I've missed yesterday already ;)
Halooooooooo kemaren gue abis dari dufan loh bareng anak-anak 9e. Gilaaaaa asik bgtttt! Thanks yaa kaliaaan!
Kalo ga gr2 mereka kga bakalan berani kali itu gua naek histeria. Hahaha tp setelah di ulas kembali, gak serem2 amat sih sekalipun gua heboh teriak2 terus hahaha
Gila pokoknya kemarrn bener bener gaul gilaaa, mual-mual, ketawa-ketawa, kelaprran bareng2, nambah makanan bareng bareng, pegel bareng, kekenyangan pun bareng bareng! Astagaaaaa ini yaa gaul bgt deh ya kelasnya yaampun jd gak pingin smaaaa :(((
Kapan kapan harus lagi!!!!!!!!! Terus HARUS LENGKAP!!!!! :D
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
iyalooo skrg galau lg-..- gila bgt nih gua ga ada pulsa 5hr:(. Mau ngomng lgsung jg ga ada topik+males, terus nnti disangka yg aneh2, terus ga ada waktu, terus ada tementemennya, terus yagitudeh.
Sebetulnya, galau berguna ga sih? Coba galau bikin pinter. Hayaaaaaaaaah ribet amat sih jd anak umur segini kerjanya galau2 terus. Mmang bener dh kata mas poci: GALAU TINGKAT ANAK SMP KELAS TIGA. Emng anak kls 9 galaunya gila2an. Ya mungkin anak kls 9nya itu cuma gua haha
btw org yg td itu lupain aja lah, gue jg lg dlm proses. tahap pertama udah lewat, yakni: mengabaikan di twitter. nama dia nongol di tl, lgsung lewatin lanjut baca tweet org lain. ya mgkin dia jg mlkukan hal yg sma ke gue?siapa yg tau?hanya dia dan Tuhan yg tau hehe, kali aja kalo skrg gue udah bener2 gk brhbungan scr tdk lgsung jd keselnya ngurang?hehe ya cara yg slh mmang, harusnya ngmg langsung selesaikan scr baik2. Yayaya saya tau prosedurnya, tp gk tau kenapa kl sm yg ini mles bgt selesaiin baik2, ngomongin yg jelas, blablabla. udahlah mending diem2an aja, toh jg dia yg mau kan?gue kan cuma nurutin apa mau dia aja hehe yaudahlaaaaaaaah capek.
Beneran deh ya kalo udh begini bener2 harus blg 'haaaaaaalo .... wkwk' terus nnti di bls 'kenapa loooo?' terus ... Nyehehehehe butuh ketawa2 nih! Siapa mau ngobrol bilang ya! Wekeke *sok eksis abis*
Sebetulnya, galau berguna ga sih? Coba galau bikin pinter. Hayaaaaaaaaah ribet amat sih jd anak umur segini kerjanya galau2 terus. Mmang bener dh kata mas poci: GALAU TINGKAT ANAK SMP KELAS TIGA. Emng anak kls 9 galaunya gila2an. Ya mungkin anak kls 9nya itu cuma gua haha
btw org yg td itu lupain aja lah, gue jg lg dlm proses. tahap pertama udah lewat, yakni: mengabaikan di twitter. nama dia nongol di tl, lgsung lewatin lanjut baca tweet org lain. ya mgkin dia jg mlkukan hal yg sma ke gue?siapa yg tau?hanya dia dan Tuhan yg tau hehe, kali aja kalo skrg gue udah bener2 gk brhbungan scr tdk lgsung jd keselnya ngurang?hehe ya cara yg slh mmang, harusnya ngmg langsung selesaikan scr baik2. Yayaya saya tau prosedurnya, tp gk tau kenapa kl sm yg ini mles bgt selesaiin baik2, ngomongin yg jelas, blablabla. udahlah mending diem2an aja, toh jg dia yg mau kan?gue kan cuma nurutin apa mau dia aja hehe yaudahlaaaaaaaah capek.
Beneran deh ya kalo udh begini bener2 harus blg 'haaaaaaalo .... wkwk' terus nnti di bls 'kenapa loooo?' terus ... Nyehehehehe butuh ketawa2 nih! Siapa mau ngobrol bilang ya! Wekeke *sok eksis abis*
hmmmmm first day?well passed oyee. Hmmm not so well sih sebetulnya. Ada kerikil kerikil yg menusuk kakiku dan sempat membuatku merasa perih. Hehehe lebay ya?memang. Ada bbrp soal yg gue ragu2, ada bbrp perbedaan pndpt antara aku, angel, dan andrew winata. Kita sama sama dapet paket C-39 :D tp yasudahlah what's gone is gone, ryte ryte? Hehehe, td pas peltam kan gue sempet duduk sndiri tuuh terus akhirnya dduk sm gaby ngbrl2 sm monik jg, tentang apa? Tentang seeeeeeeeemuanya. Seru bgt yaampyun deh ini yach ngmg sama cewekcewek inii :).
hmmm besok gue un mat. td udah bljr sih cuman gmn yah masi merasa ada apaaa gt yg kurang. masih merasa cupu dh, gmn ya abis gue belagu sih maunya dpt cepe. tp kan sbg manusia kt itu ga akan pernah puas setuju?hehhe eh eh eh tau ga sih *yanggaklahya* gua kesel bgt dh ini sm satu org gktau dh mau danggp temen tp gmnaaa, gk dianggep temen jg gmnaaaa.Yaaah intinya dia ngeselin lah, prtmanya minta maaf, pake2 emot sedih, eh skrg?ngeliat gua aj gamau, gua senymin buang muka, gua ajak ngomong ngebales cuman satudua kata.nh ya klo gua jahat mah psti it yg anak lain lg uda tau pas dy ngmg ssuatu yg..... ah gak tau ah pokoknya kesel.
yaaah tp pasti kalo bunuh orang ga dosa mah gua jg ga bakal ada disini kali wekeke
udah deh yaa see you when i see you cos i want to study to reach a high score! ini matematika loh ya klo dapet nilai bagus kan keren! wekekeke
hmmm besok gue un mat. td udah bljr sih cuman gmn yah masi merasa ada apaaa gt yg kurang. masih merasa cupu dh, gmn ya abis gue belagu sih maunya dpt cepe. tp kan sbg manusia kt itu ga akan pernah puas setuju?hehhe eh eh eh tau ga sih *yanggaklahya* gua kesel bgt dh ini sm satu org gktau dh mau danggp temen tp gmnaaa, gk dianggep temen jg gmnaaaa.Yaaah intinya dia ngeselin lah, prtmanya minta maaf, pake2 emot sedih, eh skrg?ngeliat gua aj gamau, gua senymin buang muka, gua ajak ngomong ngebales cuman satudua kata.nh ya klo gua jahat mah psti it yg anak lain lg uda tau pas dy ngmg ssuatu yg..... ah gak tau ah pokoknya kesel.
yaaah tp pasti kalo bunuh orang ga dosa mah gua jg ga bakal ada disini kali wekeke
udah deh yaa see you when i see you cos i want to study to reach a high score! ini matematika loh ya klo dapet nilai bagus kan keren! wekekeke
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tomorrow. The first day of the 4 big days. Bahasa Indonesia. In desperate need of turning a 6 into a 9. Or maybe 10. God, please help this daughter of Yours, help her remember everything she's studied for her national exam. Bless her hands in circling her computer answer sheet. Guide her in every questions she'll be doing. And please please please, let her pass this first exam happily and grant her her wish of getting the best score. And bless all of her friends who will be having the same tests she does, let them remember everything they've studied, and let them have the best marks they could have. Let us all pass and go to senior high together. Thanks God, in the name of Lord Jesus, i pray and give thanks to You, AMEN.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
the little mermaid :)
hellooooo :) i've just finished watching one of my favorite disney movies, THE LITTLE MERMAID. i've always loved Ariel. and thanks to one of my tumblr buddy i get to watch that movie for one more time.
i love how ariel and eric finally lived happily ever after. i love the scene when eric and ariel defeated ursula together. i love the scene where they are holding hands on their boat with all the animals singing romanticly. i love king triton for allowing ariel be with eric. i love it when ariel and flounder explored a shipwreck. aaaaah i just love everything about the movie and the story!
and watching the little mermaid makes me remember the time when i was a child, i was swimming in the pool with my sisters and we pretended that we were mermaids, hahahha i know i'm stupid but if you are a girl and you've ever watched this movie, i will NEVER believe you if you tell me you've never imagined yourself as a mermaid! well if you do, poor you then hehehe
i miss being a child. i miss having my wildest imaginations come true.
i wish i have a time machine that can bring me back to the nice old days :))
i love how ariel and eric finally lived happily ever after. i love the scene when eric and ariel defeated ursula together. i love the scene where they are holding hands on their boat with all the animals singing romanticly. i love king triton for allowing ariel be with eric. i love it when ariel and flounder explored a shipwreck. aaaaah i just love everything about the movie and the story!
and watching the little mermaid makes me remember the time when i was a child, i was swimming in the pool with my sisters and we pretended that we were mermaids, hahahha i know i'm stupid but if you are a girl and you've ever watched this movie, i will NEVER believe you if you tell me you've never imagined yourself as a mermaid! well if you do, poor you then hehehe
i miss being a child. i miss having my wildest imaginations come true.
i wish i have a time machine that can bring me back to the nice old days :))
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Ola :) gue baru selesai ntn castle nih, gila yaah ada itu si Ryan ngelamar cewenya yaampun romantis abis gila naksir dh gue astagaaa :))
Hmmm udah lama ga cerita cerita dh ya, skrg deh ya gue ceritain yg trjd td di cekula :3
Pagi pagi gue dateng lgsung gk jelas, bingung nyari kelas, untung ketemu andrew tnyta kelasnya di inggris. Terus ga lama ester dtg ngmgin glee deh :) gila ya kemaren it si sam pesonanya mancar beneer hahaha gila lah uda bahasa gua. Terus ngbrol ngbrol sm ivanna sharon cindy ngakak ngakak gt deeh, udah gt pas nengok ke mana gt lgsng kesel bengong gt gw :(. Eeh tbtb ada lagu bule bunyi, pada aih apaan tuh. Tnyta hapenya ivanna! Lgsung si cindy teriak LALALALALALAA gw jg ngmg kenceng2 SIAPA AJA SIH TADI YG GA IKUT KE DUFAN SIAPA AJAAA? Mana td di depan ada mam ocha sm mam jul. Untng yaah mam jul *maaf* rada bolot gt jd gk ketawan hahaha.
Udah gt pagi2! Kan ngmgin mobil ke dufan, eh tbtb si anak terganteng blg supirnya mau ke afrika jd volunteer wwf anjreeeeet mati ngakak si gua hahahaa mana kmrn malem smsan sama evan ngmgin si ganteng, pagi2 siganteng berulah lg hahaha ngakak lg laah
Uda gitu cuman ltian ngisi LJK. frustasi lah gua gk bisa rapi-_- tp nnti UN pasti gw rapi 0:)
Udah gt ngbrl lg2 sampe disuruh kebaktian ke sma. Kotbahnya bagus, tp agak ngantuk abis pndetanya kebanyakan nyontek hehehe
Udah gtuuu pas mau keluar kan disuruh giliran gt perkelas, terus si babe pake sepatu baru. Belm smpet kenalan ini gw haha, sepatunya ungu kaya pny justin bieber! Iwaw abis kan walkel gua;) trus ngbrl2 ngatain sharon sm babe jg, smpe keluar tbtb ada pemandangan sgt indah.... Tp mata gua beraer gr2 malu-_- uda gitu kan turunya naik lift brhbung anak sma lg uan, ud gt yg cewe2 duluan kan, terus si babe tbtb blg "ericko masuk snaa!" hahaa ngakak s gw. Ud gitu kt lama bgt, main2in lift hha, ud nutup ama babe dibuka lg, terus nutup buka lg, uda gitu kan yg cewe2 niat bikin yg cowo2 jd pada lama, jd pas mereka dah ga pencet2 kita yg pencet dr dalem ahhahaha ngakak deeh anak2 sma yg lg duduk di meja gt jg pada ketawa kayaknya haha. Uda gitu niat ngerjain kan jd semua lantai d pencetin, eh pas nyampe di bawah trnyata yg cowo2nya uda nyampe duluan hahahaha.
Udah deeh gitu doaang ceritanya, intinya hari ini gw betul btul senang sekali :))))))))
Hmmm udah lama ga cerita cerita dh ya, skrg deh ya gue ceritain yg trjd td di cekula :3
Pagi pagi gue dateng lgsung gk jelas, bingung nyari kelas, untung ketemu andrew tnyta kelasnya di inggris. Terus ga lama ester dtg ngmgin glee deh :) gila ya kemaren it si sam pesonanya mancar beneer hahaha gila lah uda bahasa gua. Terus ngbrol ngbrol sm ivanna sharon cindy ngakak ngakak gt deeh, udah gt pas nengok ke mana gt lgsng kesel bengong gt gw :(. Eeh tbtb ada lagu bule bunyi, pada aih apaan tuh. Tnyta hapenya ivanna! Lgsung si cindy teriak LALALALALALAA gw jg ngmg kenceng2 SIAPA AJA SIH TADI YG GA IKUT KE DUFAN SIAPA AJAAA? Mana td di depan ada mam ocha sm mam jul. Untng yaah mam jul *maaf* rada bolot gt jd gk ketawan hahaha.
Udah gt pagi2! Kan ngmgin mobil ke dufan, eh tbtb si anak terganteng blg supirnya mau ke afrika jd volunteer wwf anjreeeeet mati ngakak si gua hahahaa mana kmrn malem smsan sama evan ngmgin si ganteng, pagi2 siganteng berulah lg hahaha ngakak lg laah
Uda gitu cuman ltian ngisi LJK. frustasi lah gua gk bisa rapi-_- tp nnti UN pasti gw rapi 0:)
Udah gt ngbrl lg2 sampe disuruh kebaktian ke sma. Kotbahnya bagus, tp agak ngantuk abis pndetanya kebanyakan nyontek hehehe
Udah gtuuu pas mau keluar kan disuruh giliran gt perkelas, terus si babe pake sepatu baru. Belm smpet kenalan ini gw haha, sepatunya ungu kaya pny justin bieber! Iwaw abis kan walkel gua;) trus ngbrl2 ngatain sharon sm babe jg, smpe keluar tbtb ada pemandangan sgt indah.... Tp mata gua beraer gr2 malu-_- uda gitu kan turunya naik lift brhbung anak sma lg uan, ud gt yg cewe2 duluan kan, terus si babe tbtb blg "ericko masuk snaa!" hahaa ngakak s gw. Ud gitu kt lama bgt, main2in lift hha, ud nutup ama babe dibuka lg, terus nutup buka lg, uda gitu kan yg cewe2 niat bikin yg cowo2 jd pada lama, jd pas mereka dah ga pencet2 kita yg pencet dr dalem ahhahaha ngakak deeh anak2 sma yg lg duduk di meja gt jg pada ketawa kayaknya haha. Uda gitu niat ngerjain kan jd semua lantai d pencetin, eh pas nyampe di bawah trnyata yg cowo2nya uda nyampe duluan hahahaha.
Udah deeh gitu doaang ceritanya, intinya hari ini gw betul btul senang sekali :))))))))
Twin girls, Brielle and Kyrie, were born 12 weeks ahead of their due date. Needing intensive care, they were placed in separate incubators.
Kyrie began to gain weight and her health stabilized. But Brielle, born only 2 lbs, had trouble breathing, heart problems and other complications. She was not expected to live.
Their nurse did everything she could to make Brielle’s health better, but nothing she did was helping her. With nothing else to do, their nurse went against hospital policy and decided to place both babies in the same incubator.
She left the twin girls to sleep and when when she returned she found a sight she could not believe. She called all the nurses and doctors and this is what they saw (refer to the picture above).
As Brielle got closer to her sister, Kyrie put her small little arm around her, as if to hug and support her sister. From that moment on, Brielle’s breathing and heart rate stabilized and her health became normal.
From then on, they decided to keep both babies together, because when they were together they kept each other alive.
And today they are 15 years old.
So remember, when you are going through something, that you’re not alone. You’re within an arm’s length of a sister who will be there to support you. But best and above all, you have a God who loves you no matter what.Game me goosebumps :( This is just too sweet :(
Who are you within arm’s length of today? Think of someone who might need your love and encouragement. Stay close to them, because you never know if that moment will save their life.
Read more: http://avianalee.tumblr.com/post/4650682318#ixzz1JiAqzfmA
got this from tumblr, and yeeeep this is just way too sweet!
dear my sisters, i love you and here's a big hug for you! ({})
heeeey i'm here to keep my promise! i'm gonna upload some photos of Darren Criss and Mario Maurer :)

i keep my comments in my mind. you keep your comments in yours too yaaaaa :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
OH BABY I'm in LOVE ;)
And so does MARIO MAURER.
Why didnt blaine show up in the gleeber episode?!?!?!-______-
@immario_maurer cant you just reply my tweet? I dont want to spam so i've only sent you two tweets :( your reply would make me dieeee! Hahha
P.s : photos will be posted later!
And so does MARIO MAURER.
Why didnt blaine show up in the gleeber episode?!?!?!-______-
@immario_maurer cant you just reply my tweet? I dont want to spam so i've only sent you two tweets :( your reply would make me dieeee! Hahha
P.s : photos will be posted later!
Monday, April 18, 2011
It's raining.
"fourteen months and seven days ago, oh i know you know, how we felt about that night,"
- like we used to.
No one knows exactly what happened that day. Well maybe someone knows. Hh it's 10:27 pm and it's raining. I'm not feeling well. Something is not right. It seems that the cltcl has eaten me alive. I've given up on it. But i got back up, and now, i'm falling again. It seems that tbis wheel of mine rolls way too fast then when it comes to the bottom, God pulled the breaks and make me stay at the bottom. Geez i know i'm still young to feel this way but things have changed. Now, people around my age feel stronger than people above my age. Ha ha.
Haaaaah i'm tired and i'm down
- like we used to.
No one knows exactly what happened that day. Well maybe someone knows. Hh it's 10:27 pm and it's raining. I'm not feeling well. Something is not right. It seems that the cltcl has eaten me alive. I've given up on it. But i got back up, and now, i'm falling again. It seems that tbis wheel of mine rolls way too fast then when it comes to the bottom, God pulled the breaks and make me stay at the bottom. Geez i know i'm still young to feel this way but things have changed. Now, people around my age feel stronger than people above my age. Ha ha.
Haaaaah i'm tired and i'm down
"Girls aren’t going to talk to you first. It’s a girl thing. We don’t like starting the conversation because we like to feel like you want to talk to us. We like to feel like the wait was worth something. We like feeling like you’ve waited for us like we’ve waited for you. But the number one reason we hate talking first is because we hate to seem needy or clingy. That’s why we’re scared. Cause to us, being needy and obsessive just pushes guys away. And no girl wants that."
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Kata 'galau' skrg lg ngetren yah di mana mana. Skrg pun gue lg galau. Pertama kali loh :/. Err bohong deh kesekian kali. Biasa galau gara-gara hal yg sam. Tapi sukur alehamdulila kali ini beda. Beda orang maksudnya. Miris? Memang. Gimana yaaab sebenernya sih gue jg ga gitu ngerti galau it begimana rasanya, tapi kalo dari cerita tementemen gue yg sering nyebut galau ya kayaknya begini, yaah intinya ga enak lah galau galau gitu. Bawaanya pengen nangis cuman kalo nangis juga gimnaa gitu kayaknya koplak banget. Haaaaaah emang ribet ya jadi anak labil nan naif. Hm.
Bayangin yaa gua lg galau begini dengerin lagu macam Unbreak my heartnya toni braxton. Recommended lah buat kamu kamu yang suka menangis dan mengasihani diri serta doyan nginget masa lalu. Oiya! Kadang kalo galau itu gara gara nginget masa laluuu! Tp bukan masa2 jelek, malah masamasa indah yg bikin pengen nangis hiks. Good memories are supposed to make us smile. However most of them just tear us apart. And why is that happening? Because we're calling them as memories when we actually can make them last. Ngaco ya inggris gua? Intinyaa kta nangis gara2 kita bikin itu kejadian cuman kenangan padahal sebenernya kita masih bisa ngelakuin hal yg sama sekarang ini. Sok bijak? Mungkin. Tapi sebetulnya itu pengalaman pribadi. Itu yg skrg bikin gua #galau.
Kadang, yg lebih najis, itu hal yg kita lakuin dulu, yg bikin kita skrg galau, lg di lakuin sama org itu bareng cewe/cowo barunya. Maktay makin ngenes daaaaaan makin bikin tambah galau! Huhu memang menyedihkan yaaah :(
Eh udah ah capek gua nulis kata galau hrhehe
Udah duluxyaaaaaa byebyeee
Btw, skrg jam 10:05 WUG *waktu Indonesia bagian GALAU
Bayangin yaa gua lg galau begini dengerin lagu macam Unbreak my heartnya toni braxton. Recommended lah buat kamu kamu yang suka menangis dan mengasihani diri serta doyan nginget masa lalu. Oiya! Kadang kalo galau itu gara gara nginget masa laluuu! Tp bukan masa2 jelek, malah masamasa indah yg bikin pengen nangis hiks. Good memories are supposed to make us smile. However most of them just tear us apart. And why is that happening? Because we're calling them as memories when we actually can make them last. Ngaco ya inggris gua? Intinyaa kta nangis gara2 kita bikin itu kejadian cuman kenangan padahal sebenernya kita masih bisa ngelakuin hal yg sama sekarang ini. Sok bijak? Mungkin. Tapi sebetulnya itu pengalaman pribadi. Itu yg skrg bikin gua #galau.
Kadang, yg lebih najis, itu hal yg kita lakuin dulu, yg bikin kita skrg galau, lg di lakuin sama org itu bareng cewe/cowo barunya. Maktay makin ngenes daaaaaan makin bikin tambah galau! Huhu memang menyedihkan yaaah :(
Eh udah ah capek gua nulis kata galau hrhehe
Udah duluxyaaaaaa byebyeee
Btw, skrg jam 10:05 WUG *waktu Indonesia bagian GALAU
Little message for my awesome class :)
Zhi pa wo zhi ji hui ai shang niiiiiii
Haha itu lagu f4 lg gua demenin banget banget deeh :):)
Anywaaaaaay wan an! Hehe udah lama ya ga nulis post gak berbobot haha.
Yamaklum, bbrp hari ini gue sibuk, mempersiapkan mental utk uan. Hehe it cuman alibi deng. Tp emg sibuk. Haha hmmmm gak kerasa yaa minggu depan udah uan. Minggu depannya lg udah libur deh padahal rasanya kemaren it baru tes masuk sd. Oke itu lebay. Tp serius deh cepet bgt looh ini srasa naik mrt. Aih itu jg lebay. Ga kerasa yaaaah ini gaby jordy andrew stevan kt udah sekelas 3taon, ga kerasa yaaah 20 org anak 8e yg gapindah kita udah sekelas 2 tauuun, ga krasa yah anak 9e kita sekelas setaun kurang dikiit. Gue mau bilang ini deeh ke lu pada,
Makasi yaaaa udah bikin gw seneng senengterus di sekolaah, makasi udah bikin gw gak ngerasain stresnya mau un, makasi temenin gw pas lg upraa, makasi udah ngunciin gua di pos satpam dgn mata buta, makasi udah ngasi contekan pr tiap pagii, makasi mau ngakak barng gw, makasi mau dengerin cerita gw, makasi mau gw nyolotin hehe, makasi mau ngeladenin kegakjelasan gw, yg paling penting, makasih mau jadi tmeen tmeen baik gw :) mungkin ada dr lu yg pernah sebel sama gw, gw minta maaf yaah :) bentar lg kita bakal misah misah, kenapa kita deketnya pas terakhir trrkhrr? Huhuu aku sedih sekali looh :( semoga nnti kita jadi yg terbaik yaa di sekolaa masing"! :)
Haha itu lagu f4 lg gua demenin banget banget deeh :):)
Anywaaaaaay wan an! Hehe udah lama ya ga nulis post gak berbobot haha.
Yamaklum, bbrp hari ini gue sibuk, mempersiapkan mental utk uan. Hehe it cuman alibi deng. Tp emg sibuk. Haha hmmmm gak kerasa yaa minggu depan udah uan. Minggu depannya lg udah libur deh padahal rasanya kemaren it baru tes masuk sd. Oke itu lebay. Tp serius deh cepet bgt looh ini srasa naik mrt. Aih itu jg lebay. Ga kerasa yaaaah ini gaby jordy andrew stevan kt udah sekelas 3taon, ga kerasa yaaah 20 org anak 8e yg gapindah kita udah sekelas 2 tauuun, ga krasa yah anak 9e kita sekelas setaun kurang dikiit. Gue mau bilang ini deeh ke lu pada,
Makasi yaaaa udah bikin gw seneng senengterus di sekolaah, makasi udah bikin gw gak ngerasain stresnya mau un, makasi temenin gw pas lg upraa, makasi udah ngunciin gua di pos satpam dgn mata buta, makasi udah ngasi contekan pr tiap pagii, makasi mau ngakak barng gw, makasi mau dengerin cerita gw, makasi mau gw nyolotin hehe, makasi mau ngeladenin kegakjelasan gw, yg paling penting, makasih mau jadi tmeen tmeen baik gw :) mungkin ada dr lu yg pernah sebel sama gw, gw minta maaf yaah :) bentar lg kita bakal misah misah, kenapa kita deketnya pas terakhir trrkhrr? Huhuu aku sedih sekali looh :( semoga nnti kita jadi yg terbaik yaa di sekolaa masing"! :)
Saturday, April 16, 2011
today my life begins :)
i've been working hard so long
seems like pain has been my only friend
my fragile heart's been done so wrong
i wondered if i'd ever heal again
ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
all around me i can feel a change (ohh)
i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it's mine for the taking
i know i can make it, today my life begins
yesterday has come and gone
and i've learn how to leave it where it is
and i see that i was wrong
for ever doubting i could win
ohh just like all the seasons never stay the same
all around me i can feel a change (ohh)
i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it's mine for the taking
i know i can make it, today my life begins
life's to short to have regrets
so i'm learning now to leave it in the past and try to forget
only have one life to live
so you better make the best of it
i will break these chains that bind me, happiness will find me
leave the past behind me, today my life begins
a whole new world is waiting it's mine for the taking
i know i can make it, today my life begins
Monday, April 11, 2011
Friday, April 8, 2011
i'm getting better!
it's 8.09 pm here in this lovely country of Indonesia. and these are the two words imma say to you whoever opens my blog and reading this. SELAMAT MALAM :)
today had been pretty nice to moi. i woke up soooo late. however, i wasnt late for school. i was still having two tests today. first was maths. well honestly, i did it quite easily. i struggled on a couple of questions but i found out how to untie myself it in the end. i've got one mistake so far and i am wishing with all my heart not to add up some more mistakes. *fingers crossed*.
second test was graphic design. shame on me for underestimating this one subject. the test was so. dang. HARD. yep. i did the four questions of essay first, i think i made up one or two things there but whatever i'd still get some points for making-answers-up i guess. multiple choices? hah.
well i dont know what else to say.
i'm listening to bruno mars's TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS right now and i'm highly recommending the song. it's sarcastic in a positive way. and most importantly, it's not a "galau" song. hehehehe
dah dulu yah capek bete bosen. mau numblr aje gue hehe byebye! :)
today had been pretty nice to moi. i woke up soooo late. however, i wasnt late for school. i was still having two tests today. first was maths. well honestly, i did it quite easily. i struggled on a couple of questions but i found out how to untie myself it in the end. i've got one mistake so far and i am wishing with all my heart not to add up some more mistakes. *fingers crossed*.
second test was graphic design. shame on me for underestimating this one subject. the test was so. dang. HARD. yep. i did the four questions of essay first, i think i made up one or two things there but whatever i'd still get some points for making-answers-up i guess. multiple choices? hah.
well i dont know what else to say.
i'm listening to bruno mars's TODAY MY LIFE BEGINS right now and i'm highly recommending the song. it's sarcastic in a positive way. and most importantly, it's not a "galau" song. hehehehe
dah dulu yah capek bete bosen. mau numblr aje gue hehe byebye! :)
inspirations :)
well some people call these quotes and some others call these inspirations. and i'm in the second pack :) here are some combined-words that inspire me ::
"People take different paths seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road, doesn't mean they've gotten lost." - NOEEE's tumblr.
"People take different paths seeking fulfillment and happiness. Just because they're not on your road, doesn't mean they've gotten lost." - NOEEE's tumblr.
I forgive people simply BECAUSE I STILL WANT THEM IN MY LIFE :).
"when i saw you, i fell in love. and you smiled, because you knew." - William Shakespeare.
FACEBOOK is my mouth. YOUTUBE is my ear. and TWITTER is my heart :) - mark, texposts owner. *well this is not really an inspiration, let me call this a confession hehehe*
"you know those nights when you can sleep? well maybe, you're awake in someone else's dream :)"
teachers call them "BAD SCORES" but i call them "STILL PASSING-s".
Never regret anything in life, you always receive something out of it. #MoveOnDaily.
"if we never thank God for every smile, then why do we blame Him for every tear? Get it together people." - @TheeChrisTucker.
BE ORIGINAL, BE YOURSELF. - found at someone's car on tumblr.
well guess they're all i've got for tonight. the truth is, tons of words are swirling in my mind right now, but i'm just way too tired typing. and now's the time to tell my own story! :)
another story. *conversation actually*
caught this story on tumblr.
this is a conversation between a boy who'd just broke up with his gf. then, he talked to his friend abt it and this is how his friend respond. this somehow makes me think of the friend loving the exgirlfriend. the friend's got a point though!
Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..
Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..
Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..
Boy: Well, she..
His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?
Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?
His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.
poor you oh ex boyfriend. :/
this is a conversation between a boy who'd just broke up with his gf. then, he talked to his friend abt it and this is how his friend respond. this somehow makes me think of the friend loving the exgirlfriend. the friend's got a point though!
Boy: I broke up with her.
His Best Friend: What happened?
Boy: She’s just too much for me.
His Best Friend: What makes you say that? What did she do wrong?
Boy: Well, for one.. She only cared about her appearance. Always had to look good, always took forever to get dressed! So insecure..
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she wanted to keep your eyes locked on her? She wanted you to see that you have the prettiest girl under your sleeve and not think otherwise? I see..
Boy: Oh.. Well.. She’d often call me or text me asking where I am, who I’m with, telling me not to smoke, not to drink. She’s so clingy!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she cares about your well being? Because she cares about you a lot? And her greatest fear is losing you. I see..
Boy: But.. Uhh.. Well, she’d always cry when I say something slightly mean. She can’t handle anything. She’s a crybaby!
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she has feelings? And because she just wanted to hear you say you love her? I see..
Boy: I.. Well! You know, she’d get jealous easily. I could barely talk to other girls! She’s so annoying! I had to hide it from her so she wouldn’t bitch about it.
His Best Friend: So, you broke her heart because she just wanted you to commit to her? She thought you were faithful, but you lied so she could find out later and hurt even more? She just wanted the guy she loves the most to love only her. I see..
Boy: Well, she..
His Best Friend: You broke up with her because she’s good for you? She just wanted the best for you? She’s broken now because you were selfish. Are you proud?
Boy: I broke her heart.. Because I couldn’t see what was happening.. What happened to me?
His Best Friend: You lost the girl that loved you like no one else could. You see? You didn’t want her when all she ever wanted was you. THAT’S what happened.
poor you oh ex boyfriend. :/
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Why oh why?
Why can't people know their mistakes without anybody telling them?
Why can't people change into a better persons after they know what they did wrong?
Why can't people say sorry right after they did something inappropriate?
Why do people keep saying the things they aren't supposed to say?
Why do people keep letting negative things in their tiny minds?
Why can't people mind their own business?
Why do people keep judging other people when they don't even know who the persons really are?
Why do people keep doing hypocrisy even when they hate hypocrites?
Why can't people understand and let someone be alone when that someone needs some time alone?
Why can't people respect others?
Why do people keep wanting more but they never want to give more?
Why do people love to lie?
Why do people love to mock others?
Why do people change due to time?
Why can't all people be generous instead of selfish?
Why do people make mistakes?
Why do I make mistakes?
Why do I have to be one of those people?
Why can't people change into a better persons after they know what they did wrong?
Why can't people say sorry right after they did something inappropriate?
Why do people keep saying the things they aren't supposed to say?
Why do people keep letting negative things in their tiny minds?
Why can't people mind their own business?
Why do people keep judging other people when they don't even know who the persons really are?
Why do people keep doing hypocrisy even when they hate hypocrites?
Why can't people understand and let someone be alone when that someone needs some time alone?
Why can't people respect others?
Why do people keep wanting more but they never want to give more?
Why do people love to lie?
Why do people love to mock others?
Why do people change due to time?
Why can't all people be generous instead of selfish?
Why do people make mistakes?
Why do I make mistakes?
Why do I have to be one of those people?
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
2days in hell.
hello teman semua :) apadah. Hari ini hari selasa tgl 5 april which means hari kedua Ujian AKhir Cekulah. Kayak ujian2 biasa, hari ini ada 2 biji yakni, ipa sama pkn. Tapi ga asik dong kalo langsung cerita hari kedua, jd kita bahas dulu apa yg terjadi di hari pertama.
senin, 4 april 2011.
Cuman bermodal handout yg isinya kayak renungan pagi sama alkitab + pengetahuan kerohanian pribadi, gue dtg ke sekolah dan ngerjain agama. Yg jaga? udah guru asik, Ms. Niken sama sir gun. si sir gun buset daaah kaga bisa diem beneer dikit dikit jalan, pegang sesuatu. Tp gapapa, jd ga diem2 amat kelas gue hehe pertama kali ngerjaingue kerjain essay dulu. Kemampuan berkata kata indah sangat amat teramat berguna dah. haha, bukan ngarang yaa tp memperindah dan memperpanjang kenyataan. wekekee. abis itu kerja pg. Gampang, kebanyakan soalnya tentang kebaikan keburukan efek positif negatif, yasud tinggal cari yg beda sendiri B). Tapi ada sih yg mirip mirip gitu, tp masih gampang lah inii hehehe
Expectation? Difficult. Reality? Not so hard, quite easy honestly. Since we're about to talk about how i did this english test, i probably should type in english wekeke, there were 50 questions and they were all multiple choices. First number? Did well. Second? Eyes were closed. Third? Started to feel a tiny little pressure. 4-50? Got some time of difficulties but was able to get through. I did this test pretty fast actually. Laughed at many unimportant and childish things with my classmates. And the whole class and i made fun of wilson. Even the teachers hahaha. And there was one embarassing thing abt one of my friends. Something happened when that person slept hihihi i dont want to talk about it since it'll give this person a not-so-good mood hahaha. And we played with acrylics. :/
day two.
Selasa, 5 april 2011
hmmmm jujur agak gampang. fisika gue baru salah 2, biologi gue baru salah 2, total baru salah 4. semoga kg nmbah lg dah ini hmmmm. Gila banget yaaa hari ini itu hari sial kali ya gue pilek batuk di kelas pas ujian udah nahan aer mata. Gmn yah kalo gue pilek pasti kluar aer mata gitu lah gak jelas. Ngabisin tissue banyak bgtt, udh gitu si monic jg pilek ahhhaa kocak dah kita duduk sebelahan, dua-duanya pilek ckck. Udah gitu gue agak cepet gt kerjainnya jd gue sempet tidur bentar hehe, udah gitu tbtb si stevan keringet dingin di bawa ke uks deh dia, ck gue drtd pusing batuk batuk pilek ga di bawa huuuu-3-
- PKn.
Ma? Ti. Yaaaaah ga sesusah to sih. Mgkin karna gue belajar kali ya? Tp tetep aja byk yg aneh aneh! Jd ga niat kuliah hukum lah gua kalo bgini wekeke, pas ini jg gue pilek huhu. Udh gitu yg jaga sir satya sm sir martahan. Jd sepiiiiii bgt itu kelas. Mau tidur gk bisa lg cks susah lah huhu.
Jd kenapa judul 2days in hell? Krna kelas gue gakenak. Kenapaaaa?
- gue duduk depan
- gue pilek kena AC
- mejanya pendek kursi tinggi -..-
- gak ada jam!
- emg kelas suram! Serasa di neraka abis-..-
senin, 4 april 2011.
Cuman bermodal handout yg isinya kayak renungan pagi sama alkitab + pengetahuan kerohanian pribadi, gue dtg ke sekolah dan ngerjain agama. Yg jaga? udah guru asik, Ms. Niken sama sir gun. si sir gun buset daaah kaga bisa diem beneer dikit dikit jalan, pegang sesuatu. Tp gapapa, jd ga diem2 amat kelas gue hehe pertama kali ngerjaingue kerjain essay dulu. Kemampuan berkata kata indah sangat amat teramat berguna dah. haha, bukan ngarang yaa tp memperindah dan memperpanjang kenyataan. wekekee. abis itu kerja pg. Gampang, kebanyakan soalnya tentang kebaikan keburukan efek positif negatif, yasud tinggal cari yg beda sendiri B). Tapi ada sih yg mirip mirip gitu, tp masih gampang lah inii hehehe
Expectation? Difficult. Reality? Not so hard, quite easy honestly. Since we're about to talk about how i did this english test, i probably should type in english wekeke, there were 50 questions and they were all multiple choices. First number? Did well. Second? Eyes were closed. Third? Started to feel a tiny little pressure. 4-50? Got some time of difficulties but was able to get through. I did this test pretty fast actually. Laughed at many unimportant and childish things with my classmates. And the whole class and i made fun of wilson. Even the teachers hahaha. And there was one embarassing thing abt one of my friends. Something happened when that person slept hihihi i dont want to talk about it since it'll give this person a not-so-good mood hahaha. And we played with acrylics. :/
day two.
Selasa, 5 april 2011
hmmmm jujur agak gampang. fisika gue baru salah 2, biologi gue baru salah 2, total baru salah 4. semoga kg nmbah lg dah ini hmmmm. Gila banget yaaa hari ini itu hari sial kali ya gue pilek batuk di kelas pas ujian udah nahan aer mata. Gmn yah kalo gue pilek pasti kluar aer mata gitu lah gak jelas. Ngabisin tissue banyak bgtt, udh gitu si monic jg pilek ahhhaa kocak dah kita duduk sebelahan, dua-duanya pilek ckck. Udah gitu gue agak cepet gt kerjainnya jd gue sempet tidur bentar hehe, udah gitu tbtb si stevan keringet dingin di bawa ke uks deh dia, ck gue drtd pusing batuk batuk pilek ga di bawa huuuu-3-
- PKn.
Ma? Ti. Yaaaaah ga sesusah to sih. Mgkin karna gue belajar kali ya? Tp tetep aja byk yg aneh aneh! Jd ga niat kuliah hukum lah gua kalo bgini wekeke, pas ini jg gue pilek huhu. Udh gitu yg jaga sir satya sm sir martahan. Jd sepiiiiii bgt itu kelas. Mau tidur gk bisa lg cks susah lah huhu.
Jd kenapa judul 2days in hell? Krna kelas gue gakenak. Kenapaaaa?
- gue duduk depan
- gue pilek kena AC
- mejanya pendek kursi tinggi -..-
- gak ada jam!
- emg kelas suram! Serasa di neraka abis-..-
Friday, April 1, 2011
this is just one of the most painful stories..
a man was polishing his new car, when his four year old son picked a stone and scratched lines on the side of his car. in anger the man took his child's hand and hit it soooo many times, not realizing he was using a wrench. at the hospital, the child lost all his fingers due to multiple fractures. when the child saw this, he asked his father, "Dad, when will my fingers grow again?". the man was speechless and hurt. he went back to his car and kicked it so many times, and sat in front of it, looked regretfully at the scratches his son had made written 'I LOVE YOU DAD'.
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