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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

pengamatan selama 1 minggu (ato lebih gw ga tau hehee)

huah! akhirnya mid selesai juga :)) well, nilai gw gimana yaa, yg memuaskan sejauh ini cuma mandarinn ==a jujurr, sakit ati juga sih gw byk banget nilai gw yg paling bontot dari gw, elisha, angela, en ivanna. tapi mau gimana lagi hiks hiks hiks hahaha

naahh, skarang gw mau me review cerita selama mid, check this out xP

hari pertama mid (gw lupa hari apa hehehe ^^V)

mid mandarinn ::

~ mnurut gw, gw hoki karenaa mid pertama adalah mandarin yang menurut gw ga terlalu bikin pusing sehingga gw males blajar dan malah mencoret coret bag blakang buku mandarin gw yang serupa dengan binder cacat hahaha
and guess what? for my laziness i got 97.5 for reading and 100 for writing :))

hari dua midd ::

~ mid mat ::
zzz arrgghh mid nya bikin pusing. bayangin ajaa, gw ga bisa 8 nomor dan smua nomor itu bertema ALGEBRAIC FRACTION. ancoll abis (copying from elisha xP). gw ga ngerti apa ituu trus pas otak gw udah jalan, teng teng teng teng teng bel yg bunyinya super aneh BERBUNYI DAN LEMBAR LJK SUDAH HARUS DI KUMPULKAN, yayy =='
nahh tapii gw dapet hasil yg lumayan 78. seenggaknya ga merah laah yaa hahaha

~ mid pkn ::
weww ini mid yang sngguh memutar otak karenaa byk banget soal yg jwbnnya harus ngecapp hahaha klo ginian mah gw jagonya (ciaelaah tautau dapet jelek aja mposs). yahh gw lumayan bisa lah paling pasal2 yg gw lupa doang yg gw ga bisa haha. enn, tmen gw minta contekann. gilaa sblomny gw takut tapi yasudahlah gw blg aja ga tau karena kebetulan dy nanya nomor tentang pasal2 yg menggila di krtas soal gw TT

hari tigaa ::

~ b. inggriss
hadu hadu ini sih gampangg hahaha belaguu ia gw. tapi serius ini gampang n gw yakin gw ga mungkin dapet di bawah 8. klo smpe gw dapet di bwh 8 mah scannernya yg bloon hahaha

~ komputerr
gw cuma dapet 74 bayangkaann gw emg ada yg ga bisa tapi ga mungkin gw cuma dapet segituu. sakit ati gw benerann byk bnget nilain tujuuhh TT

harii sabtu n minggu ::

~honestly there is nothing special during these two days. just an ordinary day filled with laughter and joyy hahahaha

harii empad midd ::

~biologyy ::
really, i love this kind of subject. tapi gw ga demen masalah tentang tumbuhann karna jujur gw ga mau jadi botanist. karena bau tanahh hahahaha well, ini satu satunya harapan gw :) gw harus dapet bagus di sinii atau , i am so dead xP

harii limaa ::
~ fisikaa ::
gw benci fisika. gw merasa bisa tapi kenapa gw cuma dapet segini. segini yang di maksud adalah 68 hhhhh shttt kurang i yahh bodo ahh xD tapi mo gimana lagi. mana bisa protes orang guru pgs pada ngotot. 'salah kamu dong nge buletinnnya ga bener' kadang pengen gw toyorrr pengen gw banting scannernya. tapi gimana yah gw blm pernah liat scanner bulet2 jadi klo gede gw ga bisa banting kan berat heheeehe

hari enamm ::

~ bahasa indonesia ::
nothin special. bahasa indonesia mah formatnya gitu gitu aja sama kaya inggris jadi males gw ngomonginnnya hahehahehaheha oia di nomor 36 ada nama bapak gw terpampang dengan sangat jelas dan hal ini menyebabkan gw di katain . begini lah dimulainya masa2 tersebutt ::
'oi nadin di nomor 36 ada nama sapa tuuh?'
'nama bapak gw ! puas loo?'
'nek didi minta makan ya, HAHAHAHAH'
dan satu kelas pun tertawa namun tidak termasuk anak2 kls 7 yang ikut bergabung di ruangan ituu..

~ ipss ::
jahh ini mah ga penting hahaha gw bdo amat deh mo dapet bagus ke jelek ke. orang gw ga peduli juga see hahahaha

kamiiss ::

aduuh gw seneng banget hari inii. ada pelajaran tapi cuma ngobrooll pulangnya ke sms nonton final destination, felem menjijikan yg mengeluarkan seluruh isi perut seseorang bayangin aja lo klo gw nonton 3d. untung uda ga ada hahaha
pulangnya gw ketemu sama ... eh pas dy ngomong ngeliatnya k gw bkn k angel ahahahaii senangnyaa. apalagi pas angel cerita mimpinya aduh gw seneng banget dahh hahaha tapi kemudian dy pulang dan semua pulang gw sendirian hahaha

its today ::
i'm all alone. listening to everything i can listen and writing this blogg :))

udah ahh cape gw hahaha
nadine :))

Friday, September 4, 2009

complicated love story of a girl :)

well, i've got a crush on him since i knew that i'm sitting in the same class with him. i had a friend who liked or maybe loved you when she was in seventh grade. when i asked her whether she still liked you or not, she said 'no, he's just a past time'. but a few days later, she told me that she likes you! suddenly, i felt a pang TT

honestly, it hurts me when she called your name, even it's only once, and when she acted like YOU like her. it made me feel so angry. but i know what would she did if she knew that i like you too. she'll do everything that makes you hated me or i hated you. so i decided to keep my mouth shut. and like i've told you up there, it hurts. and it felt like i WISH YOU CAN FEEL THE SAME PAIN AS I DO. all i can do is hiding under my feelings and pains. waiting dor you to see me and feel the same thing as my feelings.

for once more, she talked to me. and first she asked me unimportant things but really, i know what was she really wanted to talk about, YOU. told me about you, told me that you seemed like her. and that time, all i can do is keeping my mouth shut and gave a fake smile to her so she would be like a royal princess. but what was in my heart? PAIN. i don't know why i was so jealous seeing you and her texting everyday. and also, i don't know whether it is true love or just a monkey love.

i know you don't like me, and i can deserve it because i know i have no abilities. you can love anyone and not me. i'll be okay. but please, not her! she's just a mommy-kid. and fyi, she's a B**C*!

next day, as usual, felt a pain. pain is just what i ate everyday. why do you never look at me? why do you respond everything she does? it's not important. i know that i'm the only one who was jealous. i KNOW! but would you like to do the same thing you did to me to her? you can't, can you? why? i don't know and really I CARE.

well, you don't text me, you don't talk to me, what happened? have you found your love? little part of my heart is glad if that is true. but another part is hurt. and believe me, the pain kills my whole body until i think i need a painkiller. but i know that nothing could cure this such of illness. All i can do is hoping for your happiness with that somebody. wish you good luck :)

if i am brave enough, i will ask you the most annoying question that kept spinning around in my brain, DO YOU LOVE ME? hope you know my "most wanted" answer. i want you to say, YES I DO. but i realize that it is only my imagination. and i know that i'm nothing, i'm just nobody. but please.. wake up from your long sleep, please, i'm begging you. from my entire life, i've never have this kind of love. but i can't say that this is a love story. why? cause you don't respond my feelings..

if you see this posting you probably think that i am aggressive. but this is me.


xoxo, girl a.k.a NADINE xP