heyyaaa ;) this week was a damn fun week. my school was having a festival called GSF. we only learnt 4 hours of studying then we've got free time. well that wasnt such a free time as we had to get into some workshops. but who cares about the workshops, all i care about was the pictures taken while the teachers weren't there for teaching :)
so here comes the story ::
jadii, si ivanna sama bianda bawa slr gitu deh ke skolah, udah gitu kita foto foto. pas pertama kali foto foto itu pake hapenya sharon pas mandarin hehe. tapi yang foto awalnya cuman dikit gitu, tapi akhirnya hampir semua ikut. terus di upload deh sama ivanna ke fb haha. udah gitu hari kedua baru kan mereka bawa slr. udah gitu gue pake pake kamera iv kan, kalo bianda sih gue ga gitu sering make abis dia felit jarang kasih kasih pinjem hehehehee udah gitu gue foto fotoin orang, dan gue ga banyak foto, karna ya begitulah gue ga fotogenikk ;)
udah gitu kan si sharon sama icon lagi kaya di ejek ejekin gitu kan, terus kita suruh mereka foto fotoo, sampe banyak bangeeeet! udah gitu di jadiin satu album di fb. eh ketawan sama guru guru terus di print dan akhirnya di apus deh itu album -____-". padahal kita cuman bikin itu cuman buat seneng seneng aja. eh malah kita di bilang konyol, kurang ngajar, dsb dsb ckck.. yasudahllah
and those photos we took made me love my class more and more and more and moreeeeeee :))) this class ROCKS :) the only one that makes our class less attractive is the ... <--- you tebak lah itu who! i udah hate him! -3-
hem ini yaa ku berikan foto foto yang di jefreeetth ;)

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