ps: you can sing along if you like it!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Give Love A Try
heyyyyyyyyoow! i know i've just posted about the going to bali thing so i wont talk too much! promise! sooooo this is my new favorite song by NICK JONAS! yeeeep the hot guy who has just been spotted in BALIIIIII! i really wish i could meet him there and maybe take a couple of pictures with him half naked HAHAHAHA ;) soooo here's the song!
ps: you can sing along if you like it!
ps: you can sing along if you like it!
bbbali :)
malaaaam :) besok gue sama temen temen satu angkatan ke bali loooh :)
i admit it's a little bit weird having fun just before we figure out our national exam results. but who cares? we have faith! we believe in ourselves! we KNOW we all are gonna pass. how? i dont know, WE JUST KNOW :).
soooooo, i've been packing since this afternoon and heckyeaaa packing sucks. i've been asking some friends about what will they bring, how many pack of clothes will they wear, what will they wear to school tomorrow morning, a pair of shoes or sandals.
sekarang aja gue masih mikir mikir kayaknya ada yang lupa apa gimanaa huaaaaah rebeknya gini yaa kalo mau pergi2-__-
i admit it's a little bit weird having fun just before we figure out our national exam results. but who cares? we have faith! we believe in ourselves! we KNOW we all are gonna pass. how? i dont know, WE JUST KNOW :).
soooooo, i've been packing since this afternoon and heckyeaaa packing sucks. i've been asking some friends about what will they bring, how many pack of clothes will they wear, what will they wear to school tomorrow morning, a pair of shoes or sandals.
sekarang aja gue masih mikir mikir kayaknya ada yang lupa apa gimanaa huaaaaah rebeknya gini yaa kalo mau pergi2-__-
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Stronger than
Is it my fault i cant sleep? That my body becomes weak.
Or that i can hardly move, at the very thought of you
Nothing ever really got to me
I could always turn the other cheek
Could it be those days ago
I could've sworn that i was strong
Or At least stronger than this emotion that had taken over me.
I swear i'm stronger than these emotions
But they're taking over me.
No no no this cant be it
Unless you are the less he is
No no no i can usually handle this but i wasnt ready for these emotions that had taken over m
Or that i can hardly move, at the very thought of you
Nothing ever really got to me
I could always turn the other cheek
Could it be those days ago
I could've sworn that i was strong
Or At least stronger than this emotion that had taken over me.
I swear i'm stronger than these emotions
But they're taking over me.
No no no this cant be it
Unless you are the less he is
No no no i can usually handle this but i wasnt ready for these emotions that had taken over m
Friday, May 27, 2011
Haaaallloo blogfellas! Hello loyal visitors!!! I'm so happy that i can finally open my blogggggg! It's been a while since the error *a day and 5 hours to be exact-_-*
I went to sms with 2good friends of mine, cindy and anas today and it was pretty fun. We just talked til cindy's got picked up by her pak ocee hehehe
So next post? Idk what will it be. But there definitely will be a next post:)
I went to sms with 2good friends of mine, cindy and anas today and it was pretty fun. We just talked til cindy's got picked up by her pak ocee hehehe
So next post? Idk what will it be. But there definitely will be a next post:)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
"He's just not that into you if he doesnt call you"
I'm now reading a book called 'He's just not that into you'. And there's this guy named Greg who's been telling us -the readers- about "signs" when a guy isnt that into us. Tons of things hit straight to my brain. Or lemme just say, "ANJIR NANCEP GILA, GUA BANGET INI"
Salah satu yg dia bilang ituu: "He's just not that into you if he doesnt call you"
So Greg says that 'A men know how to use a phone'
Dan iniiiii adalah kata2 & pernyataan2 yang saangat amat populer di twitter dan tumblr. Chekidoutttt
'Sadly, i cant be with you ladies all the time, fending off all the excuses, and, thereby, bad men that come your way. But what i can do is paint you a picture of what you'll never see YOU STARING MANIACALLY AT YOUR PHONE, WILLING IT TO RING (in my case as a teenager, i prefer WILLING IT TO VIBRATE) you'll never see YOU RUINING AN EVENING WITH FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU'RE CALLING FOR YOUR MESSAGES EVERY FIFTEEN SECONDS. you'll never see YOU HATING YOURSELF FOR CALLING (in my case, TEXTING) HIM WHEN YOU SHOULDNT HAVE. what will YOU see is YOU BEING TREATING SO WELL THAT PHONE ANTICS WILL BE NECESSARY. you'll be TOO BUSY BEING ADORED.'
Talking in Sarcasm is what Greg's good at.
here are some pictures of the look of the book and the page i've typed for youu :)
Salah satu yg dia bilang ituu: "He's just not that into you if he doesnt call you"
So Greg says that 'A men know how to use a phone'
Dan iniiiii adalah kata2 & pernyataan2 yang saangat amat populer di twitter dan tumblr. Chekidoutttt
'Sadly, i cant be with you ladies all the time, fending off all the excuses, and, thereby, bad men that come your way. But what i can do is paint you a picture of what you'll never see YOU STARING MANIACALLY AT YOUR PHONE, WILLING IT TO RING (in my case as a teenager, i prefer WILLING IT TO VIBRATE) you'll never see YOU RUINING AN EVENING WITH FRIENDS BECAUSE YOU'RE CALLING FOR YOUR MESSAGES EVERY FIFTEEN SECONDS. you'll never see YOU HATING YOURSELF FOR CALLING (in my case, TEXTING) HIM WHEN YOU SHOULDNT HAVE. what will YOU see is YOU BEING TREATING SO WELL THAT PHONE ANTICS WILL BE NECESSARY. you'll be TOO BUSY BEING ADORED.'
Talking in Sarcasm is what Greg's good at.
here are some pictures of the look of the book and the page i've typed for youu :)
"i just wanna hold you close....."
whassup peopleeeee! hehe, notice the title above? dapet dari lagunya aerosmith yg I dont wanna miss a thing tuh, galau ya lagunya. itu kan soundtrack armaggedon. tau flmnya? gue ga pernah nonton sih, tp lagitu di ceritain sepupu gue sedih gitu ceritanya, terus lagitu nonton akhirannya doang emg sedih banget.
nih ya kalo ga tau ceritanya gua ceritain sediiiikit hehe, jadi kan ada bapak sama anak, bapaknya itu kayak astronot gitu, terus ada apa yaaah gak tau deh asteroid mungkin? yaah lets just call whatever that thing is, asteroid. jadi ada masalah gitu deeh sampe itu asteroidnya harus diledakin. si bapak ini pergi kan ke luar angkasa. nah sebelumnya itu dia sama anaknya cewek, hubungannya gak begitu baiik hehe, udah gitu si anaknya itu punya pacar, kalo ga salah pacarnya itu astronot juga deh, terus si pacar ngikut ke luar angkasa.
terus pas dia udah ngeset bomnya, ada kesalahan teknis masalah gitu deh, terus satu2nya jalan harus ada salah satu dari mereka yg tinggal di asteroid itu terus ledakin. naaah kalo dia tinggal disitu, otomatis mati dia disitu ikut meledak.
nah si astronot2 ini pada ambil undian kan, naaah yang dapet si pacar anak bapak iniiii! udah gitu dia udah siap2 gitu kan udah deg2an, terus bapaknya nawarin buat nemenin dia turun, eh pas udah nyampe dibawah, ternyata bapaknya malah nawarin diri utk berkorbaan :(
ini deh yang bikin sedih, itu pas bapaknya ngomong ke anaknya utk terakhir kalii, nih ya gue copy.
Harry Stamper itu bapaknya. Grace Stamper itu anaknya ::
Grace Stamper: [talking to Harry when he is on the asteroid] Daddy?
Grace Stamper: Hi Gracey. Hi honey. Grace, I know I promised you I was coming home.
Grace Stamper: I don't understand.
Harry Stamper: Looks like I'm going to have to break that promise.
Grace Stamper: I lied to you too. When I told you I didn't want to be like you. Because I am like you. Everything good that I have inside of me, I have from you. I love you so much daddy. And I'm so proud of you, I'm so scared. I'm so scared.
Harry Stamper: I know it baby. But there won't be anything to be scared of soon. Gracey, I want you to know that AJ saved us. He did. I want you to tell Chick, that I couldn't have done it without him. None of it. I want you to take care of AJ. And I wish I could be there to walk you down the aisle, but I'll... I'll look in on you from time to time, okay honey? I love you Grace.
Grace Stamper: I love you too.
Harry Stamper: Gotta go now honey.
Grace Stamper: Daddy, no!
[Harry cuts the video feed]
Grace Stamper: No dad no!
hiks. mungkin kalo cuman baca gak gimana gimana gitu yaaa, tp kalo liat adegannya huuuuuuuuahhhhh:((
terus ini jg, omongannya si bapaak sama si pacar anak pas dia mau tukeran :(
A.J.: Just tell Grace that, uh, that I'll always be with her. Okay? Can you do that?
Harry Stamper: Yeah. Okay, kid.
Harry Stamper: [pulls AJ's air hose out and rips off his own mission badge and hands it to AJ] Give this to Truman. Make sure Truman gets that! Get in there.
[pushes AJ back into the hatch and closes the door]
Harry Stamper: It's my turn now.
A.J.: Harry! Harry! You can't do this to me! It's my job!
Harry Stamper: You go take care of my little girl now. That's your job. Always thought of you as a son. Always. But, I'd be damn proud to have you marry Grace.
A.J.: [beginning to cry] Harry.
Harry Stamper: You take care of yourself.
[pushes a button sending the hatch up]
A.J.: Harry, no!
Harry Stamper: I love you, boy.
A.J.: Harry, I love you! Don't Harry! Wait a minute! Harry, no!
Harry Stamper: Bye, son.
gue gausah delete itu lah yaaa yang di kurungin, biar lu pada bisa bayangin huhu
ini deh gue kasih trailernya jg sama poster filmnyaaaa:(

ini trailernyaaaa
kalo ini yang pas bapak sama anaknya pisahh :(((((
this part is where harry decided to sacrifice himself
nih ya kalo ga tau ceritanya gua ceritain sediiiikit hehe, jadi kan ada bapak sama anak, bapaknya itu kayak astronot gitu, terus ada apa yaaah gak tau deh asteroid mungkin? yaah lets just call whatever that thing is, asteroid. jadi ada masalah gitu deeh sampe itu asteroidnya harus diledakin. si bapak ini pergi kan ke luar angkasa. nah sebelumnya itu dia sama anaknya cewek, hubungannya gak begitu baiik hehe, udah gitu si anaknya itu punya pacar, kalo ga salah pacarnya itu astronot juga deh, terus si pacar ngikut ke luar angkasa.
terus pas dia udah ngeset bomnya, ada kesalahan teknis masalah gitu deh, terus satu2nya jalan harus ada salah satu dari mereka yg tinggal di asteroid itu terus ledakin. naaah kalo dia tinggal disitu, otomatis mati dia disitu ikut meledak.
nah si astronot2 ini pada ambil undian kan, naaah yang dapet si pacar anak bapak iniiii! udah gitu dia udah siap2 gitu kan udah deg2an, terus bapaknya nawarin buat nemenin dia turun, eh pas udah nyampe dibawah, ternyata bapaknya malah nawarin diri utk berkorbaan :(
ini deh yang bikin sedih, itu pas bapaknya ngomong ke anaknya utk terakhir kalii, nih ya gue copy.
Harry Stamper itu bapaknya. Grace Stamper itu anaknya ::
Grace Stamper: [talking to Harry when he is on the asteroid] Daddy?
Grace Stamper: Hi Gracey. Hi honey. Grace, I know I promised you I was coming home.
Grace Stamper: I don't understand.
Harry Stamper: Looks like I'm going to have to break that promise.
Grace Stamper: I lied to you too. When I told you I didn't want to be like you. Because I am like you. Everything good that I have inside of me, I have from you. I love you so much daddy. And I'm so proud of you, I'm so scared. I'm so scared.
Harry Stamper: I know it baby. But there won't be anything to be scared of soon. Gracey, I want you to know that AJ saved us. He did. I want you to tell Chick, that I couldn't have done it without him. None of it. I want you to take care of AJ. And I wish I could be there to walk you down the aisle, but I'll... I'll look in on you from time to time, okay honey? I love you Grace.
Grace Stamper: I love you too.
Harry Stamper: Gotta go now honey.
Grace Stamper: Daddy, no!
[Harry cuts the video feed]
Grace Stamper: No dad no!
hiks. mungkin kalo cuman baca gak gimana gimana gitu yaaa, tp kalo liat adegannya huuuuuuuuahhhhh:((
terus ini jg, omongannya si bapaak sama si pacar anak pas dia mau tukeran :(
A.J.: Just tell Grace that, uh, that I'll always be with her. Okay? Can you do that?
Harry Stamper: Yeah. Okay, kid.
Harry Stamper: [pulls AJ's air hose out and rips off his own mission badge and hands it to AJ] Give this to Truman. Make sure Truman gets that! Get in there.
[pushes AJ back into the hatch and closes the door]
Harry Stamper: It's my turn now.
A.J.: Harry! Harry! You can't do this to me! It's my job!
Harry Stamper: You go take care of my little girl now. That's your job. Always thought of you as a son. Always. But, I'd be damn proud to have you marry Grace.
A.J.: [beginning to cry] Harry.
Harry Stamper: You take care of yourself.
[pushes a button sending the hatch up]
A.J.: Harry, no!
Harry Stamper: I love you, boy.
A.J.: Harry, I love you! Don't Harry! Wait a minute! Harry, no!
Harry Stamper: Bye, son.
gue gausah delete itu lah yaaa yang di kurungin, biar lu pada bisa bayangin huhu
ini deh gue kasih trailernya jg sama poster filmnyaaaa:(
this is the poster
and here comes the trailer!
ini trailernyaaaa
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
안녕하세요! heheheheehehe i've just learnt how to write in korean from my little sistah. she's ummm let's say korean "freak" hehe. she knows almost everything about korean stuffs. *ummm especially south korean thingys.*
and i'm thinking to try speaking french B)
haha ok stop with the "gayagayaan" thing. hoho
udah dulu ya bingung mau nulis apa lg hehe btw kalo ke youtube, cari GABE BONDOC deh!
yaaah kalo kebetulan udah tau yaudah, ini gue ngasi tau buat yg belom tau aja kok!
and i'm thinking to try speaking french B)
haha ok stop with the "gayagayaan" thing. hoho
udah dulu ya bingung mau nulis apa lg hehe btw kalo ke youtube, cari GABE BONDOC deh!
yaaah kalo kebetulan udah tau yaudah, ini gue ngasi tau buat yg belom tau aja kok!
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Have you ever felt betrayed? Lied to? Well if you havent, i wish you will never feel them. But if you have, it sucks isnt it? Feeling that way?
Even when it's an actor you love who doesnt even know you exist who "betrays" you by dating some randome actresses, it still sucks. What if this is a friend you've begun to trust the most doing the betrayal? What if your friend who you think is the most honest and reliable person who gives you all lies? What if this fried of yours, whom you cheer everytime he/she doesnt feel well enough is the one who takes advantages of you? Yes. The feeling is more than suck. It's undescribable. But one thing i know about it is that it is not GOOD. it's waaay far beyond terrible.
So for all of my pals, if you think i lied or took advantage of you or betrayed you, i'm sorry. The truth is, i've never meant to do so. If i said something that hurted your hearts, i'm sorry. I didnt mean to do so either. You'll know when i meant those words i say, even when we're not close friends. I can promise you that.:)
So sorry._.
Cheers, nadine:)
Even when it's an actor you love who doesnt even know you exist who "betrays" you by dating some randome actresses, it still sucks. What if this is a friend you've begun to trust the most doing the betrayal? What if your friend who you think is the most honest and reliable person who gives you all lies? What if this fried of yours, whom you cheer everytime he/she doesnt feel well enough is the one who takes advantages of you? Yes. The feeling is more than suck. It's undescribable. But one thing i know about it is that it is not GOOD. it's waaay far beyond terrible.
So for all of my pals, if you think i lied or took advantage of you or betrayed you, i'm sorry. The truth is, i've never meant to do so. If i said something that hurted your hearts, i'm sorry. I didnt mean to do so either. You'll know when i meant those words i say, even when we're not close friends. I can promise you that.:)
So sorry._.
Cheers, nadine:)
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
yes i'm a dreamer!
"you may say i'm a dreamer, but im not the only one.."
Notice those words above? Yeeeep those are taken from imagine-john lennon.
And i'm proudly say that i am a dreamer
I bet you are too. Well if you say youre not, then you're just one of those bdches who think they have everything that they dont even bother having a dream
#justsayin #nooffence #PEACE!
Notice those words above? Yeeeep those are taken from imagine-john lennon.
And i'm proudly say that i am a dreamer
I bet you are too. Well if you say youre not, then you're just one of those bdches who think they have everything that they dont even bother having a dream
#justsayin #nooffence #PEACE!
Monday, May 16, 2011
TheAwkwardMomentWhen. . .
1. You were singing like a superstar in your bedroom then suddenly someone comes in and everything freezed. (re: ketawan ngegila)
2. You were caught lying (re: ketawan ngibul)
3. You tweeted about someone then that someone realized and said sorry to you. (re: ketawan lg nyindir orang via twitter)
4. You come into a classroom with a bunch of juniors by accident and their eyeballs keep lookingat you even when you've got out of there (re: salah masuk kelas adek kelas-_-)
5. Your parents are arguing in front of you about something you're not supposed to know (re: bonyok berantem hal gapenting didepan lo)
6. You were watching a movie with your parents and the kissing scene popped out (re: nonton film bareng bonyok tbtb pemainnya ciuman._.)
7. You were on the phone with your bestfriends talking about boys/girls. after you finished talking, your parents asked you who was it and why did he/she called (re: ketawan ngegosipin cowok/cewek bareng sohib)
8. You're standing/sitting next to your crush :$ (re: duduk sebelah gebetan)
9. You're standing/sitting near a handsome/pretty guy/girl (re: dideket lo ada cowo/cewe cakep)
10. Someone says hi to you but you dont even know them. And all you do to them is saying HI back (re: ada yg nyapa tp lo gatau itu siapa)
11. You've just acted foolishly in front of your crush (re: baru betingkah tolol didepan gebetan)
12. You were talking about someone behind their back while actually, they are behind your back:S (re: lg ngomongin orang, taunya orgnya ada di belakang lo)
13. You accidentally said a swear word in front of your teacher/parents (re: ngmg anjing,kucing,kebo or whatever didepan bonyok)
14. You sent someone a text that wasnt supposed to be sent to them. (re: salah kirim sms)
1. You were singing like a superstar in your bedroom then suddenly someone comes in and everything freezed. (re: ketawan ngegila)
2. You were caught lying (re: ketawan ngibul)
3. You tweeted about someone then that someone realized and said sorry to you. (re: ketawan lg nyindir orang via twitter)
4. You come into a classroom with a bunch of juniors by accident and their eyeballs keep lookingat you even when you've got out of there (re: salah masuk kelas adek kelas-_-)
5. Your parents are arguing in front of you about something you're not supposed to know (re: bonyok berantem hal gapenting didepan lo)
6. You were watching a movie with your parents and the kissing scene popped out (re: nonton film bareng bonyok tbtb pemainnya ciuman._.)
7. You were on the phone with your bestfriends talking about boys/girls. after you finished talking, your parents asked you who was it and why did he/she called (re: ketawan ngegosipin cowok/cewek bareng sohib)
8. You're standing/sitting next to your crush :$ (re: duduk sebelah gebetan)
9. You're standing/sitting near a handsome/pretty guy/girl (re: dideket lo ada cowo/cewe cakep)
10. Someone says hi to you but you dont even know them. And all you do to them is saying HI back (re: ada yg nyapa tp lo gatau itu siapa)
11. You've just acted foolishly in front of your crush (re: baru betingkah tolol didepan gebetan)
12. You were talking about someone behind their back while actually, they are behind your back:S (re: lg ngomongin orang, taunya orgnya ada di belakang lo)
13. You accidentally said a swear word in front of your teacher/parents (re: ngmg anjing,kucing,kebo or whatever didepan bonyok)
14. You sent someone a text that wasnt supposed to be sent to them. (re: salah kirim sms)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
"Why are people running? Why are people hiding? Why are people crying for this love?"
My thought:
People run because they're afraid of love hurting them.
People hide because they dont want to be hurt by love.
People cry for this love because they've been hurt by it.
Well, love isnt always hurting people. Sometimes it heals people. People who have suffered something worse than being broken hearted. And love can also be a painkiller for someone who's in need of one. For example: someone is suffering a serious illness which can never be cured anymore, when his/her loved one pay him/her a visit and give him/her some love, he/she'll forget how painful that illness has been torturing her. And love could do many other good things.
But love sure is confusing. Yet it is amusing at the same time.
My thought:
People run because they're afraid of love hurting them.
People hide because they dont want to be hurt by love.
People cry for this love because they've been hurt by it.
Well, love isnt always hurting people. Sometimes it heals people. People who have suffered something worse than being broken hearted. And love can also be a painkiller for someone who's in need of one. For example: someone is suffering a serious illness which can never be cured anymore, when his/her loved one pay him/her a visit and give him/her some love, he/she'll forget how painful that illness has been torturing her. And love could do many other good things.
But love sure is confusing. Yet it is amusing at the same time.
yo. got bored. got nothing to do. decided to type some things. important or not? you decide. my opinion? not so important. well i'm a fan of Richard Castle and Kate Beckett. they're both coming from a tv show called Castle. i;ve just watched 5 episodes of it. and they are all FRIGGIN AWESOME!
watched them all via youtube. they were uploaded by someone who's username is ScarletNightWatchman. well i know he/she will not read this post of mine but i want to THANK him/her for uploading those videos!
anyway, here's for someone.
you're old school. you're a bluffer. you're tacky. you're a smartass.
have you never realized that people around you are talking about you behind your back for being such a smart aleck? well you don't do you? you think you've always had a heart but you haven't. sometimes you're cocky. and everybody talks about your cockiness.
i know i'm being a dastard for talking about you in my blog. you might think i'm talking about someone else when you're reading this. but i'm actually talking about you.
cheers :D
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Who and why.
Those two question words up there are the two words that matter to me the most. Idk why but when someone is or i am having a problem the first question i'm asking uses the word WHY. then next the WHO is taking its turn.
But when it comes to you and her, the WHO comes first then followed by the WHY. Then the what. Even the WHEN is too:
WHO is this girl?
WHY do you pick her?
WHAT makes you pick her, WHAT is so special about her?
WHEN did you start liking her?
Patheticly, those are just questions without answers. Well, at least they will remain so until i have this bravery to ask them all directly to you. But the problem is, i will never have the B thing.____.
But when it comes to you and her, the WHO comes first then followed by the WHY. Then the what. Even the WHEN is too:
WHO is this girl?
WHY do you pick her?
WHAT makes you pick her, WHAT is so special about her?
WHEN did you start liking her?
Patheticly, those are just questions without answers. Well, at least they will remain so until i have this bravery to ask them all directly to you. But the problem is, i will never have the B thing.____.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Ok so you've known that i'd passed my national exam and now i'm on my way of passing my longlasting holiday. Got nothing to do. Any idea? Tweet me!
Twitter : @naadiinne ;):):)
Twitter : @naadiinne ;):):)
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