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Friday, July 30, 2010


heyya blooooogggerrsss! first of all, HAPPY SATURDAY :))

hari ini gue bangun siang. well sebenernya uda bangun dari jam 8 sih, tapi mata gue masi ngantuk gitu dehh, jadi dari pada bertemu dengan keluarga dengan kondisi seperti orang mabok, jadi mending tidur lagi, betuuul? BETTUUL! hehehee terus jam setengah sepuluhan gue bangun lagi , tapi abis itu gue tidur lagi ampe jm setengah 11 dan akhirnya aku bangun dari mimpi yang sepertinya indah karena gue udah lupa gue mimpi apaan hehe, yg gue inget itu cuman paradoxnya ya kalo ga salah namanya heheh itu juga gue dapet dari film inception. dan kata itu di ucapkan oleh ARTHUR *sengaja di bold biar kalo cindy liat kejang kejang <-- lebaiii hahaha*

terus pas gue mau keluar untuk mandi, tiba tiba kkkrriiekk, bunyi pintu, ada abang abang nungging. beh ga jadi keluar deh gue berhubung gue berpakaian layaknya gembel ehehe terus gue tidur tiduran lagi, terus main hape. nah kalo udah terjadi kontak fisik antara saya dan handphone saya, pasti saya melek to the poll! hehhe terus gue tungguin agak lama, sampe gue mendengar langkah kaki turun ke bawah. tetapi, demi keselamatan jiwa dan raga gue masi di kamar sampe gue denger langkah kaki naek dan teriakan mbak gue pada anaknya, dan aku pun keluar dari liang ku :P

iyep terus gue ke bawah nonton MAID SAMA! gue demen banget ya ceritanya, apalagi ama si cowonya si Usui. iihh cakeeeppp :))))) gue nonton 2 episode terus abis gue ganti ke V channel ada playlist dari orang indo gitu deh, lagunya ga begitu baru tapi favorit gue semua :) terus gue naik deh ke atas setelah sadar gue belom mandi hehe, terus gue mandi bebek takut aer lalu aku berakhir di sini di depan laptop menulis kisah ku yang cuman sepotong :))

questionn :

how is your saturday morning? hahhaha

haven't been titled yet.

well well well. all i wanna say is, i think i dislike some friends of mine. and my friends are shes. why do i dislike them? well the reasons are the same. so maybe i'm gonna use the word "she" for every reasons.

1. she always be an excessive girl. for example : when she lost something, she'll shout sssooo loudly yet, she's smiling. isn't it crazy? well i think so.

2. she acts the way she wants without thinking of others. i admit i sometimes do this thing too. but honestly, i feel something like guilty after that even i don't say sorry. but i don't really think she even use her head which is filled by brain to think of this. okay i have no right to judge her but this is what i think.

3. she's blabber mouthed. yyeeepp. i have no doubt when i was typing this one reason.

4. she says she's being copied in the same time she copied others. hey! you called others copycats then what do you call yourself? once again, i admit i sometimes copy other people but i often make a ** sign and write down their names. but you? have you ever done that? i dont really think so.

5. she bullshits. yyerp. once, she said she hate this one, then the next day, they're hugging each others like lesbians. then after that, she comes to me, then she leave me. hey dude, i'm human just like you. i bet you don't like being left right? so mind your acts.

6. she acts like she's cool. oh please, there are a lot more better girls than you.

7. she's a hypocrite. i think you know what it is and what do hypocrites do, so i won't talk bout that again cos what you're thinking will be the same thing i'm thinking.

8. she "eats" her own friend in this case ME.


don't ask me who they are cos i won't tell you. and if you ask me, i'd lie and believe me, i'm a pretty good liar. and i don't want to be it. so please don't make me lie cos i lie too much.

the thief lord :likelikelike:

heyya :) siapa yang suka baca novel? ACUNGKAN TANGAN! *baca dengan nada yang sering di ucapin sama sir han yaa :P* dan apa yang terjadi? gue ngacung. yeep gue suka baca novel. tapi gue bacanya masih lelet -___- btwbtwbtw, talking about novels, i've just read The Thief Lord by Cornelia Funke, and and and it was amazing!

jadi ceritanya tentang 2 ngko ade sama temen temennya gitu. nah mereka ini ga punya rumah. si ngko dan si ade namanya Prosper (kakaknya) dan Bo (adiknya). jadi mereka ini mamanya udah meninggal terus ada cicinya mamanya di panggilnya bibi esther pengen ngadopsi si Bo, tapi ga mau ngambil si prosper juga. tetapi! mereka berdua itu pengennya berduaaaaa terus. dan dan dan mereka benci banget banget banget sama si esther. jadinya mereka kabur. nah mereka kabur ke Venezia. anjiiirr yaa di bukunya tuh di bilang gitu kalo di sana itu keren, terus kotanya cantik. keren gitu deh, di bilang juga ada byk patung patung gitu. dan asal lu tau aja yaa, patungnya bukan kea patung pancoran ato patung seksi kaya di jakarta! tetapi! patung SINGA BERSAYAP booo, terus ada juga patung malaikat. dan lain lain! buset deh idaman guee :))))))

nah si prosper ama bo ini lagi kedinginan pas di temuin sama anak cewe yang di panggilnya Tawon, terus si tawon ini nge bawa mereka ke tempat persembunyian dia gitu. tebak mereka sembunyinya dimana! alah peduli amat ama tebakan lu pada hehe mereka tinggal di bioskop yang uda lama banget ga di pake namanya Stella. si tawon ini tinggal sama 2 temennya, Mosca sama Riccio. terus ada prosper ama bo mereka jadi berlima. hehe tetapi, mereka ini kea suka nyipet gitu. dan mereka ini ceritanya di asuh sama satu anak gitu namanya Scipio, yang di panggil Pangeran Pencuri ato inggrisnya The Thief Lord. hehe, nah si scipio ini juga kea songong songong gitu gayanya tapi keren keren gimanaaa gitu hahah fyi, gue berimajinasi kalo setiap baca buku, jadi gatau deh sama apa nggak yang di otak gue sama yg di otaknya si tante funke :P

kenapa si scipio di bilang pangeran pencuri? karena.... yak, dia jago mencipet. hehhe dia ceritanya pernah nyuri di tempat orang kaya gitu yg rumahnya aja uda pake "Palazzo" yg asumsi gue mungkin artinya istana dari kata "palace" hehehe terus suatu hari itu dia kaya di kasih tugas gitu sama orang yang di panggilnya Conte, dia di suruh nyuri gitu deh hhe. eh pokonya cerita cerita cerita, suatu waktu , dia ketawan gitu sama detektif yng di suruh tantenya bo sama prosper nyari mereka ber2, kalo si scipio itu orang kaya! di aduin lah dia ke temen temennya. terus mereka berantem gitu deh.

dan pada akhirnya, si scipio ama temen temennya berhasil dapet barang yang di suruh di curi yakni sebuah sayapp wuisssh hehehe sayapnya itu dari patung singa yang ada di komidi puter di panti asuhan suster puteri kasih namanya hehe, itu komidi puter bisa bikin orang gede jadi anak kecil lagi, sama dari anak kecil jadi orang gede.. si scipio kan ngerasa dia ga di sayang sama bapaknya, jadi dia pengen jadi orang gede. dan jadilah dia orang dewasa pada akhirnya :) hehe

gue suka banget ceritanya. gue jg udah nonton felemnya. gue udah baca novelnya 2 kali, dan aku jatuh cinta pada venezia :))) tapi, tetep dong nomor satu PERANCEEEEIISS :D jadi! kesimpulannyaaaa ::

when i grow up, i will travel around Europe, but my last destinations will be Paris and Venezia :) but maybe in the process of growing up, i will fall in love with other countries, well, we'll see :))

Wednesday, July 28, 2010



Saturday, July 24, 2010

Mood of the day : super TERRIBLE.

Intinyaaaaaa, hari ini gue BETE. Bete berat fyi. Gila yaaa pagi pagi gue ngantuk ngantuk dibangunin. Cuman gara gara apaaa? 'KATA MAMA INDI MAU KE SMS, CEPET BANGUN' plis ya mbak, jam segitu juga sms belom buka kali nyantai napa! Udah akhirnya gue tidur lagi, eh emg dasar anak kepo, gue di bangunin lagi sekarang sm adek gue. Jujur ya gue sebel banget ama nih anak. Gayanya sok kaya nci gue. Ci egi aja ga ampe segitunya kalo bawel dia? Gaya ngebos idih, nyantai kaleee. Yaudah gue merem aja. Bukannya gara gara gue pengen tidur lagi, tapi sengaja bikin dia kesel. Siapa suruh pagi pagi ngesok. Eh eeknya, dia bilang ke nyokap gue, di telpon deh gue. Gue diemin aje peduli amat.

Akhirnya gue bangun, terus gue ke bawah, nonton bentar, tba tiba nyokap gue nelpon. Suer gue males banget. Kalo ga di bilang mau nonton juga ga bakalan gue ikut. Mending gue maen inet di rumah. Yaudah gue ikut. Lu tau gaa! Uda nyampe sekolah, malah di suruh nunggu temennya lagi. Gila tau diri bangeeet zzz. Yauda gue udah bete bete gitu gue suru jln duluan aje.

Nyampe di sms, lgsung ke pizza. Dih dih dih masi kosong gitu -________- udah gitu ade gue ama temennya keluar gue di suruh jagain bangku. Apa apaan lu woy! Yaudah gue maenin aja hape nyokap gue, peduli amat. Temen temennya dateng gue pindah tempat. Siapa jga yang mau maen ama bocahh z. Udah kan abis itu gue makan, pokoknya gue cuman dieeeeemmm aja. Gue udah males ngomong. Peduli amat deh yaaaaaa. Udah gitu tiba tiba ade gue bilang mau keluar dulu ama temennya. Otomatis, gue sm nyokap gue jadi susternya temenn temen dia yg masi duduk manis. Ga juga sih. Tapi gue gatau ya ini emng gara gara anak sd jaman sekarang pada gatau diri ato gimana, semua pada keluar dan ga ngomong apa apa sm nyokap gue, yaaa beberapa ngomong sih, tapi ada yg gatau diri. Pas itu, gue mkin gedek sm ade gue.

Udah akhirnya gue sm nyokap nyusulin ade gue kan ke fuji. Dia lg di situ. Eh ada temennya yg pake baju item tuh yg gatau diri. Di panggil ga nyaut, ga nengok. Amit amit. Yaudah gue ama nyokap gue ke atas beli tiket. Terus gue ntn inception. Pas ntn gue rada ngantuk soalnya filmnya bikin mikirrr beuh untung yg maen si di caprio, jd ada hiburan sedikit hahaha. Keren tuh felm, tembak tembakan gitu mantaaff. Setelah itu nungguin adek gue. Gue makan hokben. Makksa nyokap dulu haha udah selesai makan, ke timezone soalnya ade gue di situ. Terus dy blg jem 4, zzet.

Yaudah kan gue sm nyokap ke bawah. Tau gak ngapain? Yaakk, ngiter kea anak tilil. Di telponin ga diangkat sm ade gue, gila maunya apa nih anak! Akhrnya di angkat keputus zz di tungguin lammmaaaa banget zz terus gue ke downtown udah mood gue bener bener jongkok sejongkok jongkoknya. Nyokap gue ke apaw makan. Terus ade gue dateng. Beneran deh pas dia dateng uda pengen gue gamppaar!

Terus ga lama pulang. Di jalan, supir gue kaya tolol gitu, uda liat ada motor kenceng mau nikung, dia ngebut lurus. Itu motor ampir ketabrak dia klakson kan. Nyokap gue bilang 'mas sih uda tau dia mau nikung masi ngebutaja' lu tau dia ngomong apa? 'motorrnya tuh yg salah bukan sya'. Nih ya om, kalo salah ngaku! Lagian ga sok pro banget sih ngebut ngebut, ngebut tiga detik ngerem aja bangga cih

Uda gitu pulang. Di rumah gue tidur kan, dateng bokap gue pas gue baru tidur 5 menit. Apakah yang dia lakukan? Ngomong. Biikin berisik. Terus dia mandi rada lama gue tdur. Dia balik ,gue bangun. Cih. Gue pindah ke kamar gue kan. Tidur belom pules di bangunin. Gue bilang lah gue capek. Eh dia bilang 'cepet bangun ini kan acara ade kamu' plis ya woy acara ade gue kenapa jd gue yg di bawa bawa? Makan makan 3 kali ga cukup apa. Perasaan pas gue yg ultah dulu ga sampe segitu bgt ddeh. Ga makan makan malah cuih.

Akhirnya di sinilah gue, di mobil. Udah ga niat ngapa ngapain.
Hmmmmm :
1. Merasa tidak di perhatikan
2. Sedikit iri
3. Pengen nonjok orang
4. Pengen marah marah

Menurut gue :
Family's maybe important but family's the most professional mood breaker. In this case, my mom, dad, and my sister. Right now i'm hating them

Friday, July 23, 2010

avatar !

heyya :) kali ini cuman mau ngepost hhmm berapa kata yaaa tunggu tunggu di ketik dulu!


berapa kata tuh? sebenernya sih kalo dari postnya banyak yaa, tapi intinya cuman 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 kata! yeeerrp delapan!

gue ngidam boouuk. sayang yang jadi zuko si indihey jadi kurang gregetnyaa argh cupu lah ni sutradara produser dan tukang casting! benga lu semua *lEBAYY*

Monday, July 19, 2010

Posted via my sista's new cellp (y) or (n) ?

Heyyaaaaa bloggies :) hehe kemaren gue ke sms, makan takigawa :) pertama tamanya gue mesen chicken katsu kan, ehhh lamaaaaaa banget ga dateng dateng, terus gue tanya ke mas masnya, pertama di bilang katanya lagi di bikin, terus di tanya lg, katanya bentar di cek dulu, ketiga kali, lu tau dia bilang apa? 'Kayanya di pesenannya ga ada chicken katsu deh bu' kan dia ngomong ke nyokap gue. terus,,,,,
Nyokap : 'masa sih mas? Tadi udah di pesen kok'
mas : iya bu gak ada, jadi gimana bu? Mau order lgi?
Nyokap : iyalah mas pake nanya lagi. tempura aja lah mas gak usah chicken katsu! Kelamaan!
Mas : iya bu, bentar ya..
Nyokap : iya, gak pake lama ya mas!

Beberapa lama kemudian itu makanan kaga dateng jugeeee, akhirnya di tanya lg sma nyokap, katanya lagi di bikin, oiya, pas nunggu, kan bokap sama ade gue jalan jalan kan, sekitar mmm 15 menitan dia balik gue ms belom makan, langsung di cancel.

akhirnya gue makan solaria enak :P terus pas gue makan, yang Di meja depan gue ada cowo cakep 2 behh semangat makan gue ahahaayyy eh ga lama dia pergi seliweran cowo cakep wkkkw

Abis makan gue beli breadtalk ketemu koko koko di gereja gue yg cakep, tapi gue gatau namanya, kalo nebak sih menurut gue namanya calvin, gatau kenapa itu hhehee keanya si anak kuliahan gitu dehhh heheh cakep bhhuuangets huahhahaah

Terus ade gue ke nokia, ternyata dia di belliin hape terus gara gara ngurusinnya lama gue ga jadi ke ibox, shyiieettts >:( dan sekarang hape e63 ada di genggaman gue hhahhhaayyy maaf dik , aku nyolong start lol :P

Saturday, July 17, 2010

once more : GORGEOUS BOYS (!)

hheyy YOU! yes you reader! hhaha well welcome to my blog ! haha well actually, i ran out of topic right now, but as a not-so-creative girl, something came across my mind, wanna know what it is? you'll see ! hha

ternyata oh ternyata pikiran itu adalah. beh ARTIS CAKEP wkwkwk tapi yang kali ini dari kkkhorea :))) hahha hemmm hemm hmem emang yaa cowok korea itu cantik cantik haha tapi ada dong yang menurut gue cowo GANTENG bukan cantik. mereka adaaalllah!

1. LEE MIN HO! tau lah dia yang maen gu jun pyo di bbf haha, ini juga ganteng, skalipun belagu belagu gitu di bbf, tapi keren gayanya cool aduh gilaa, lagitu saking gilanya gue sama lee min ho, si juan ampe gue bilang mirip dia terus gue jd suka ngeliatin mukanya si juan nyahahha sayang banget, idungnya palsu ==" tapi tetep lah ginting :P

2. CHOI SI WON! kyyaaaaaaaa gantanggsss hahaha nyanyi di suju or what we recognize as SUPER JUNIOR hahaha gue demen banget ngeliatinnyaaa, beeeehh STUNNING. haha

3. Kim Joon heheh kalo yang ini sih gw demen aja gitu ngeliatinnya, apalagi kalo senyum, kayanyaa giimmmaannaaaaaaa gituu hahhaha

yaaa yang gue suka cuman yang seputar bbf ajaa soalnya pengetahuan gue tentang anak korea sempit sekalii hiahaha

and now's the time to see their facesss :))

he's my numbaahh oonneee :)))) lee min ho !!!!

yang di atas ini namanya si won :) keyen kann hahha

Kim Joon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

school school school.

hey ah :P seperti yang lu semua ketahui, gue uda sekolah. weeeewwiwewi SHIEEEYYTT. yep. mungkin kau kau kau kau kau semua benci liburan, tetapi aku berbeda. ouyeea i dont hate holidays. well i hate it when i miss my friends but when i'm not missing them, i do L. O. V. E. holiday. even holiday's a girl or a boy. sekarang buat gue libur cuman 3 hari. yahitu JUMAT, SABTU MINGGU. kenapa jumat ikutan padahal jumat masi sekolah? karena! 1. jumat pake batik dan batiknya bebas, uda kaya ke mol aja gue pake batik hehe, 2. karena besoknya SABTU! ke 3. karena jumat pelajarannya ga berat! 4. udah abis hehee.

next i will tolk tolk tolk tolk tolk about what the teachers have told told told told told moi. ayo tebak tebak tebak tebak! *gue lagi pengen ngikutin lagu apatuh yang ada bertubi tubi tubi tubi .... tubi ..* hehhee lu yang nebak kata TUGAS ato PROJEK ato PE ER dapet nilai SERIBU! hheee gila kannn masa gue baru seminggu sekolah uda di suru bikin kelompok, ada proyek apalah itu. mau tau pr apa aja? sip, karena gue baik lu mau ato ga mau gue kasih tau.

1. BIOLOGI --> di surruh berkecambah bah bah. jadi, kita di suru nanem jagung sama kacang merah di atas kertas daur ulang. terus bikin tabel 8 biji tentang perkembangan si akar dan si batang dari si jagung dan si kacang merah selama satu bulan. kaya ngamatin perkembangan anak ae dah. -_____- itu di suruh kelompok, dan kelompok gue, si cewek satu ini ah pasti lu bisa menebak, yiiakk teman super duper super duper baikku, BIANDAAAA :) dan yang lain : oji, evan, zefanya, dan si seksi repot CHILWIN hehehehee asik kan kelompok gue? yadonggg ga serius serius amat tapi pasti beres! haha

2. BAHASA INDONESIA -___- ini di suruh bikin presentasi. kelompok gue? berdua doang dengan siapa ahhaiyyo? yyyiioii BIANDA LAGI ! haha tema gue apa tebak? super duper hyper gampang, yakni drama. begh aku anak drama, kelas delapan aku main drama, dan catetanku ada tentang drama hehee seru deh haha, tapi pas itu di bilangin kan sama sirnya yang ngomong cuman satu orang, terus yang dapet nilai si presentatornya, eh si bianda langsung ngomong 'gue yang ngomong ya nad' mmm gue langsung ngomong lah 'ganti gantian aja' gitu. kenapa? jujur, gue mikirnya si bianda kalo ngomong gitu keanya gatau diri gitu mau menang sendiri, tapi karena gue orangnya ga enakan dan menurut gue, pas gue tua nanti gue bakal mati gara gara itu. sakit ga enakan hehe sial kan jadi gue? bagi orang yang seperti gue, WE'RE GONNA BE SUPER BEST FRIENDS :') hahhaa iya langsung deh pas bi itu gue kesel kesel gitu ama si bianda ahaha tapi karena gue anaknya super aktif *gak sampe hiper!* haha pas selesai bahas itu presentasi juga gue udahan keselnya hahaa,

3. INGGRIS! yang ini juga tugas kelompok bikin mading hehe kelompok gue? BIANDA lagi ngelesbi gue ama dia wkwkkw, CINDY, IVANNA, sama SHARON ! yyyiiehaa kelompok gue asik beengattttss hahha uda gitu pada jago bikin mading lagi hahhaa, tapi ini belom di kasi tau temanya apa, malah kemaren itu di suruh bikin 20 pertanyaan terus nanti di tanya tanyain. pas bikin pertanyaannya itu, gue sma kelompok gue ada ngegosip, terus ketawa tawa gitu kan. uda pas mau di kumpul, kelabakan wkwkkw uda gitu kelompok gue dapet kelompoknya dea cahya. susah banget, pertanyaannya kea sok pinter gitu, uda deh gue ama kelompok gue langsung sebel sebel gitu ngatain mereka. nih yaa lu bayangin aja! tempat terdalam di bumi lah, aer terjun tertinggi lah, planet yg mataharinya terbit di barat lah. GILA AJA LU GUE BARU KELAS 9 SEMINGGU MEN, BELOM TUAAAAA. sikeeeee pas itu udah tuh gue mikirnya begene 'mentang mentang lu pada pinter bikin pertanyaan sok pinter. zzz' gitu tapi udahannya, udah biasa lagi deh hiahaha

4. IPS - SEJARAH - dddhhuoooweeennngggggggg peyang pala gue yang ini di suruh bikin presentasi, siauuuwll gue paling benci presentasi! karena gue ga pinter ngomong di depan umum. hiks, ini juga berdua ato bertiga, gue sekelompok sama CINDY! ouyyyeeeaa :) dan chilwin. semalem gue mikir mikir, nanti kalo gue sejarah sama chiliwn pasti nilai gue lebih jatoh. dia pede gitu, nanti kalo pertanyaan pertanyaan dia mulu yang nomong, MATI GUE KEBANTING AMA TEMEN SEKELOMPOK GUE SENDIRI bbehh. tapi gapapa lah nanti kan bisa di omongin :)

5. peer FISIKA. zzzzzzzzzzzzz benci peer siapa itu? SAYA. fisika uda di kasi peer, teori pula, sendiri sendiri lagi BAHLUL lah.

perasaan gue bilang ada lagi, tapi, gue lupa apaan haha. nanti deh kalo uda inget gue kasi tau lagi. hahhaaa :)

btw btw, sekarang, gue udah mulai pewe di 9E :) temen temennya ternyata gokil semeeuuwuua ! wwuuhhhuu :PP

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

School? Not so bad.

Hey there fellassss :) today's tuesday and it's the second day i went to school. Well we haven't studied yet for today, and i think today was done quite well. I sat with bianda in everyyyyyyy lesson except for english.

First lesson was supposed to be sports. But idk why the teachers decided to change it into homeroom teachahh time and that means : MR ABNER CAME IN TO MY CLASS. He was just talking about some rules, then i forgot what else did he say. We stayed in class fora half an hour then we walked upstairs to the englishroom 3.

But when we reached there, mam ocha said that that time wasnt our turn to study english, then the girls decided to change our clothes into uniform but when i entered the toilet, andrew and icon called us to go sportinggg. When we reached there the boys were exercising then we joined them. After that, we played basketball. My team was sharon bianda cindy ivanna ester gaby and me. And the others are together. Idk what our score is and i dont care.

Next there werent much things we did, but i'm too lazy to type em all, so maybe nexttime guys :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hitting the road.

Hey there :) i rarely post from my pc these days, why? Because ideas come into my head when i'm touching and holding my phone. Right now, i'm on my way to my grandma's home which is located in palmerah. My mom and dad are arguing about cars. In the kinds of arguments like this, i always wish my mom would win. And if u ask me whyy, the answer would be : I DON'T KNOW WHY.

My dad is driving and i kinda hate it when he drives. Whyy? Because his driving's mad. He often hit the break when he's driving in high speed, yet he mocked at hongkong's taxi driver whom i think, drove the way he drives. It sometimes make me sick and wanna puke, but my blood's blue and puking inside the car isn't the right attitude for a blue-blood-born hehe

By the way the way is actually not too far but it is far when i'm awake. And as y'all know, there's not much to see in the highway. I'm listening to the musc played on prambors, this holisay makes me mmm grounded or sth, because i dont listen to music hehehe

Mmm i gtg readerrs, see yaaaa :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

i'm in 9E

hey blog walkers :) hari ini gue di kasi tau ama temen gue katanya gue 9E. anak anaknya sama kaya anak 8E yang dulu. awal awal. BEH GIRANG GUAA! ehh ternyata pas di bilangin, "YANG PINDAH : ELISHA, ANGELA, JUAN, PATRICK" nyeh kaga jadi girang gua. malah males sekolahh -_____-

wali kelasnya babe lagi. menurut guee, buat apa wali kelas babe kalo yang badung badung di pindahin? nyeeehhhh -___- kelas gue skrg yg bisa bacot tinggal icon deh. gatau yang nanti nambahin siapaa, ahhh uda males masuk skolah gue kelas kea begethoooo .____.

kga ada sodara gue deh si patrick, hiks hiks, kaga ada temen bangku pkn gue deh si juan.hiks hiks, ga ada 2 temen ngocol gue deh angela ama elisa, hiks hiks. ga ada joseph? peduli amat, ga berjasa dia buat gue hehee. ahh paling parah mah patrick uda seru gituu anaknya malah di pindahinn siyyettthhh

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


first of all i wanna sayyyyy CONGRATULATIONS for the spanish for winning the this morning's match! woohoooo! gue salah satu pendukung ampe mati bboookk :P teruuuss kemaren menang! anjjeerr kemaren malem gue uda heboh sendiri ngeretweet tweets yang ada spanyol spanyolnya, ngatain orang orang yang dukung jerman! ternyaata! MENANG ADUUUH ga jadi malu gue hahhaha

mmm i don't know what should i say about the match since i didn't watch it because of my sleepy eyes. well then, let's talk about the players, gorgeous players i mean :P

1.) GERARD PIQUE ! i LOVE him! mukanya cowo bangett yaaaaaa, keren mainnyaa, aduuhh gila demen gue. from his face i think he's a kind of gentleman. but idk haha. gue demen banget ama pique! sayang uda tua banget. well tua buat gue, gue 14 dia 23 eerrrrrr he's such a very handsome old man eh? coba gue lagi ol omegle tiba tiba gue chat sama pique wuidiwwww wkwkkw

2.) DAVID VILLA ! aaduuuuhhh yang ini juga ganteng. di link yang gue browsing si bilang dia di taronya di depan! cakep sihh mukanya gimannaa gitu, keliatannya lebih muda dari pique. ternyata lahirnya taon 1981 tapi bulan desember sih tanggal 3. jadi sekarng masi 28 taon but this year, he's turning 29. annjeng lebi tua lagi. err tapi CAKHEP. hhh spanyol emang yaaa perfect. uda jago smua, yaa ga semua sih yang "menonjol", terus cakep cakep lagi. when i grow up, i'll marry a spanish man, i wish that's my destiny. lol

3.) CESC FABREGAS ! he's gorgeous he's stunning he's handsome he's cute his face's PERFECTO. ahahhaa he plays for arsenal and i think he's pretty cool while handling the ball and his shoot's are good. yet, he's 23, same age as pique eh? hahhaha but there's not too much comments for fabregas sorry hahhaa

4.) FERNANDO TORRES ! yyyiihha! ini cowo, uda main di negara calon suami gue (?), maen juga di klubnya ngko gue si steven gerrard yakknii LIVERPOOL woohoo! well honestly, i don't think torres's handsome but i admit, he's pretty. hhaha gue ga gitu demen ngeliat mukanya lama lama, tapi gue demen ngeliat kakinya pas ada bola, pas kakinya nendang. annjrit. that's the one word i wanna say. hahhaa, btw, he's 26 -____-

5.) XABI ALONSO ! ouu yeeaaa, kalo gue ga salah, dia pernah maen di liverpool yaaa? terus pindah ke madrid hehe, ini orang juga jago lohhh haaha, terus dia juga cakeeep dehh :))) yaaa yang gue kasi tau lu lu semua ini juga cakep cakep keanyaa hahaa selera gue ya tapi ini :) sayang dia uda tua uda 28 :(

mm enam aja yaa sebenernya mau semua sih, tapi males ngetiknynaaa hehee
then now's the time for their pictoo ;p

this is what i call a MAN! here comes PIQUEEEEE

this's villa :) i think he's kinda look like james mcavoy, and both of them are handsome ;)

wuuo gayanyaa demen gueee :) siapa diaa? yeea he's fabregas (y)

he's torres with the "PAHLAWAN BERTOPENG" style :P

wuuuuoooo KEREENNYAAAAA awawawawawaw alloonnssoo :D:D:D

and that's all :D

before mid night post.

Heyy, it's 10 minutes before 12 according to my time :p gue ga bisa tidur terus lampunya uda di matiin pdhl gue mau baca, tapi karna gue males nyalain lagi yauda bodo amat haha, err gue bingung juga sh ya mau ngmg apaa,

Yang jelas, gue badmood abis. Kenaapaa?

1. Cerita lama, gue males sama nyokap bokap + ade gue. Siapa yg seorang kaka ngacuuung! Hehe gue. Hmm pernah ngerasa di beda bedain? Di suru ngalah? Well di paksa ngalah mksud gue, hehe, mm gue gatau ya apa nyokap gue maksa ap kaga tp bodo amat gue ngerasanya gt. Cman gara gara ade gue cengeng di turutin mulu maunya apaan aj. Sayang gue ga cengeng! Kalo gue cengeng jg keanya ga pantes gt ya secara gue bongsor, uda smp pula, malu amat kale. Tp kalo mau jujur gue jg pernah menjadi anak cengeng tkang maksa di taun ini hehe, tapi khasiatnya ga sama kea ade gue zz. Intinya, gue benci di suruh suruh ngalah juga! Peduli amat lu mau ngomong apaan.

2. Temen temen gue ada 5 yang gue sms yang bales cuman 1, si bianda. Dan it bikin gue jadi ga mood, bukannya gue sebel ama dy, justru gw CINTA dia krna dia bales. Tp tetep aja gedekk guenya!

3. Gara gara LU, LU, DAN LU! Dasar tukang tepe banci bacot byk omong dsb dsb. Peduli amat lu baca gua ga tulis nama ini, lu ngerasa bagus kaga yaudah -,-

Sorry for being annoying but those are the most honest and the top 3 reasons I could tell you. Once more, sorry..

Monday, July 5, 2010


hey hey hey haha. well the truth is, i don't know what to do or what to post right now. but suddenly, a not-so-brilliant idea came into my mind, it's MAKING A HAI HAI POST hehe. ga ngerti yaaa? maksudnyaaa gue pengen bikin ituu "HAI" dari macem macem bahasa. well then enough talking, now cekidoothh haha

pertamaa! tentu dari bahasa indo dong yyaaa hhee
  • INDONESIAN : hai, halo
  • ENGLISH : hi, hey there, hello, hey you, etc
  • FREnch : bonjour!
  • Spanish : hola --> pronounced o-la with the hidden H stuff haha
  • afrikans : haai *err ga beda beda amat ya ama indo haha
  • korean : ahn nyeong ha se yo :P 'ahnnyeonghaseyo leeminho nyahaaha'
  • hebreww : SHALOM.
  • dutch : hoi (informal) forrmaaal : GOEDENDAG
  • chineseeee : ni hao
  • congo : MAMBO , 'mambo jumbo ;)'
  • Arabic : السّلام عليك bacanya gimana hhaayyoo? yyeep ASALAMUALAIKUM
  • AUSTRALIAN : g'day bacanya ga-day maybe from good day? perry's the one who knows.
  • german : informalnya hallo, formalnyaaaa GUTEN TAG
  • finnish : moi, TERVE, or hei :)
  • hindi : NAMASTE.
  • italian : CIAO :) or buon giorno
  • latin : salve !
  • persian : sallam.
  • Portuguese : oi, ola, boas, or alo
  • RUSSIAN : privet !
  • scottish : HOWZITGAUN means
  • tagalog or Philippines : kumusta ka?
  • thai: kalo cewee : 'sawa dee-ka?' kalo cowoo : 'sawa dee-krap?'
  • vietnamese : sin chao bacanyaa 'XIN DJOW' -__-

that's all for now guys, see ya in the next post :D

my burned throat.

nighty night everybody :D haha gue baru selese makan nasi gorengg yg gue sebut sebagggaaaii NASI GORENG BLOK G karena itu abang abangnya jualan di blok g tepat di depan rumahnya chilwin hahaha yang beliin nyokap gue terus tadinya buat bokap gue, tapi bokap gue nanyain mau paro paro kagaa, yauda karena gue laper dan gue sangat sangat meminati nasgor itu gue iyain hehe

uda kan terus nyokap gue belom pulang jadi gue masi santai santai online buka buka blog orang, nyanyi nyanyi, dan lain sebagainnyya hehe tiba tiba! si bokap manggil gue, terus karena volume lagu yang lumayan kencengg jadi gue ga denger ga nyaut ga turun ke bawah ga ngapa ngapain tapi main hehe. akhirnya mulai dehh tu kedengeran nama gue di teriakkin, baru gue turun hhaha ternyata uda pulang si nyokap haha makan deh guee haha

pertamanya pas gue belom mulai makan, nyokap gue bilang 'ati ati din pedes banget gilee' gue begaya aja bilang 'cupu amat gini doang pedes hehe'. pas masuk mulluutt wwwaannnjeeerrr pedes bengggaattt suer pedes. tapi gengsi dong kalo gue udahan, jadi gue makan, uda keringetan gituu kan gue basah basah, gue ambil minum dingin pake gelas tinggi, gue minum irit irit. tapi jujur yaa enak banget hhaha gatau gue rakus apa laper, mungkin gabungan keduanyaa hehe uda gitu mata gue uda kabur kabur gituu gara gara aer mata kepedesan, idung gue uda mau keluar penghuninyaaa ahha terus bokap gue bilang 'uda kamu ga usah makan kerupuknya! makan kacangnya ajaa.' buset deh ga ngaruh kali bokap orang yg pedes nasinyeee hehe

akhirnya selese gue makan, btw gue makan juga cuman nelen nelen pasrah haha gatau deh apa jadi nya itu makanan pas lagi di cerna mungkin nanti gue beol satu buletan bergerigi gerigi nasi hiahaha okee gross haha but but but, y'all have to try! terus pas akhir akhir nyokap gue baru bilang, 'ini smua gara gara aku nih din, tulisnya 'pedes bgt'' gue bilang ajeee 'laen kali tulisnya 'pedes bys aj' gitu mah hehe'

and after that, i end up here in front of my laptop, typing my monday night laugh. haha

holiday's coming to an end

hheyy ;) today's 5th of june and that means, my beautiful holiday will be gone in 7 days. honestly, i felt pretty bored during this long half-hibernating process, but i never felt about going to school and studying again. i know our third term of junior high will be fast but still, the uan and stuff make my anti-school feeling grow stronger haha.

i haven't seen in what class i am going in to, but i'm really wishing my class would be great like my 8E. my pals there were great, they're the best. but according to my sister, being in grade nine was the best times she had in her junior high. well, we'll see what will my year be like haha.

next next next, i really really wanna go to bandung! well i don't know what will i do there. maybe shopping? or relaxing my body and mind will be just fine. haha i'm pretty bored here in my home environment. but i hate to go out because i'm not confident with my new hair. urgh i hate short hair. stupid hair dresser. but still i wanna go out, from jakarta beybehh haha

and and and, i would like to go to bali. but i know i won't have enough time hehe, btw, i really really want to study in singapore just like my sister, but i'm not so sure that i'll get that scholarship program as my math and science score only around 7 and no 8. and my time's up. bye bye singapore. huhuhuu

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Technicolor phase :))

hheeya :) i've got one new favorite song right now and it's OWL CITY's "Technicolor Phase". you know it? well i love the lyrics and some of the music and the voice of the vocalist. and i don't know why, everytime i listen to this music, it calms me down. oh man haha. now as the thing i love the most in this song is its lyrics, so let's check out the lyrics :

Technicolor Phase
by: Owl City

I am the red in the rose, the flowers
On the blankets on your bedroom floor
And I am the gray in the ghost that hides
With your clothes behind your closet door

I am the green in the grass
That bends back from underneath your feet
And i am the blue in your back alley view
where the horizon and the rooftops meet

*lovely music playing :)*

If you cut me i suppose i would bleed
The colors of the evening stars
You can go anywhere you wish
Cause i'll be there,
Wherever you are
(Wherever you are) (2x)

*whispers*I will always be your keys when we are lost in the technicolor phase

I am the black in the book
The letters on the pages that you memorize
And i am the orange in the overcast
Of color that you visualize

I am the white in the walls that soak up
All the sound when you can not sleep
And i am the peach in the starfish on the beach
That wish the harbor wasn't quite so deep

*lovely music playing once more :D*

If you cut me i suppose i would bleed
The color of the evening star (my darling)
You can go anywhere you wish
Cause i'll be there
Wherever you are (my darling)

Wherever you aree
wherever you are

Hating waiting for eating

Hey there fellas :) gue ngepost di pasar bsd nih sekarang, lagi nungguin makanan gguue hehe err gue emng baru dateng sih, tapi! Uda panas banget ampe keringetann terus makanannya belom dateng dateng hehe, err ok agak lebay yyaaa soalnya baru mesen tapi panas jadi serasa lllaaaaammmaaaaa banget hehhee.

From some things i hate the most, waiting's one of them. I rreeally hate to wait but i kinda like to make people waiting for me. Hehe, is it good? Well i dont think so, hbu? I assume you dont think so either, eh? Hha

Well my food's come, so see ya later blog peekers! Lol

Saturday, July 3, 2010

my other creationss :D

ECLIPSE (y)(y)(y)

hhheeeyya :D today's a good day, well better than yesterday. haha, i watched eclipse this afternoon, and hell yeahh it was AWESOME. the part i love the most is the half naked werewolves parts ahahayy.

first of all, the creators gave us some thrilling moments, the moment when riley, victoria's new "puppet", was still human, he was bitten in the middle of a heavy rain, well pretty good, but i wasn't really looking forward to it hehe. next was the time when bella and edward, sitting in a park, then started kissing each other, urrrgh dis.gus.ting. i kept looking at my mom that time as for her, i'm not old enough to see that kind of action and believe me, i dont wanna see it either haha, well maybe i wanna peek a little, blah forget it haha. then i forgot what else cos the story wasn't so important to be told as y'all can watch it yourselves or maybe read the book. honestly i prefer the book. it's better and it's the original version of the twilight saga eclipse haha

well the major part was the boys in it. i dont really care about the female ones as i'm one of them. my favorite male there is EMMETT CULLEN. wooohoo! he was such a HOTTIE girls. kellan was gorgeous there, stunning, cool, hot, man i love his face. and i love the way he ran when the cullens were chasing victoria, aaww he almost caught victoria, but she's got the instinct of running away and that made him releases her. damn i love him when he fought jasper in the field, just errrrr the thing i as a girl love to see aaaaa kellan i love youu :D

next boy, yyeeaa CAMERON BRIGHT! ooou yeaa, he was such a cold boy up there, cold but stunning. and he talked calmly to her sister jane, although his expression was a little bit harsh but still he's the one aw aw aw

up next, the one who's got too many fans, jacob black a.k.a taylor lautner. i believe you've ever heard people especially girls screaming his name, saying he's hot, handsome, bla bla bla. actually, i wanna say that too, but i can see your minds, haha all i can say is he's gorgeous, his smile? whooo heartbreaking. it's pretty pathetic he broke up with tayswift. cos i think, they kinda made a perfect couple. but what i love the most is his eyes, aaaaaww in bahasa i would say 'SIPIT SIPIT KEREN GIMAANNNAAAAA GITTUU' hahhaaaha.

here are the "perfect" boys, not the other cullens, not the other vampires, but the WEREWOLVES! uuuuuuu, i love jacob, then next is embry, next is jareeedd, then quil, continued by paul. and mm paul's the last. haha, the one who played as seth is kinda disappointing me. seth's supposed to be cool, yet cute, with maybe big eyes which showing he's naughty but that boy, err i dont think so. but that's for me :)

one thing, i hate bella for her wishy washy thingies. you love edward, but you want jacob. oh darnit, pick one, hellyeaah pick edward and give jacob to me! although your daughter's gonna be with him, i dont care, your daughter's not even here right now, next year, when you gave birth and renesmee's born, i'll give jacob back to you so he can see your daugh, but now, give him to me, i'm begging yaa ;)

but, here's the thing :


those words are the ones i wanna say from the first time! haha

Friday, July 2, 2010

two films i wanna watch the most!

hhheeeyya :D today's a perfect day to share a story about movies. well the "perfect" word means to me if you're not having a perfect day. haha. well my day's not perfect at all, it's just umm good :) oooukaayy, done with the day stuff let's move on to MOVIE stuff ! yeeaa :D

i've told you about eclipse in the few post behind this one, as you can click on the archive part on the right hand side, under the blogbuddies and stuffs hehe, then right now, there are two (well actually three but the third one is not very important to mentioned :P) coming soon movies that i am rilly rilly looking forward to. they are : Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows and Avatar : The last airbender, OUU YYEEAAA :D

i've read the harry potter book before and i kinda love it :) the romantic thing between harry and ginny, hermione and ron, and sssooo many more. the drama when one of the twins who died and lost an ear, *i technically forgot which one who died is it fred or george but my i'm pretty sure the holey head is george and the one who died is fred, i'll check it up later :D*, then the amazing friendship between harry hermione and ron, the terrific magic world, the very fine hogwarts, the ACTION, et cetera :D i reaaaaally reaaaally waiting for it to "appear" in indonesian cinemas :p although the movies before this one weren't to fascinating because of its dark situation, i really wish this one'll be better :)

next the last air bender AANG. i firstly saw him in the cartoon showing on global tv, with his arrowed bald head and body, he's actually pretty cute for a boy haha and the girl from the water benders clan, katara and her brother sokka, well they both are not really stunning, but they are good friends, or maybe the best friends for aang, that they never leave him behind when he's in trouble. then the son of the fire lord zukko and his uncle iroh which first were really really bad then zzaamm they turned into such nice men. whoops i forgot to mention toph aang's teacher for earth bending, yet also the "blind bandit" i kind of adore her, hehe. anddddd aang's pet appa. i wonder what does it look like in the film. well well well as gossips went by, i've heard that the girl who play katara's role is stunning, but i haven't seen her yet. maybe after this post is published. haha

the last thing is, anyone want to watch it together with me? no? it's okay, i've got family :D
or you want to? text me or call me or tweet me, :)

5 pm please come faster !

Heyyouu blog visitaahs haha, my now's post wont be long. Why? Cos the laptop I used to use is taken. Well the perfect word's actually brought, but I wanna add a tiny lil piece of drama hehe

If you're wondering what am I doing right now that I seem hopeless or out of things to do, YEA YOU ARE A HUNDRED, BLAH, A MILLION THOUSAND WHICH IN OTHER WAY WE CAN SAY A BILLION, PERCENT RIGHT!
I've got, err if my counting's right, an hour and a half minutes til my not-very-favorite series started. So please mr 5 pm, come faster urgh.

Btw, for my dearest friend angela, be tough. He's not your everything though he seemed to be, we're still young, well at least young enough to seek for other boys. And fyi, boys are EVERYWHERE. Even in the moon, you'll find maybe one or two male moon rock haha, besides single's pretty great, why? Because YOU CAN USE YOUR EYES' MAXIMAL CAPACITY which means, no one can stop you for always saying this or that boy georgeous and charming! Note that girls and njel haha

Sorry for acting like a love professional, but that's how I see the L word's world haha

Thursday, July 1, 2010

my creation (err?)

heeyyaa :) today, as i've told ya before, i made a looklet account :D and yeeeaa i lovee it *said and pronounced like what my tour guide in hongkong did :P well only my family and some of the tourists know it ;)* and btw, here are 2 of what i mixed and matched.

i named this simple pink, and this's the one i love the most and idk why haha

this thing above me was created when i was just bored :)

then what do YOU think of both ? fyi i dont mean to show off, i was just have no idea what to post. besides, for you who talk behind my back about this post, well no offense, please remember that THIS IS MY BLOG and i think, it's my business. and oh, as long as you say all those words you wanna say in front of me, whether it is bad or good things, i accept it although maybe i wont love it :D


looklet (Y)

heeyyaa :) hari ini gue baru aja bikin account looklet. pertamanya sih gara gara gue iseng ga ada kerjaan hehe, terus gue inget pas gue baca blognya syapa yaa lupa gue, dia ada account looklet, yauda gue coba aja, eh ternyata mix and match baju gitu, gue uda bikin loh :) gue paling demen maen maen sama pakeann :D

yang punya looklet, bilang gue! nanti gue add *well honestly i dont really know how to add somebody :P