heeeeeeeyyy ho. haha. hemm, akhir akhir ini seperti yang sudah di ceritakan di posting sebelumnyaaa, kan gue uub, terus pulangnya cepet dehh, eh pas nyalain tv channel nomor 286 yaknii HBO sign ada the pacific! itu kaya felem seri gituu tentang perang pasifikk hehe gue emang dasarnya suka felem felem gitu yaaaa seru seru gimanaaa gitu jedar jeder jdorrrrr ramaii sekale hahha. naaaahh terus pas gue nonton ituu ada satu cowo gitu lah pemainnya kann, hmm ga cakep cakep amaatt tapi rada songong! wkwk
yeeeepp as i've told you he's not that handsome, but he's quite cool. haha his part was as Merriell "SNAFU" Shelten a US soldier. hemmmm ga cakep cakep amat tapi songong, stay cool stay calm, dan agak nyolot serta ngocooll. uuuuuu idk why but I ADORE HIM!
hmm, here's his pict :

btw, well his face was dirty there cos he's on the battlefield :P
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