NOT AN ORDINARY ELEVENTH GRADER, BUT A SMAK1 PENABUR JAKARTA 11TH GRADER! hahahhaaha not that special actually. but to prove every non-sense comments that came out of my aunts and uncles' mouth, see? i passed BOOOYAAAAAA!
and just to add a piece of information, SAYA ANAK IPA! MEIEHEHEHEHHHEHEHEHE!
that kinda proves that in whenever you put God in your plans and steps, you're going to succeed!
next years gonna be tough i can assure you. but with Him, i can be invincible MUAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Trusting people is hard. But somehow trusting a person is harder. You never know what could happen in this world. The moment you decided to trust someone, the moment you started opening your mouth and tell stories, the moment when you tell them they couldnt tell anyone else, is the moment when they feel like they need to spill your stories out. Luckily ive got these 2 bestfriends i can always lean on. :).
Expectations are the most uncontrollable things ever! When you started expecting high, something bitchy makes you lower your expectation. And at the moment you dont expect much, you get something youve never thoughts gonna happen. And that something is the most extraordinary awesome thing. So people, be neutral!
Expectations are the most uncontrollable things ever! When you started expecting high, something bitchy makes you lower your expectation. And at the moment you dont expect much, you get something youve never thoughts gonna happen. And that something is the most extraordinary awesome thing. So people, be neutral!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
1. They ruin goodmoods.
2. They never listen.
3. They care less.
4. They act like they know everything.
5. They act like they are always right.
6. They do not practice what they preached.
7. They act like they are kings&queens.
8. They say everything they want to, without thinking.
9. They can be angry anytime they want.
10. They make promises but never keep them.
11. They insist that everything must be done their way.
12. They are annoying.
13. They always act like they are saints.
14. They can not differentiate between being feared of and being respected.
15. They always get mad at everything even when the right things are the ones we made
2. They never listen.
3. They care less.
4. They act like they know everything.
5. They act like they are always right.
6. They do not practice what they preached.
7. They act like they are kings&queens.
8. They say everything they want to, without thinking.
9. They can be angry anytime they want.
10. They make promises but never keep them.
11. They insist that everything must be done their way.
12. They are annoying.
13. They always act like they are saints.
14. They can not differentiate between being feared of and being respected.
15. They always get mad at everything even when the right things are the ones we made
Monday, March 19, 2012
heyowwwww! you know whaaat i was just on omegle and who did i meet? an indonesian! i introduced myself as a 18 year old male who lived in indonesia but wasnt actually an indonesian, you know like a foreigner who followed his parents who were working in indonesia. haha i didnt actually tell her that but at least that was what i had in mind. anywaaaaaaay she replied 'so?' for golden retriever's sake SO?! couldnt she just think of something else? like longer words or whatever instead of so?!
i was humiliated! my pride was.................stomped! haha i know it wasnt such a big of a deal but still! shes supposed to be nice! at least nice attitude is what we can show the world you know since we indonesians dont have much to be shown off. well we actually have a lot of things to be presented but since bali bombing, nazarudin, angelina sondakh, and that smoking little boy news came up to the whole world to see..........well you fill in the dots.
i know i was wrong by lying to that girl but you knooooooooow since i told her im not a native, she should be more polite! she shouldve realized that im a priority! hahha but whatever, to someone out there whos reading this post, BE NICE! TO ANYONE, ESPECIALLY ONES WHO ARE NOT YOUR FELLOW COUNTRY MAN.
i was humiliated! my pride was.................stomped! haha i know it wasnt such a big of a deal but still! shes supposed to be nice! at least nice attitude is what we can show the world you know since we indonesians dont have much to be shown off. well we actually have a lot of things to be presented but since bali bombing, nazarudin, angelina sondakh, and that smoking little boy news came up to the whole world to see..........well you fill in the dots.
i know i was wrong by lying to that girl but you knooooooooow since i told her im not a native, she should be more polite! she shouldve realized that im a priority! hahha but whatever, to someone out there whos reading this post, BE NICE! TO ANYONE, ESPECIALLY ONES WHO ARE NOT YOUR FELLOW COUNTRY MAN.
Saturday, February 18, 2012
no one can keep a secret.
semua orang itu bocor. gue juga, lo juga, semua pasti bocor. kenapa gue tibatiba bisa bilang begini? karena gue baru ngalamin-_- gak penting deh masalahnya apa, yg penting ini kenapa gua berani bilang kita semua bocor :
oiya, buat temen baik guaaaaa, gua minta maaf kalo gua ember. tp jujur gua nggak maksud kayak gitu, gua cuman nggak mau elu dibilang ngelakuin sesuatu yg nggak pernah lu lakuin. gua tau harusnya gua pulang aja, tp gua malah tetep disitu. sorry yah.
- semua orang punya temen. mau temen baik mau temen biasa, mau temen yang nggak gitu deket, semua orang punya temen dan orang itu enggak bisa disuruh nyimpen rahasia orang apalagi pas orang yg share rahasia itu ngomong kalo yang tau tentang hal itu cuman 2 orang, orang itu sendiri dan lo. pasti lo share sama orang lain. ada yang share sama temen ada yg share sama siapapun. jujur, gue juga cerita ke satu orang lg, supaya bebannya nggak cuma numpuk di gua. tp gua nggak cerita ke temen, gue selalu ceritanya ke nyokap gua. atau cici gua yang sama sekali enggak ada hubungan sama orang yang ngasih tau ke gua haha. tapi ada orang yg langsung cerita ke sahabatnya dia. dan seringkali, sahabatnya itu kepo tai babi, cerita lagi ke orang lain dan nyebaaar deh tuh-_-. emang rasanya kalo orang yang begini begini ini nih yang babi banget minta dicabik.
- semua orang itu kepo. gak usah munafik, gue ngaku gue kepo. tingkat akut. haha, tapi ada yang lebih kepo daripada gua, kepo tingkat lebih akut. dan bahkan ada yg suuuuuuper kepo, kepo tingkat sangat amat akut. kalo yg udah master level ngepo, sekali lo salah ngomong keceplosan cuman dua kata GUE TAU, lo bakal dicecer, dipojokin sampe lo ngember. ngeselin emang, tapi nggak bisa nyalahin itu orang juga, karena nggak usah muna lagi, lo juga pasti kalo ngepo kayak gitu. unless lo bisa nahan, itu lain cerita. jujur gua agak kesel kalo dikepoin, jadi gua usaha banget untuk nahan ngepo, tapi susah baaaanget. jadi, orang kepo hampir selalu berhasil dapetin rahasia orang dengan embel2 'GUA NGGAK AKAN KASIH TAU SIAPA SIAPA! JANJI!' naaah kalo misalnya lu ngepo langsung ke orang yang punya rahasia, ya enggak masalah kalo dia ngasih tau, tapi lo harus pegang janji lo. yah ini mah nggak penting, kan balik lagi ke yg alesan pertama, lo akan merasa terbebani, dan otomatis pasti lo langsung nanya 'siapa aja yang tau selain gue?' dan kalo dia bilang ada si a dan b dan c dan lalalla, lo hoki, bisa ngobrolin sama mereka. tapi kalo dia bilang enggak ada yg tau selain lo? nggak tau deh ya HAHA. dan kalo lo ngepoin orang yang tau rahasianya, yg bukan pemilik, dan itu orang ngasih tau? mati aja itu orang kentut ketek abis.
- semua orang yang kepepet pasti bocor. lo juga pasti gitu, gue juga. yah mungkin kalo diluar lo bisa ngomong macem2 tentang ngebela temen lah lalala, tp faktanya kan lo nggak pernah ngerasain gimana rasanya dipojokin. kecuali kalo lo bener bener loyal dan lo jago bohong. itu lain cerita. tapi! sebenernya lo bisa nyiasatin dong supaya lo nggak bocor gimana! ya cari aja katakata lain yg punya unsur yg tersirat! bilang aja nggak tau terus terusan. gua beteeeeeee.
- ini yang paling ngeselin. dan nggak dimiliki semua orang. ORANG YANG LAGI SEBEL SAMA TEMENNYA PASTI BOCORIN RAHASIA TEMEN YG DISEBELIN! private experience. gua benciiiiiiiiii banget sama yg model begini. ketek siaaal-_- bahkan yang waktu itu gua alamin gua belom deket sama sekali sama dia, dan rahasia yang gua kasih tau bahkan bukan rahasia beneran. dulu gua sempet punya crush abal abal. terus gua ceritalah ke dia, enggak cerita bahkan, cuma nyebut! terus dia sebarin deh tuh ke sahabatnya yg skrg udahnggak jadi sahabatnya lagi-_-
oiya, buat temen baik guaaaaa, gua minta maaf kalo gua ember. tp jujur gua nggak maksud kayak gitu, gua cuman nggak mau elu dibilang ngelakuin sesuatu yg nggak pernah lu lakuin. gua tau harusnya gua pulang aja, tp gua malah tetep disitu. sorry yah.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
i've been easily depressed lately.and i kinda blamed the word period for this. you know, some say that when a girl is having her monthly problem, she gets super annoying. and i think i was that annoying thing back then. i somehow thought that every person i know's a b*tch.
well some of them are. but some of them arent. i just blame everyone for my dropping mood. haaha but this group of singing guys boost it upppp!!!!!!!!!!! yea right, the group ive written as the title of this post!
i've been easily depressed lately.and i kinda blamed the word period for this. you know, some say that when a girl is having her monthly problem, she gets super annoying. and i think i was that annoying thing back then. i somehow thought that every person i know's a b*tch.
well some of them are. but some of them arent. i just blame everyone for my dropping mood. haaha but this group of singing guys boost it upppp!!!!!!!!!!! yea right, the group ive written as the title of this post!
Friday, February 10, 2012
kenapa didunia ini harus ada kata centil dan sifat centil?
centil itu kan cuman bikin orang lain tepatnya cewek lain naik darah. gua lagi sebel baaaaaanget sama anak centil. sok kecakepan flirting sama semua cowok. bukannya gua merasa cakep apa gimana cuman lu tau diri dikit lah wooooy nggak gitu cakep tapi ngedeketin semua cowok, ah ah ih ih sana sini. geli woooy geli
nimbrung nimbrung, sok ngepege. lu gila kali-_- sumpasumpaaa gua sebel bangettttttt mending kalo misalnya yang centil cuman seorang, lah ini satu geng. mo mati siaaaal-_- kalo cakep centil mending, lah elu. terjun sana
centil itu kan cuman bikin orang lain tepatnya cewek lain naik darah. gua lagi sebel baaaaaanget sama anak centil. sok kecakepan flirting sama semua cowok. bukannya gua merasa cakep apa gimana cuman lu tau diri dikit lah wooooy nggak gitu cakep tapi ngedeketin semua cowok, ah ah ih ih sana sini. geli woooy geli
nimbrung nimbrung, sok ngepege. lu gila kali-_- sumpasumpaaa gua sebel bangettttttt mending kalo misalnya yang centil cuman seorang, lah ini satu geng. mo mati siaaaal-_- kalo cakep centil mending, lah elu. terjun sana
Friday, January 20, 2012
Chapter 1, Page 20 of 366.
this two-third part of the month had been super rocky for me. i cheered, i grieved, and i exploded.
have you ever missed someone that they got into your dreams? have you ever felt like you've been stabbed? have you ever felt butterflies flying in your tummy? have you ever had your tears run down your eyes? have you ever sobbed so hard that you just want to hide under the earth and never pop your head back up again? have you ever felt like something's been put inside your throat but you never managed to get it out? have you ever missed someone so bad? have you ever had the desire to hug someone that doesn't even want to be a part of your life? honestly, i've never felt any of those things till now.
since the day i decided not to have anything to do with this particular person, i feel like i don't deserve to go to my current school. it's like something's pulling me out of there. i've always thought i belong there for the people are so nice, well some of them. and i thought i'd fit in perfectly which i kinda did. haha, well not perfectly but pretty well. but then i started having a crush on this person. and he is PRRFFFTTHHHH <-- fart sound. well he's not that bad actually. but he's keeping me on the hook!
wtfffff-___________- and im having this conflict with a teacher who i used to like A LOT! but something went wrong, and i regreted it. but what can i do now? she keeps sarcastically talking about me in front of the whole class. i know i was wrong. but is there any point in humiliating me? firetruck-_-
But still, i thank God for giving me such friends. who are understanding, cooperative, caring, affectionate, kind, and loving and supportive! i love you:):):):).
have you ever missed someone that they got into your dreams? have you ever felt like you've been stabbed? have you ever felt butterflies flying in your tummy? have you ever had your tears run down your eyes? have you ever sobbed so hard that you just want to hide under the earth and never pop your head back up again? have you ever felt like something's been put inside your throat but you never managed to get it out? have you ever missed someone so bad? have you ever had the desire to hug someone that doesn't even want to be a part of your life? honestly, i've never felt any of those things till now.
since the day i decided not to have anything to do with this particular person, i feel like i don't deserve to go to my current school. it's like something's pulling me out of there. i've always thought i belong there for the people are so nice, well some of them. and i thought i'd fit in perfectly which i kinda did. haha, well not perfectly but pretty well. but then i started having a crush on this person. and he is PRRFFFTTHHHH <-- fart sound. well he's not that bad actually. but he's keeping me on the hook!
wtfffff-___________- and im having this conflict with a teacher who i used to like A LOT! but something went wrong, and i regreted it. but what can i do now? she keeps sarcastically talking about me in front of the whole class. i know i was wrong. but is there any point in humiliating me? firetruck-_-
But still, i thank God for giving me such friends. who are understanding, cooperative, caring, affectionate, kind, and loving and supportive! i love you:):):):).
Friday, January 6, 2012
Thankyou yang terlupa;)
I've been making friends with these two guys who actually went to the same junior high as i did. I was pretty close with the first guy as we were in the same homeroom during our seventh grade, haha he was my laughing mate with another friend which is my current best guyfriend. Haha, and the other one, i never had the chance to you know like be close? Idk, i hated him for looking so.... Snobbish? Idk. But turns out he was pretty cool. Words coming from his mouth are full of sarcasm, somehow those words are comfortable at the same time. They both have lighten up pretty much each nights since the day i enter this school of.... judgement? Haha whatever.
They make me laugh and smile every time i read their chats. We do conference chat everyday. It's fun! Haha i can always talk about anything, they will not judge, they'll make fun of me instead and it's nice in some ways haha, i do the same to them too. When one of us starts to speak nonsense, we'll just ignore it. But the chat continues anyway! I don't know if its too early to call them my best buddies, but they're the best so far.. They stay true to themselves and that's comforting!
Even when talking about our crushes, we're not being serious, we just have fun with it. And sometimes, i need those fun stuffs. Most of my girlfriends say these things about the chance of my crush likes me too, when they don't even know them. They just do this to comfort me and give me hope, well what they do is kinda nice, but i sometimes am tired of hoping to high, and these talks make me you knowwwww sick. Haha but when i tell the two guys, they just tell me not to dream too high and have fun with life. Haha that's not exactly what they told me, they speak sarcasm in a funny way, but that pretty much is the point haha
I haven't thanked them in my previous post, cos honestly, i forgot. Hahahahahahahaha
Sooooo, sorry for the late post even when you two dont read or even know my blog ahaha
Dear triadi&brandon,
Happy new year sobats!! Semoga kita menjadi yang terbaik di smak1! Banggain pgs eaaa, haha semoga makin rajin + makin deket sama Tuhan!
Dan skrg tgl 6, kebetulan sekali.
Happy birthday brandon freak. Tambah yang baik2, jgn ngefreak lg, salam super \m/ haha
They make me laugh and smile every time i read their chats. We do conference chat everyday. It's fun! Haha i can always talk about anything, they will not judge, they'll make fun of me instead and it's nice in some ways haha, i do the same to them too. When one of us starts to speak nonsense, we'll just ignore it. But the chat continues anyway! I don't know if its too early to call them my best buddies, but they're the best so far.. They stay true to themselves and that's comforting!
Even when talking about our crushes, we're not being serious, we just have fun with it. And sometimes, i need those fun stuffs. Most of my girlfriends say these things about the chance of my crush likes me too, when they don't even know them. They just do this to comfort me and give me hope, well what they do is kinda nice, but i sometimes am tired of hoping to high, and these talks make me you knowwwww sick. Haha but when i tell the two guys, they just tell me not to dream too high and have fun with life. Haha that's not exactly what they told me, they speak sarcasm in a funny way, but that pretty much is the point haha
I haven't thanked them in my previous post, cos honestly, i forgot. Hahahahahahahaha
Sooooo, sorry for the late post even when you two dont read or even know my blog ahaha
Dear triadi&brandon,
Happy new year sobats!! Semoga kita menjadi yang terbaik di smak1! Banggain pgs eaaa, haha semoga makin rajin + makin deket sama Tuhan!
Dan skrg tgl 6, kebetulan sekali.
Happy birthday brandon freak. Tambah yang baik2, jgn ngefreak lg, salam super \m/ haha
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