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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

tron : everything :)

haihaihaihaihai..... hai :) maklum ya anak kepo ya begini kerjaannya. haha padahal kepo artinya ga ada kerjaan. ckck. sudahlah lanjutzz. so! today was the day when i went to SMS with angela, dubai (her real name's actually vanessa but since she's gone to Dubai, *yes UEA's one and only DUBAI* we call her Di Yu Bi Ei Ai aka DUBAI), and andrew w. the plan was to watch Tron legacy and we did. but some things went just unexpectedly like the three of us (the girls) bought a ticket for andrew then he bought one more for himself cos i forgot to tell him i bought him one. yikes. :/.

anywaaaaaay the movie was AWESOME. too bad i didnt watch it from the very beginning :(. so the story was about pair of father and son which were separated. the papih was trapped in a game he made himself called the Grid and he's got an enemy, Clu, which was his creation that looked exactly like him. sooooo the son grew up and he became a very very attractive young man. *this is just my opinion, and it's not written in the script HAHA* then he had also gotten to the game by a ummmm kind of riddiculous way, he was CAPTURED by some kind of camera? yeaa there was a light and then he went into the game and caught and considered as a program while he's actually not one. then blablabla in the end, his father died. now here's the time to think : WHAT THE F?

now let's take the good thing and it is :: HOW HANDSOME THE ACTOR ISSSSSSS!! HAHAHAHA

sudahlah ya aku capek ngomongin cowo cakep terus. abis ga kenal sih ya sama si Sam Flynn hahahahha ohiya itu bukan nama artisnya ya itu nama dia di felem ehhehee.

aaah here's the end of my post. i've got nothing else i need to write sawreehhh so TTFN :*

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