel kg ada apa apaan tbtb tereak. ckckc tapi ada sih yg bikin gua kaget sampe lompat bertumpu di pantat aka lompat dari bangku. di ketawain angel dehhhh. btwbtwbtw what's a filn without cool actorsssss?

yakk kan yg unstoppable itu ada CHRIS PINE yg superduperhyperultramega ghuannttreeennnggsss haaha kalo narnia.. ya pasti skandar keynes lah yyyayaaaaaaaaaaaaa hyahahaha serius deh itu org gantweeeeeeng bgtbgtbgtbgt! si.ben barnes jg keren, tp maaf dy terlalu tua hahhaa william moseley jg ganteng, tp cuman muncul sebentar. rambutnya bagus gt jd cakep awawawwwwwwww.

ahh gue pengen deh kaya gini lagi. anywayyyy maaf ya angel bianda ge jd beban, udh gakbawa duit, hape mati lg. maaf maaf maaf yaaaaa. lain kali kalo jalan gue bw duit bykan deh hihihi thanks for today yaaaa ily both muahmuah huahaha

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