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Thursday, October 28, 2010

haters, ily :p

Someone ever told me :

'never care of people who hate you for who you are cos you dont need them. There are hundreds of thousands of millions of billions of people in this big big world who wants to befriend with you. Besides, you've got Jesus by your side! Dont even bother your haters!'

i often well infact i always think about those words as they're running in my mind. But i just cant ignore someone who hates me, i'll start questioning him/her bout my mistakes and i'll begin the process of saying sorry for thousands of times. Haters, yall're who i'm thinking of, be proud! Hahahhaaaaa ;))

limbah ikanQ :p

hheeyy heey :) gue baru pulang sekolah loh hihi bangga giituu hhaa sebenernya sih jam 3 udah pulang tapi, gue, fanny, sorta, cindy, dan monica ngerjain projek lingkungan gitu deeehh sama mam indri hehe

kita ceritanya bikin minyak bumi minyak bumian gitu dari limbah ikan, terus semua bawa limbahnya ehehe gila dah itu isi perut si ikan wangi beeeegete! Ngalahin parfum ivanna yg lagitu gue pake pas abis or! Ngalahin parfum nike valie! Beeddeeeehhhhhh gue ampe ketagihan! Sawreeh jw, lu cuman ngelem, gue? Ngelimbah ikan. *siplah gue geje* hhaa

udah gitu jadi minyaknyaaa hehe jujur, gue ga kerja apa apa sih, gue minta maaf ya temen temen kalo cuman numpang nama.. Gue bikin deh laaporannya :))

hari ini pelajaran favorit gue itu nativeeeee :D jadi kaya drama drama halloween gituuuuu hehehe seru looh :) kelompok gue ber9, ada ivanna, sharon, cindy, angga, jordy, icon, andrew, andrew hehee pas itu kita ga tau mau drama apaan, udah gitu cepet cepet deeehh bikin ceritanya eheh jadi begini ceritanya errhhhm erhhm!

Jadi ada seorg cewek namanya sharon, dia itu punya pacar namanya jordy. Pada suatu haarriii, si jordy ini mutusin si sharon, terus sharonnya depresi gitu deeh ehehe. Besokanya itu si sharon ultaah! Di kerjain sama temen temenyaa jadi kaya mau di kasih surprise gituu. Jadi rencananyaa, temen temennya pada mau dorong sharon ke jordy supaya nanti mereka kaya pelukan gituuu. Tapi kecelakaan terjadi! Secara ga sengaja, temen temenya dorong sharon kekencengan terus kepalanya kebentur meja dan dia meninggal.
Karna takut, temen temenya nyembunyiin mayatnya si sharon! Tapi arwah sharon ga tenang. Dia mulai bunuh bunuhin temen temenya satu per satu untuk bales dendam! Giliran pertama adalah IVANNA.
Pas malem malem di rumah ivanna, si ivanna denger suara suara sharon gitu deeh, terus dia telpon temenya si nadine. Bilang kalo dia denger suara sharon. Tapi temennya ga percaya, sampe di tengah tengah, tbtb si ivanna teriak dan telepon terputus! Pas itu, arwah sharon dateng ke ivanna terus bunuh si ivanna.
Karna panik, si nadine telpon cindy ceritain tentang ivanna yg tbtb mutusin telponnya. Dan hal yg sama terjadi pada cindy! Arwah sharon masuk ke dalem tubuh cindy, dan bikin cindy motong urat nadinya sendiri. Dan ouyeah, cindy mati.
Besokannya, si nadine cerita ke temen temennya soal kejadian aneh itu! Dan guru bilang kalo cindy sama ivanna meninggal semalem. Kawanan itu panik! Dan mereka memutuskan utk ke paranormal andrew w.
Si paranormal bilang, kalo dia harus ngomong ke sharon. Dan cara biar sharon dateng itu, harus pake umpan. Mereka smua pun memutuskan, kalo jordylah yg bakalan jadi umpan!
Tetaaappii! Ga berhasil! Sharon jadi bunuh jordy deeehh, dan pas paranormalnya mau ngomong ke sharon, udah terlambat! Sharon juga membunuh si paranormal. Tiba tiba, pas sharon nengok ke kelompok temen temen itu, andrew c. Org yang paling geje itu meninggal secara tdk jelas. Sisanya tinggal 3, yaitu angga, icon, dan nadine. Mereka buat kesepakatan sama si sharon, dan ternyata, sharon cuman ingin mayatnya di kuburkan secara formal. Jadi mereka kubur deh si sharon. THE END.

Gauuuull kkaaaaaaannn? Kwkwkw
improv tuuh gapake naskah!

Udah gitu selesai native sih ga ada yg spesial, cuman gitu gitu aja hehe

anywaaaayyy, gue mandi duluu yyaaahh :)
seeyourealsoon ;)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Heyya :) i'm typing with my phone, my almost dead phone. yerrp this thing is the kindest thing in the world as it still helps me type even in the times when it's gonna die :'). Heckyyeaahy i'm being overreacted but it's true.
Things i love about my phone! :
1. It's chubby
2. It's grreey
3. It's cute
4. It's MINE :D

fine it's crazy but ouyyeea ilaffit :))

soooo, my brain's giving me some kinds of negative aura. Well that makes me wanna shut up for a while even when i cant and it makes me wanna puke, and it makes me hate everybody without any particular reasons. I'm being over sensitive and stuffs and i hate that -,-

i was just telling my bestest friend about something pretty bad that i've done then he told me not to stop doing it. I will. Not because i love that friend or what, it's just bcos i know it's bad and i'm tired of living in that kind of situation of hating somebody. I dont mean to be religious but i sometimes think : if Jesus can forgive, why cant i? Theeeenn maybe i'll try :)

forgiving's waaaayyy harder than saying i love you to someone we like.and i often find some people who 'dont know themselves' *gatau diri*, who never say sorry even when they know they're wrong and even whey i've told them i hate them and in the end, i'm the one who apologized to end the super duper complicated-almost-endless problems even when we both know i'm not gulty. But, yeeeaaah problems solved :)

lemme be honest with you,

i'm one of the kinds who swallow problems and angers, i'm not the one who speaks right to the point when i hate or love someone. I maybe act like a magpie but believe me, i'm not a professional magpie. And that sucks.

Anywaaaaaaaaaaays, troubles seem to be liking to come and visit me. I think they're loving me :3 unfortunately, i'm not loving them back huhuu and in between my hard times, some of my bestfriends are telling them their problems to me, and i dont know why but i feel a kinda guilt when i dont respond them and that makes my troubles' height = the height of mount everest.

Today's wednesday and i'm in a super badmood. Something made me. And i dont think i would tell yall what it was. But the truth is, i hate theeeeem! Huhu well they didnt even know what my problem was but still i hate them all huhu

enough of the sarcastic typed-texts, let's move into another thing :) i dont wanna be a liar or whatever inhonest. But the truth is, i dont know what else to be written so BFN buddies :D

Saturday, October 23, 2010

MidTerm report card

Heeyyaall :) guess what imma tell ya! If you're guessing reportcard, then you're right, and you're wrong if you're not guessing it hhee

Soo, my marks werent bad in fact for mee, it was pretty nice. Even i've got two stupid stabiloed numbers symbolizing i've got 2 grades below standards. They are biology and theatre. Both of them are tasks scores and that make them suck deeper. Based on that bio score, i conclude something : I WONT LOOK AT ANY OF KEVIN CHILWIN'S HOMEWORKS ANYMORE.

Some things that surprised me was i got a few 100s typed and printed there on that silly but quite important paper. Helll yyeeeeaaaahh that makes me proud if you're asking in 'BANGGA?' in your hearts and minds while reading this post :)

Anywwaaayys i gotta go. I promise i'll write again later!

P.s :
1. I'm lovin 9e more and moreeeee! You guys are the best. Proven today morning :D
2. For you who thinks your marks are not that good, you'd better think this way : I WAS JUST NOT LUCKY THIS HALF SEMESTER, BUT I'LL BE ON THE NEXT HALF ;D

Friday, October 22, 2010


heyyaaahh bloogggiies ;) i honestly am confused of what to write. i was just thinking of something but heckk yeah i forgot ;(

hey heyyy i've got tumblr btw!

follow follow yaaa ::

hmm olrait lah let's talk bout these dayss ::

errrhhm, yaaakk sama seperti tadi, gue bingung. hhh mau ngomong apaan yaa hmm

hari hari gue biasa aja sih, ga ada yang spesial banget, cuman yaaa ada lah sesuatu yang membuat hari itu jadi lebih baik, jadi BAHAGIA :D

contoohhnya! hari ini, *tanggal 22 Oktober 2010*

di awali dengan pelajaran mat yaangg super duper hyper mega ultra mem - bo - san - kan. ngingetnya aja udah bikin gue badmood di pagi hari. hh pagi pagi tadi gue udah ga niat ngomong. eh ketemu monic, fanny, sorta yang lagi bikin bikin tandu. maklum yaa gue hidden-tandu-admirer hehe terus gue bikin bikin tandu kaan, berkali kali. tandu pertama :: GATOT. ga total sih, cuman gagal aja, acak acakan, asal asalan, satu kelebihan : kuat. soalnya gue puter puter talinya yang buat cincin itu sampe 5 kali huehehe emang gue anak setres tak begitu biadab jadi begitu lah. tandu sumpit kedua : lumayan OK, tapi masih di bantuin sama monicaa hehe jadi gue ulang lagi. yaaaak i'm just so curious, kayaknya gimana gitu ya anak kelas 9 kok ga bisa bikin tandu, malu dong *padahal ga ada hubungan*. tapi bener deh ini hanya masalah gengsi yang jujur gue juga gatau kenapa tapi gue merasa agak malu gitu kalo ga bisa bikin tandu. mungkin karena nyokap dan cici gue anak pmr gituu masa guenya ga bisa - gatau apa apa - tentang pmr? jadi yuk mari lah gue belajar tandu sama anak anak pmr yang sangat amat baik seperti MONICA dan SORTA :) dan pada percobaan ketiga : OUYEEEAH TANDU SUMPIT KECIL IMUT IMUTS ITU HAMPIR SEMPURNA :D DAN YAAAA AKU BEKERJA SENDIRI UHUUUY ;)

tapi tetep, gue ga banyak omong pas mat, karena yaaa gatau deh kenapa hehehee, tapi pas sejarah, i got my mood lightened up a bit. i just love it when the teacher talks and tells stories. gatau kenapa deh gue seperti tertarik gitu dengan masa lampau. gimana ya gue kan penasaran gitchu deh ya moyang gue kaya apa. kali aja gitu kan gue turunan Christoper Colombus yang nyasar ke Indonesia? who knows? ya ga ya ga? hehe. udah gitu gue pede pede gila gitu deh pas di tanya si sir sangkuh ibu kota peru apaan, gue angkat tangan terus gue bilang kan : 'lima kan sir?' eeh malah disuruh sebutin satu satu. beh pingsan gila gua, udah pengen ketawa tuuh, tapi takut di pancung pake butterfly knife. jadi tahan tahan ketawa daah huhu. udah gitu lab fisika, gue ngobrol tentang masalah ITU sama DEA CAHYA. maklum lah yaa kami berdua ini perempuan dan kami masih smp, masih remaja, dan kami berdua adalah tipe remaja labil yang rentan terhadap gosip dan menggosip jadi yaaaaa begitu dech <--- alibi gilaks hehe. terus akhirnya gue ngobrol sama semua anggota kelompok gue deeh ehehehe

terus terus udah gitu mood gue makin membaik dan membaik. apalagi pas mat terakhir terakhir. yang biasanya itu pelajaran bikin ngantuk setengah idup, tadi gue malah ketawa ketawa sama si BIANDA temen sebangku paling gahuls sedunia setata surya huehehe

hmm mungkin kalo di lambangkan dengan grafik, bentuknya bakalan jadi begini ::

Saturday, October 16, 2010

boredom effect --->

heyya :) today's saturday which supposed to be a super good day but errrr heck yeah it is not. sooo as the effect of the boredom i lived in, i did a quiz which i got from Dea cahya's facebook profile. heeere it is ::

001. Real name → nadine bieber lol *nadine ayudiani*

002. Nickname(s)→ nadine, dine, nad, ui, oy *okaay it's gettin kinda stupid.*

003. Zodiac sign → libra

004. Male or female → betweener *female*

005. Elementary → harvard elementary school a.k.a sdk penabur gs

006. Middle School → SMPK Penabur GS

007. High School → hmmmmm still confused.

008. Hair color → blonde lol black.

009. Long or short →medium

010. Loud or Quiet → can be both!

011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans

012. Phone or Camera → Phone (it must!)

013. Health freak → mmm dont think i have one

016. Eat or Drink → definitely drink!

017. Piercings → nope

018. Tattoos → not into one


019. Been in an airplane → suree

020. Been in a relationship → what if i say yes?

021. Been in a car accident → gratefully, nope.

022. Been in a fist fight → neveer, maybe someday i will :D


023. First piercing → when i was a kid

024. First best friend → tasyaa.

025. First award → 3rd place in the eloquence *how pathetic*

026. First crush → YOU <---- who reads this first, that's my first crush!

027. First pet→ FISH

028. First big vacation → bali? big is relative i suppose


029. Last person you talked to → my mommah

030. Last person you texted → zefanya the crazy batakkss *no offense*

031. Last person you watched a movie with → if the question was personS, it would be :: angel, cindy, and andrew

033. Last movie you watched → legend of the fist :: chinese geje filmmm!

034. Last song you listened to → somebody to love - @justinbieber!

035. Last thing you bought → S U S H I :D

036. Last person you hugged → my bolster. if it's counted.


037. Food → s u s h i ;D

038. Drinks → orange juice ;D

039. Clothing → T-shirt, jeans, sneakers :)

040. Flower → tulip

041. Books → novels : twilight saga ; emily the strange series ; etc.

042. Color → depends on my mood :: today? B L U E.

043. Movies → hmm all genres. but now's fave :: Nanny McPhee 1 & 2 :)

044. Subjects → maths and english :D

IN 2010..... I

045. [V] kissed someone > yeeepp :: my parents

046. [] celebrated halloween> not yet

047. [V] had your heart broken> sadly yees huhuhu

048. [V] went over the minutes on your cell phone> not in the mood for that thing :(

049. [] questioned someone's sexual orientation> i have hahha

050. [V] came out of the closet >> this is an example of a question's stupidity, pathetic.

051. [] gotten pregnant --> YES. I'M IN MY 12TH MONTH NOW.

052. [] had an abortion -> THIS YEAR'S MY THIRD ABORTION HA HA.

053. [V] done something you've regretted> as a human, i have.

054. [V] broke a promise> still as a human, i've broken something i promised.

055. [V] kept a secret> lots.

056. [V] pretended to be happy> i am pretending right now. whoops lying ;)

057. [V] met someone who changed your life > hemmm yeerp, they're my 9E mates :: NO EXCEPTIONS!

058. [] pretended to be sick> LOOL I HAVE ;) heey i'm a kid!

059. [] left the country --> uh huh.

060. [V] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it> ouyeeeeaaa ;)

061. [V] cried over the silliest thing> i cried but not for the silliest things.

062. [V] ran a mile> nopee.

063. [V] went to the beach >> noope

064. [V] got into an argument with your friends> yeerp.

065. [V] hated someone >> yeeerp, but i'm not hating anybody right now, i'm in PEACE LOL

066. [V] done something good for someone else >> i think i had :)


067. Eating → fried air.

068. Drinking → boiled air.

069. I'm about to → do something hehe

070. Listening to → the air conditioner's sound. it's kinda creepy

071. Plans for today → pray to God and Mother Mary :)

072. Waiting for→ somebody to love HAHAHAHA


073. Want kids? → sure.

074. Want to get married? → if i want to have kids, then do i want to get married? THINK.

075. Occupation→ BIO ENGINEER! fashion counsellor


076. Lips or eyes → both. i dont wanna have a boyfriend with gorgeous eyes but super huge enormous lips. errrr.

077. Shorter or taller? → taller

078. Romantic or spontaneous → spontaneous romantic.

079. Nice stomach or nice arms → nice body ;)

080. Sensitive or loud → sensitive but not over sensitive

081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship

082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hesitant trouble maker (?)


083. Lost glasses/contacts → i've only sitted on a glasses.

084. Ran away from home → not yeet, maybe someday ;)

085. Held a gun/knife for self defense → i've held a cutter for self defense.

086. Killed somebody → yees in my dreams i killed a bad guy.

088. Rejected someone's call on purpose → not yet, maybe someday when i'm older ;)

089. Cried when someone died → uh huh.


090. Yourself → i do.

091. Miracles → i really do

092. Love at first sight - man i doo!

093. Heaven → I DO.

094. Santa Claus → maybe this sounds childish but i do believe in Santa Claus as i do believe in miracles

095. Sex on the first date → hemm if i'm outside indonesia, i do believe this.

096. Kiss on the first date → kinda.


097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → yeep

098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → sort of.

099. Do you believe in God --> why wouldnt i? anyways, I DO :)

100. Post as 100 truths and tag 10 people → where should i tag when i'm posting this on blogger?

pheww that's it. wanna do this? feel free to copy ;)

Friday, October 15, 2010

yesterday was a w e s o m e lols!

heeeyyya :) kemareen gue, bianda, angel, cindy, icon, andrew caps ke sms, here the story begins erhm erhm.

Jadii, pas di sekolah itu gue udah ajak ajak semuaa orang, tp ujung ujungnya yg jadi tetep cuman berenam hhee, udah gituu pas pulang sekolah si cindy sama angel ada rapat panitia yerbuk, jadi gue bianda andrew jalan duluan ke sms, eeeh tbtb pas gue udah sampe bengkel, si icon nelpon, terus minta tungguin, yaudah kita tungguin di depan pick up wkwk, tbtb dia dateng cukucukucuk dan kami melanjutkan petualangan beberpa menit ke sms lewat jalan raya uuuuu *apabanget*. Sepanjang jalaan yg di omongin cuman yooooiiiiiiiiii meluluu, pokoknya ada masalah gt lah di skolah hhehe udah sampe sms, kan lapeer terus ke hokben deeehh, makaan terus maen timezone. Si icon maen tinju tinjuan yg dulu pernah juan ajak taroan sama gue tp gue gamau ehehe, dah gitu isi power card lg, eeeh ada abang abang lg nari nari! Gilaaaa gerakannya gahul perfek semua ckckck, udah gitu abis isi powercard maen yang hockey2an gituu, terus gue kalah sepoin sma icon huhuhuu, terus maen lagi sm andrew, tbtb cindy angel dateng, terus gue gantian sama angel hehe eeh kalah telak yaudah eheh abis itttuuuuu, kita ke food court!

Ouyyeeeaaah, beli sushi di sushibox. Yang makan awalnya cuman gue angel cindy, jadi beli seorang sepiring, udah tuuh makan, eeeh masih laper, beli lagii uuuu, 3 piring lagi ouyyeea, terus si bianda ikut makan tp cuman seiprit wkwk well i'd told em before that when i eat sushi, my barbarian personality will come out hehehe then we were sushying and being seen by the big boys haha udah gitchuuuu pulang deh gue sama cindy, angel bian juga ikut cindy, terus pas angel bian udah pulang, gue cerita cerita ngomongin apa tebaaak! Yeeeeerrrpp Y O I wkwkkwk,

eeh sampe rumah si yoi sms gua hehe yasudahlah sekalipun awlnya gue sbel sma dia tp skrg udah nggak lah jadi, masalhnya se le sai uuhhuy hhe

the point is, yesterday was awesome! I'm waiting for another sushi party with em, i think i'm a SUSHI PERSON OUYEAAAH ;)

Thursday, October 14, 2010


nothing special happened today. I just laughed a lot at school, right before, at, and after scouts extraculicullar which i hated the times before it came.

Jaaadii pas istirahat kedua itu kan gue berduaan sama angel, terus ada tere, sharon, michelle, sama echa lg nyanyi nyanyi, terus gue lupa kenapa gue sama angel ikutan nimbrung gituuu hehe terus udah tuh ketawa gila gua ama michelle ahaha terus pas pramukanya, kan latian upacara gitu lah, uda gitu gue baris di sebelah sharon sama grisela, udah gitu gua ngooobbbrrroooooooollll meluluuu! Terus ketawa ketawa jugaaa. Ehh pas pulang gua ketemu michelle, menggila lagi deeeechhh hahahaha

sampe rumah langsung turun moodnya, daan malem ini? Gue udah lumayan hepi tiba tiba ada satu orang ngerusak mood gue. Itu orang yaaaa gue ga peduli deh dia siapa juga bodo amat, keeepoooonyaaaaaa setengah sadar! Nyusahin pula kek pipis laah! Norak! Amit amiiitt amit amit iuiuiuiuiuh

but the point isss :
Anywaaaayyyyy ::


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

todaay? Err.

heeyya bloggy buds haha today's the 12th day of october and guess what? Yeerp nothing's special ha ha. Jadii hari ini gue OR daann ada sport together. Aduuh serius ya tadi pagi itu gue udah ga niat banget senam, udah gitu panaaas bgt mataharinya udah gitu yg dateng cuman dikit. Ergh sukiu. Udah gituu si babe ga pergi pergi jadi gue ga bisa ogah ogahan. Err sebenernya tadi juga udah ogah ogahan sih hehe

udah gitu selesai senam kita pada balik lg ke gedung smp terus ngadem di ruang fisika, awalnya cuman ada gue sm cindy, terus mulai masuk cewe cewe, daaan pas cindy keluar, anak anak cowo geje pada masuk terus ngerusuh deh. Udah gitu dia pada maen maen lantai yg keramiknya somplak, di lompat lompatin gituu, sumfeeh they looked like hillbillies of pgs err. Haha

udah gituuu, kita OR terus ornya senam pramuka, ouyyeeah gue ga ngafalin sm sekali, tadi gue menyandarkan diri dan bahu kepada tementemen yg ngafalin hehe, eehh udah selesai tiba tiba byk gitu yg di panggil panggilin, tapi yg di panggilin yg pada jago jago gituu, gue udah ngeri sendiri, kalo dia di panggil semua mau jd apaaa guaa? Eeh tiba tiba gue jg di panggil yasudahh deehh hehee. Udah gitu udah selesai senam gue cman dapet nilai 80. Dari yg maju, nilai gue kek paling rendah gituu, tapi gapapa lah, yg penting ga dapet 7 ihhiiy lol

udah giittuu kan selesai or ganti baju kaana, eehh dengan tililnya gue lupa bawa rompi suukkiiuuuuuuu ahh gue udah ngeri ngeri tuuh, eh pas masuk kelas mam ocha ga di apa apain cuman di tanya. Selesai mam ocha kan pel rosa tuuh, gue sibuk nyari nyari rompi, tadinya pengen pinjem ke adeknya yoi, eh ga di kasih yaudah deh pake punya miranda, busseeett kecil begeteee, anak anak kelas gue jg ga ada yg muat, yaudah deh di mines 5, err kepo memang itu si gurunya baahhlul. Yasudahlahh gapapa karna gue anak baik gue terima dgn lapang dada wkwkwkk

abis mat perpus, gue sm bianda kaya mengasingkan diri scr ga sengaja gituu, terus awalnya cuman ngbrol ngbrol berdua tp jadi berempat sama sharon cindy heehhe udah gitu mandari, errr biasa aja gue ga banyak ngomong di sini hehe

terruuusss pas pulang sekolah gue sm bianda, jm chilwin bikin pkn gitu lah, tp gue kaya ga niat gitu deeh bikinnya, jadi gue ngobrol ngobrol sama jm, sama zefanya, sama jordy, sma angel ehehe si bianda sm chilwin kerjain. Gue gatau diri? Memanngg tp mau gimana dong org guenya ga niat hehe terus gue menawarkan diri kerjain di rumah aj yaudah deh. Udah gitu gue ngbrol tuh cerita bannyyaaaakk banget. Gila dari ngomong serius, ngocol ngocolan, ngomongin nilai, smpe akhirnya gue pulang hhe

home's nothing but boredom and i dont think i need to tell ya what's going on here ;)

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Heeyya :) i was actually feeling bored when i decided to post something here hehe well idk why but i'm feeling my english's getting stupider and worse each day. No offense but i think my english was pretty good in the past few times. Errr i've been thinking to take some english courses at the eloquence yet i remembered a quite touching story of a highschool student who didnt pass his 1st year of highschool because his parents gave him waaaayy too much courses to do. And heck yeaah i dont wanna end up like him just because i'm stressed out. Agaaaiin no offense but if i dont pass my grades because of that, i'll feel sooooo silly and that may make my pretty miserable life waay more miserable.

Neeexxxtt, today's the 10th day of october the 10th month in the year of 2010, to make it short, today's 10.10.10 . I honestly had expected that there wouldnt be anything special today and ouyyeeaaahh i'm a professional sidekick as what i've said was aaallll true. Well maybe it's true for me and for the others? I dont know. Hhe, errrr my day was started with a sssssuuupppeeeerrrrr badmood. I woke up at 7.30 am and i directly went downstairs and watched some tv shows i forgot. Then a few seconds well actually minutes, errr the truth is hours later, my faaather called my name and asked me to take a bath. When i was watching the video of linkin park's the catalyst. The video was just about to end in a minute when he went downstairs and talked nonstop. Then he started to talk bout my homeworks which're supposed to be collected next thursday. And yeeeaahh that's the beginning of my bad day.

Then nothing was special until i got to church and went to sms for something to eat. Then then then! Here's the part when my day got better :) sooooo i'll talk in my mother's tongue.

Errr i really got nothing to say soooo farewell ;)

Friday, October 8, 2010


Favorite Boy

I always knew you were the best
The coolest boy I know
So cooler than all the rest
The star of my show

So many times I wished
You'd be the one for me
But never knew it'd get like this
Boy, what you do to me?

You're who i'm thinkin' of
Boy, you ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're always number one

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you boy, I want you
The one I cant live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little cool man
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the boys I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite boy
My favorite boy

You're used to goin' out your way
To impress these Mr. Wrongs
But you can be yourself with me
I'll take you as you are

I know they said believe in love
It's a dream that can't be real
So boy let's write a fairytale
And show 'em how we feel

You're who I'm thinkin' of
Boy you ain't my runner up
And no matter what
You're always number one

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you boy, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little cool man
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the boys I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite boy
My favorite boy
Baby it's you

My favorite, my favorite
My favorite, my favorite boy
My favorite boy

You take my breath away
With everything you say
I just wanna be with you
My baby, my baby, oh

My misters don't play no games
Treat you no other way
Than you deserve
'Cause you're the boy of my dreams

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you boy, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little cool man
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the boy I've ever known
It's you, it's you

My prize possession, one and only
Adore you boy, I want you
The one I can't live without
That's you, that's you

You're my special little cool man
The one that makes me crazy
Of all the boy I've ever known
It's you, it's you

You're my favorite boy
(My favorite, my favorite)
Favorite boy, favorite boy, favorite boy
(My favorite, my favorite boy, my favorite boy)

Favorite boy, favorite boy, favorite boy
(My favorite, my favorite, my favorite)
(My favorite boy, my favorite boy)
Favorite boy

adapted from @justinbieber's song, FAVORITE GIRL :))

Thursday, October 7, 2010


heyyyaaaa :)) gue baru balik character camp looh hehehe kita kita anak kelas sembilan pergi dari hari senen ampe pulang hari rabu. terus anak kelas gue itu yang ga ikut ada 3 orang ----> kenny, JM, sama chilwin. hehe si JM gaikut gara gara dia ngerjain mid kan dia belom mid. udah gitu di bus kek di omong omongin gitu beginii ::

'Nanti si JM ulangan di jagain pak Marsi sama mas manin di giniiin : 'jm kamu jangan nyontek yaaa, kalo nyontek tak chubhit lochh ihihi' dan GUE NGAKKAAAAAAAKK TO THE MAX hahahaha

terus hasil character camp kaki gue bengkak bengkak gitu dehhh ehhehehe
err sorry but i'm too lazy to write nih, kapan kapan aja ah ahhaha

anywayssss gue ultah looooh! hhahahahaha

Saturday, October 2, 2010


heeyy :) haha i was soooo bored when i came across this photo!

guess who that is! lol

hey dedekk i'm sorry yaaaa ;)