mmm i don't know what should i say about the match since i didn't watch it because of my sleepy eyes. well then, let's talk about the players, gorgeous players i mean :P
1.) GERARD PIQUE ! i LOVE him! mukanya cowo bangett yaaaaaa, keren mainnyaa, aduuhh gila demen gue. from his face i think he's a kind of gentleman. but idk haha. gue demen banget ama pique! sayang uda tua banget. well tua buat gue, gue 14 dia 23 eerrrrrr he's such a very handsome old man eh? coba gue lagi ol omegle tiba tiba gue chat sama pique wuidiwwww wkwkkw
2.) DAVID VILLA ! aaduuuuhhh yang ini juga ganteng. di link yang gue browsing si bilang dia di taronya di depan! cakep sihh mukanya gimannaa gitu, keliatannya lebih muda dari pique. ternyata lahirnya taon 1981 tapi bulan desember sih tanggal 3. jadi sekarng masi 28 taon but this year, he's turning 29. annjeng lebi tua lagi. err tapi CAKHEP. hhh spanyol emang yaaa perfect. uda jago smua, yaa ga semua sih yang "menonjol", terus cakep cakep lagi. when i grow up, i'll marry a spanish man, i wish that's my destiny. lol
3.) CESC FABREGAS ! he's gorgeous he's stunning he's handsome he's cute his face's PERFECTO. ahahhaa he plays for arsenal and i think he's pretty cool while handling the ball and his shoot's are good. yet, he's 23, same age as pique eh? hahhaha but there's not too much comments for fabregas sorry hahhaa
4.) FERNANDO TORRES ! yyyiihha! ini cowo, uda main di negara calon suami gue (?), maen juga di klubnya ngko gue si steven gerrard yakknii LIVERPOOL woohoo! well honestly, i don't think torres's handsome but i admit, he's pretty. hhaha gue ga gitu demen ngeliat mukanya lama lama, tapi gue demen ngeliat kakinya pas ada bola, pas kakinya nendang. annjrit. that's the one word i wanna say. hahhaa, btw, he's 26 -____-
5.) XABI ALONSO ! ouu yeeaaa, kalo gue ga salah, dia pernah maen di liverpool yaaa? terus pindah ke madrid hehe, ini orang juga jago lohhh haaha, terus dia juga cakeeep dehh :))) yaaa yang gue kasi tau lu lu semua ini juga cakep cakep keanyaa hahaa selera gue ya tapi ini :) sayang dia uda tua uda 28 :(
mm enam aja yaa sebenernya mau semua sih, tapi males ngetiknynaaa hehee
then now's the time for their pictoo ;p
this is what i call a MAN! here comes PIQUEEEEE ♥

this's villa :) i think he's kinda look like james mcavoy, and both of them are handsome ;)
wuuo gayanyaa demen gueee :) siapa diaa? yeea he's fabregas (y)
he's torres with the "PAHLAWAN BERTOPENG" style :P
wuuuuoooo KEREENNYAAAAA awawawawawaw alloonnssoo :D:D:D
and that's all :D
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