hello hello hai hai :) i'm in the middle of my boring holeedae. -_- dont know when will the boredom end but since it hasnt ended, let's take the time and talk bout guys :D
sooooo i've got couple of guys that're pretty interesting like Garrett Hedlund, Eric Bana, JACK BLACK, and the Phillipines National Soccer Team especially its captain, Alexander
Borromeo, Brian McFadden, Lee Knaz of Masterchef, and so many more. haha
but i dont think i'm gonna talk a lot about them, i prefer to show you their pics hehehe i am
MY HANDS are too lazy to type haha sooooo here we go ::Garrett Hedlund
yess he's the Flynn kid in Tron. and guess whaaat! he's also taking part in Troy! he's the dead cousin of achilles, Patroclus :) aaawww the eyes!!!

ERIC BANA of Troy.
here's the Prince Charming SUPER Charming of Troy. but but but, he's taken! by the lady next to her -______- screw you TANTE!
Mr. Black, Jack.
hahaa he's no handsome. but he's funny. hahaha he is totally hilarious. need proof? watch Gulliver's Travel!

Borromeo's on the left and he's standing. nowwww not all of the players are cool. so let's eliminate and forget the number 23, 1, 2 and the persons at the front next to the number 27 and 10. haha
Lee Knaz :)
aaaaaaah too bad he didnt win the Masterchef title :(
Bryan McFadden
3 words, I. Love. Him.
Mark Salling
this is what i call a cool nerd hahaa
Tom Cruise
ganteng yah? padahal udah beranak loooh hhaha

Fernando Torres
loooooh kok cakeeeeep perasaan dulu nggak deeh hahaha
hmmmm udah dulu ah ya gue capek wahahaha for more cool guys, think of them yourselves then search for their pics at google. guess you all have known that thing unless, you're ...... dumb. haha
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