aloha! haiyaaaaah today's saturday which is supposed to be a relaxing day, yet my school wants us the students to go there and study. uhm. the purpose is great, which is to let us study more intensively since the national exam is coming soon enough. but man we're still students and students are human who can also get tired and stressed and blablabla. huah enough talking about the bta. -__-
jadi, pulang bta itu gue, sharon, zefanya, evan, sama cindy udah janjian mau bikin iklan dg gue hehe. gue mengiklankan iklan HEKSOS huehue. cuman begonyaa gue lupa bikin propertinya, jadi yasudahlah, heksos merah pun jadi :) ceritanya edisi keduanya heksos gitu deee huehue. jujur juga gue kaga ngarti gimana ngeditnya huhu seseorang tolong donggg :(:(. lanjut with the cerita.
jadi intinya itu si sharon kan suaranya jelek, terus di kata-katain gitu deh ama gue ama zefanya, terus setelah makan heksos suaranya langsung jadi bagus lg heheh
dari awal iklan itu sutradaranya si cindy, kitanya salaaaaah melulu hehe jadi dia ngomelin terus terus dia stres sendiri hahaha, udah gitu ngakak ngakak terus lah ngocol abis itu kita semua haha. eh pas jadi iklannya guenya jelek sendiri :( serius deh gue jd gendut gitu pake rompi terus kayak bongkok gitu, aayaaamakkks mau syuting ulaaaannnggg :(:(. tp yaudahlah, as long as pak Titus gak nyebar nyebarin gue gak apa-apa. hehehe.
udah gitu selesai syuting gue balik ke sekolah terus bikin maket or. motong triplek buseeeeet deh kerasnya setengah mampus. musti pake dua tangan saking kerasnya hahaa cuman tetep ketawa-ketawa lagi, ngeliatin anak dance, pramuka gila iwaw banget itu cara dkk. kereeeen banget. cuman ada anak gatau sekolah mana anak bokep gitu lah ih. tp tetep bagus dancenya :) udah gitu pas motong itu ada si cindy ama evan lagi rekaman ckck gila banget dehh hauahaha udah gitu gue main main penggaris kayu ngegeje gitu lah pokoknya i had fun.
selesai itu yg lain pada pulang gitu kan, sisanya tinggal gue, sharon, jonwil, evan, sama andrew. terus gue sama sharon ke toilet pengen balikin pengki. terus kita cuci tangan kan terus gue iseng, gue matiin lampu terus gue kunciin si sharon haha dia kaya teriak teriak gitu tp ganyampe semenit sih haha. udah gitu si andrew sama jonwil juga kaya becanda becanda gitu pengen loncat ah gila lah mereka mah kalo jatoh beneran begimanaaaaa coba. tp udah kita ketawa ketawain aja. terus yahhh kan gue sama sharon balikin pengki ke toilet cowo kan, terus kita masuk, gileee bersih banget udah gitu bagus. ga kaya toilet cewe! udah gitu toilet cowo lega banget bisa ngumpet-ngumpet ih curanggg bener deh ya sekolahan huuu.
udah gitu selesai kan, terus gue sharon evan andrew keluar duduk duduk ngerumpi ketawa ketawa sampai akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk main juber. awal-awal main, yg lain udah tinggal satu gue masih utuh. gue udah pesimis ngomong 'aduh ini mah gue ini jujur!' eh tibatiba jedeng SATU. gue langsung keluar satu. tinggal berdua sama sharon. tiba tiba, NOL. menanglah gue hahaha. udah gitu si sharon pilih jujur, tapi karena kita semua gatau harus tanya apa, akhirnya di ganti jadi semua harus pilih berani haha. udah gitu si sharon kita suruh ngegodain ivan. tapi memang dasar dia tidak ada bakat menggoda dia jd cuman "Halo ivan... Ivan, haloo.." -__- tapi yasudahlah kita maafkan. akhirnya lanjut main haha. udah gitu evan yang kalah. hukumanya, ngegodain juga. tadi ada satu kelompok anak pmr gitu lg pada bikin mading, cewe semua, terus si evan di suruh ngegodain lagi huahua. di surhh tanya 'adik-adik, ada yang bisa koko bantu nggak?' kalo mereka bilang iya kita bantuin kalo blg nggak ga di bantuin. ehh mereka bilang nggak yasudah haha. setelah evan, andrew yangk alah! karena dia ngaku ke kita semua dia homo, jadi kita suruh dia godain pak satpam huahua. disuruhnya sih cuman nanya 'pulang jam berapa pak? mau saya temenin gak?' eeeeeh emang dasar maho dia jadi ngobrol sama satpamnya huahauhauahuaaa. nah kan tinggal gue yg belom kalah, gue udah ngarep itu menang lg. eh trnyata kalah juga huhu. karena tidak ada lagi yang bisa di goda, gue disuruh ngomong HAI kak, ke kaka kaka sma. cewek sih, tapi tetep aja gue di tatap dengan tatapan "GEJE LU DEK" sama si cici cici itu. dasar emang yah sok tua memang. huh. tapi ga lama kemudian gue di jemput haha
aah pokoknya gue seneng lah hari ini ketawa terus B)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
basketball, i hate you.
ohmyohmy i've got hit by a basket ball twice! yea baby, TWICE! dude i can still feel the pain, or in sm*sh language, CENAT CENUT. Ya bola, kepalaku cenat cenut tiap ada kamu
jadi begini ceritanya.
kan tadi gue ada pljrn or yg seumur hidup akan selalu gue benci. yaaak or pertama itu lari, gue merasa hm gak pede, degdegan, bawaannya pinginmati gitulah yaaa hehe pas diitung waktunya, waktu pertama gue, 14. Bayangin, 14 detik! Momatekrasae gue lelet beneeeeeer hue. tp terakhir2 udah 12, beda sedetik dr standar hehe
eh tbtb si babe guru or yang juga berperan sbg walikelas gue, suruh kt baris, ternyata mau latian lay up. nah kalo ini gue pedegilee hehe, bukan brrti lay up gue bagus yah tp gue merasa lebih bisa drpd harus lari hehe, yaudah kan pertama tamanya gue kan ngobrol2 gitu sama ivanna sama aurima, terus tbtb si ivanna blg dia ikut senam sama berenang ibu hamil. terus dy blg dia udah hamil sebulan, kalo itu sih gue tau dia boong kan, tp dengan begonya gue percaya dia ikut senam hamil udah sebulan --a. abis dia ngomongnya meyakinkan gitu lah mukanya yaaaaa gue jd percaya deh ehehe
eh pas gue lg asik asik ngakak tbtb JEDUAR! bola basket dengan mulusnya mendarat spontan di mata kanan gue, di atas kacamata gue terus mata gue keteken. wuanjer nyut nyutan gilaaaaaaaaaaa! ternyata yg lempar si yoi bocah ultah. kalo dlm keadaan normal, gue pasti marah ngambek ngebentak menyolot dsbdsb. tapi krn gue pasca ngakak yaaaaaa yaudah lah di maafkan, lgian kasian dia lg ulang taun masa gue anugrahi sumpah serapah? wekeke, cuma! Si yoi ini anak edan gila yaaa dia udah pernah nyambit kepala gue pake bola 2kali! satu pake bola voli itu sengaja krn dia tidak bisa menanggapi becandaan gue yg mmg super goblok yg blg kalo ada yg bisa ngenain jidat gua gua kasih cepeceng eeeeeeeh gua ngibrit dikejer ama dia! eeeeeeeh skrg disambit lg ckck, lihat ya yoi, sewaktu waktu lu akan gua balas! gua bakal sambit lu pake bola yg sangat amat jumbo. tunggu aja. stop.
yang kedua!
jadi karna waktu lari gue yg sangat bikin hati tersayat ituuu, gue memutuskan utk lari di rumah, udah tuuh gue udah lari2 dikit eh mbak gua yg siake itu ngetawaingua, krn udah di liatingitu gue jd males, terus ade gua yg nyolot tak tahu diri ngajakin maen basket. gua kira bakal ke lapangan gitu kan jd gue bs lari2, ternyata dia cuman ngajakin basket basketan errrrrrr-_- jd yaudahlaaah gua jabaninpassing passing gitu. terus ada pohon ceri gitu deeeh di deket rumah gua, nah gua tertarik utk cabut2in ceri yg udah merahnya kan, lg lompat lompat, ndongak ndongak tbtb gua di sambit! wuanjerrrr kenanya? DI TEMPAT YG TADI GUE DISAMBIT YOI! udahlah lgsung badmood gua. aplg si ade gua mnta maafnya nyolot. bayangin, dia ngmg gini
ade : lagian drtd kan aku udh blg suruh tangkep!
Gua : ya liat liat dong org lg nengok di lempar! gapunya mata apa!
ade : yg penting kan aku udah blg km suruh tangkep!
karna udah kesel, nyutnyutan ga karuan, gue punya air mata menggenang maka dr ituuu sebelumgue kehilangan wibawa, gue lgsung jalan aja balik ke rumah. terus dia baru bilang, 'iyaiya maaf maaf!'
overall, hr ini cukup oke, suara gue abis btw, ga abis sih cuman jd seksi gitu, tp paling besok udah balik lg hhaa
hr ini org yg bikin gua kesel ada hmmmmmm 12345678. hehe nambah dr yg kemaren hrhrhr-_-
pplj just pissed me off today especially HER. the girl i:ve always talked about. she's just so immature and selfish, but that's her and all i can do is accepting. hah.
jadi begini ceritanya.
kan tadi gue ada pljrn or yg seumur hidup akan selalu gue benci. yaaak or pertama itu lari, gue merasa hm gak pede, degdegan, bawaannya pinginmati gitulah yaaa hehe pas diitung waktunya, waktu pertama gue, 14. Bayangin, 14 detik! Momatekrasae gue lelet beneeeeeer hue. tp terakhir2 udah 12, beda sedetik dr standar hehe
eh tbtb si babe guru or yang juga berperan sbg walikelas gue, suruh kt baris, ternyata mau latian lay up. nah kalo ini gue pedegilee hehe, bukan brrti lay up gue bagus yah tp gue merasa lebih bisa drpd harus lari hehe, yaudah kan pertama tamanya gue kan ngobrol2 gitu sama ivanna sama aurima, terus tbtb si ivanna blg dia ikut senam sama berenang ibu hamil. terus dy blg dia udah hamil sebulan, kalo itu sih gue tau dia boong kan, tp dengan begonya gue percaya dia ikut senam hamil udah sebulan --a. abis dia ngomongnya meyakinkan gitu lah mukanya yaaaaa gue jd percaya deh ehehe
eh pas gue lg asik asik ngakak tbtb JEDUAR! bola basket dengan mulusnya mendarat spontan di mata kanan gue, di atas kacamata gue terus mata gue keteken. wuanjer nyut nyutan gilaaaaaaaaaaa! ternyata yg lempar si yoi bocah ultah. kalo dlm keadaan normal, gue pasti marah ngambek ngebentak menyolot dsbdsb. tapi krn gue pasca ngakak yaaaaaa yaudah lah di maafkan, lgian kasian dia lg ulang taun masa gue anugrahi sumpah serapah? wekeke, cuma! Si yoi ini anak edan gila yaaa dia udah pernah nyambit kepala gue pake bola 2kali! satu pake bola voli itu sengaja krn dia tidak bisa menanggapi becandaan gue yg mmg super goblok yg blg kalo ada yg bisa ngenain jidat gua gua kasih cepeceng eeeeeeeh gua ngibrit dikejer ama dia! eeeeeeeh skrg disambit lg ckck, lihat ya yoi, sewaktu waktu lu akan gua balas! gua bakal sambit lu pake bola yg sangat amat jumbo. tunggu aja. stop.
yang kedua!
jadi karna waktu lari gue yg sangat bikin hati tersayat ituuu, gue memutuskan utk lari di rumah, udah tuuh gue udah lari2 dikit eh mbak gua yg siake itu ngetawaingua, krn udah di liatingitu gue jd males, terus ade gua yg nyolot tak tahu diri ngajakin maen basket. gua kira bakal ke lapangan gitu kan jd gue bs lari2, ternyata dia cuman ngajakin basket basketan errrrrrr-_- jd yaudahlaaah gua jabaninpassing passing gitu. terus ada pohon ceri gitu deeeh di deket rumah gua, nah gua tertarik utk cabut2in ceri yg udah merahnya kan, lg lompat lompat, ndongak ndongak tbtb gua di sambit! wuanjerrrr kenanya? DI TEMPAT YG TADI GUE DISAMBIT YOI! udahlah lgsung badmood gua. aplg si ade gua mnta maafnya nyolot. bayangin, dia ngmg gini
ade : lagian drtd kan aku udh blg suruh tangkep!
Gua : ya liat liat dong org lg nengok di lempar! gapunya mata apa!
ade : yg penting kan aku udah blg km suruh tangkep!
karna udah kesel, nyutnyutan ga karuan, gue punya air mata menggenang maka dr ituuu sebelumgue kehilangan wibawa, gue lgsung jalan aja balik ke rumah. terus dia baru bilang, 'iyaiya maaf maaf!'
overall, hr ini cukup oke, suara gue abis btw, ga abis sih cuman jd seksi gitu, tp paling besok udah balik lg hhaa
hr ini org yg bikin gua kesel ada hmmmmmm 12345678. hehe nambah dr yg kemaren hrhrhr-_-
pplj just pissed me off today especially HER. the girl i:ve always talked about. she's just so immature and selfish, but that's her and all i can do is accepting. hah.
Monday, February 21, 2011
halo:) yaaaaaak as we all have known, i'm now a nine grader. hurray. hell no. i'm facing too many tryouts and yepp they all sucked so far.
today is MONsterDAY which was and will always be meant as maths tryout daay HORE. fak. uhm, i think i did pretty well today and i'm rly wishing for a nice neat score.
i dont mean to be snobbish but when i dont get a 9 as a mark i always think it's a failure. i feel totally grateful for getting marks above the standard but those marks dont statisfy me, it did for the first few minutes or sometimes seconds but then jedungjeder the joy vanished slowly but surely. duddddeeeeeeee i want a perfect score sooooooo bad!!
Anyway, i came across a quote while i was studying english, this is it and it suites me really well! dedicated to a girl who does this to me. she has 6 letters of name which uses a consonant as a starter!
"Do not be happy when someone shows that they prefer you to her old friend, cos someday when she meets a new friend, you will be forgotten easily."
and here's another one she does too umm i made the sentences bytheway hehehe
"When you are copied by a copycat, think TRENDSETTER. It will still feel annoying but when u think positive, the thing wouldnt be so disturbing."
and here's for a crush. quote's taken from taylor swift's song, you belong with me.
"Cant you see that i'm the one who understands you been here all along, why cant you see? you belong with me."
okay seeya!
today is MONsterDAY which was and will always be meant as maths tryout daay HORE. fak. uhm, i think i did pretty well today and i'm rly wishing for a nice neat score.
i dont mean to be snobbish but when i dont get a 9 as a mark i always think it's a failure. i feel totally grateful for getting marks above the standard but those marks dont statisfy me, it did for the first few minutes or sometimes seconds but then jedungjeder the joy vanished slowly but surely. duddddeeeeeeee i want a perfect score sooooooo bad!!
Anyway, i came across a quote while i was studying english, this is it and it suites me really well! dedicated to a girl who does this to me. she has 6 letters of name which uses a consonant as a starter!
"Do not be happy when someone shows that they prefer you to her old friend, cos someday when she meets a new friend, you will be forgotten easily."
and here's another one she does too umm i made the sentences bytheway hehehe
"When you are copied by a copycat, think TRENDSETTER. It will still feel annoying but when u think positive, the thing wouldnt be so disturbing."
and here's for a crush. quote's taken from taylor swift's song, you belong with me.
"Cant you see that i'm the one who understands you been here all along, why cant you see? you belong with me."
okay seeya!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
the one dream i've always dreamt.
ola. :) so i was sitting with ivanna in school today and we talked about how she lived back in the times when she was still in germany. she told me what she usually did after school and some other things.
well i've got a dream of travelling around the world especially Europe. i dont really know why but Europe surely attracts me. if i can put my legs all over the continetnt, at least i have to make sure my feet have ever stepped on France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, and UK. yaaaaaahh the truth is i also want to go to the czech rep, austria, belgium, dude i. want. to experience. EUROPE!
i envy you if you've ever gone to france. when you've never been there, you're just like me. and i dont really care uf you've ever gone to he USA which takes longer hours to get to, well i want to go to america! i want to study there. but i want france more than america. huhu i want to marry in france.
but from some books i've ever read, french people barely speak english. and that scares me a little for having no experience in talking ala french lady hehe. however when you want something so bad, you will
do anything to make it happen.
errrr i'm not talking about robbing a bank, i have a much brighter future than spending the rest of my teenage life in jail for stealing some money from a stupid bank to pay for a trip to france hehe.
but he thing is IWILL GO TO FRANCE.
and you readers will see this post titled
"EIFFEL I'm in love" HAHAHA
bonne nuit!
ps: i'm in love with jay chou! KATO!
au revoir, bonne nuit,
well i've got a dream of travelling around the world especially Europe. i dont really know why but Europe surely attracts me. if i can put my legs all over the continetnt, at least i have to make sure my feet have ever stepped on France, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, and UK. yaaaaaahh the truth is i also want to go to the czech rep, austria, belgium, dude i. want. to experience. EUROPE!
i envy you if you've ever gone to france. when you've never been there, you're just like me. and i dont really care uf you've ever gone to he USA which takes longer hours to get to, well i want to go to america! i want to study there. but i want france more than america. huhu i want to marry in france.
but from some books i've ever read, french people barely speak english. and that scares me a little for having no experience in talking ala french lady hehe. however when you want something so bad, you will
do anything to make it happen.
errrr i'm not talking about robbing a bank, i have a much brighter future than spending the rest of my teenage life in jail for stealing some money from a stupid bank to pay for a trip to france hehe.
but he thing is IWILL GO TO FRANCE.
and you readers will see this post titled
"EIFFEL I'm in love" HAHAHA
bonne nuit!
ps: i'm in love with jay chou! KATO!
au revoir, bonne nuit,
Friday, February 18, 2011
shine a light.
Tell me are you feeling strong,
strong enough to love someone
and make it through THE HARDEST STORM
hold me til i feel no pain
and give me shelter from the rain
where can i find him?
He took the light and left me in the dark
he left me with a broken heart
now i'm on my own
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him
tell me can you hear my voice
loud and clear above the noise
and even if i had the choice
i will not give up
where can i find, HIM?
he took the light and left me in the dark
he left me with a broken heart
now i'm on my own
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him
he took the light and left me in the dark
he left me with a broken heart
now i'm on my own
if anybody sees him
eh eh eh
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him.
strong enough to love someone
and make it through THE HARDEST STORM
hold me til i feel no pain
and give me shelter from the rain
where can i find him?
He took the light and left me in the dark
he left me with a broken heart
now i'm on my own
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him
tell me can you hear my voice
loud and clear above the noise
and even if i had the choice
i will not give up
where can i find, HIM?
he took the light and left me in the dark
he left me with a broken heart
now i'm on my own
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him
he took the light and left me in the dark
he left me with a broken heart
now i'm on my own
if anybody sees him
eh eh eh
if anybody sees him
if anybody sees him.
- McFly, Shine a Light
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
i need to say something to someone whom i'm sure often opens my blog. Sooo this someone's a she. I've GIVEN one of my posts to her too. well she's pretty but it seems she never take a look at the mirror. she said she hates her friend for leaving her blablabla and now she's doing exactly what she thinks her friend did to her. errrrrrr please.
but she's still my friend, even i'm disliking her right now. so as a friend i want to give her something:)
Dear friend,
as your friend, i want to give you the thing you need the most, and this is so you! I present you, the 'GO BUY YOURSELF A MIRROR BEFORE YOU JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE' quote:)
but she's still my friend, even i'm disliking her right now. so as a friend i want to give her something:)
Dear friend,
as your friend, i want to give you the thing you need the most, and this is so you! I present you, the 'GO BUY YOURSELF A MIRROR BEFORE YOU JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE' quote:)
Monday, February 14, 2011
"and i know it sounds so stupid to be waiting this long, but i'm still in love and i know i'm not wrong cos in my eyes, you were mine :)"
"no matter where you go, i wont be very far, cos in my head i'll be right there where you are, love is no distance baby, no, love is no distance baby no, not when it comes to you and me:)
those words up there are parts of lyrics taken from the song She Was Mine by aj rafael. the song's great and as i listened to ir over and over last night, i still cant get it out ofmy head. another song that's staying in my head rite now is Westlife's puzzle of my heart :)
hm sometimes i think of me being a professional singer BAHAHAHAHA
"no matter where you go, i wont be very far, cos in my head i'll be right there where you are, love is no distance baby, no, love is no distance baby no, not when it comes to you and me:)
those words up there are parts of lyrics taken from the song She Was Mine by aj rafael. the song's great and as i listened to ir over and over last night, i still cant get it out ofmy head. another song that's staying in my head rite now is Westlife's puzzle of my heart :)
hm sometimes i think of me being a professional singer BAHAHAHAHA
anyway, i want to thank bianda, cindy, sharon, ivanna, anas, aurima, and chilwin for the chocolates. i love them! they're all sweet and CHOCOLATE. sorry for not giving any chocolate feedbacks as i didnt bring any edible love symbols today -__- but i promise i'll return them! maybe this week or maybe next month on the White day :)
hemmm today was a pretty great day. i got lots of 'happy valentine' greetings. and guess what, one of my super cool classmates timy got a chocolate from his secret lover, ms. X HAHAHAHA. i dont mean to be mean but i really really want to laugh my ass off. well the truth is, i did ._. hahaha you'll do the same thing if you were me haha. it was just a funny time when 2 boys knocked in to the biology class and delivered the chocolates. wekekee
ah i just love today :)
Thursday, February 10, 2011
konpesien -_-
errrrrrgggghh serius deh yaaaa anakanak kelas gue itu akhirakhir ini pada ngeselin setengah mampus. tp dr semua yg ngeselin, yg paling ngeselin 5 org.
yayaya emg gue mgkin anak gatau diri yaaa udah di kasih temen sekelas yg udah deket setahun sm gue ms kaya gini. tp jujur, gue seneng sekelas sm mereka, tp gue mending pindah kelas. yaaaah mereka asik, suka bikin gue ketawa sampe ngelupain semua masalah gue, cuman kalo lu tau apa yg gue alamin lu bakal gedek setengah idup setengah mati.
bayangin!di katakatain setiap hari, sekali dua kali masih oke ketawaketawa. 3 kali? yaaah kacangin. tapi berkalikali?! idih.
anakanak kls gue jg pada kompor. emg sih gue jg sering ikutan, cman lamalama jd kesel sendiri tau ga sih.udah gitu semua pengecut, ya emg gue jg pengecut. seenggaknya krn gue tau gue pengecut gue usaha utk ga bikin masalah.ini udah tau urat beraninya putus sok jago bikin masalah ini itu. bukannya ga kompak, tapi apa lu ga kesel kalo garagara bbrp org bikin masalah semua kena kotbah?!
fine memang kls gue kompak dlm hal trtntu. Tp ga kompak bgt. Lu bayangin aja! Kelas lain foto yrbook satu tema, kelas gue? MATI AJA. Kelompok gue aja msh ancur! Satu mau bunga2 satu kotak2 item, satu kotak2 merah biru. Ish.
Kelompok apres? Halah peduli amat.
Kelompok agama? Mati.
Kelompok or? Errrr bukannya gmn2 gue agak sdikit kurang yakingue akan diajak kerja haha
satu-satunya kelompok yg paling gue suka kelompok inggris gue. itu yg paling hmmmm pewe, sekalipun semua geje tp tetep kompak.kalo main jujur-jujuran, yg paling niat gue kerjain itu apres inggris. yaaah emg klompok gue blm mulai kerjain apa2 sih hehe cuman gue peweeeeeeeee bgt deh, mau ngomong enak ga di cemooh, ga di kasih tatapan gajelas, kalo lg bareng temen2 yg sklompok inggris itu kayanya enaaaak gitu, gue merasa sangat dihargai sbg seorg tmen :) yah mgkinlebay. tp mmang bianda oji evan jewe zefanya itu temanteman terbaik gue di 9e lah ;)
yayaya emg gue mgkin anak gatau diri yaaa udah di kasih temen sekelas yg udah deket setahun sm gue ms kaya gini. tp jujur, gue seneng sekelas sm mereka, tp gue mending pindah kelas. yaaaah mereka asik, suka bikin gue ketawa sampe ngelupain semua masalah gue, cuman kalo lu tau apa yg gue alamin lu bakal gedek setengah idup setengah mati.
bayangin!di katakatain setiap hari, sekali dua kali masih oke ketawaketawa. 3 kali? yaaah kacangin. tapi berkalikali?! idih.
anakanak kls gue jg pada kompor. emg sih gue jg sering ikutan, cman lamalama jd kesel sendiri tau ga sih.udah gitu semua pengecut, ya emg gue jg pengecut. seenggaknya krn gue tau gue pengecut gue usaha utk ga bikin masalah.ini udah tau urat beraninya putus sok jago bikin masalah ini itu. bukannya ga kompak, tapi apa lu ga kesel kalo garagara bbrp org bikin masalah semua kena kotbah?!
fine memang kls gue kompak dlm hal trtntu. Tp ga kompak bgt. Lu bayangin aja! Kelas lain foto yrbook satu tema, kelas gue? MATI AJA. Kelompok gue aja msh ancur! Satu mau bunga2 satu kotak2 item, satu kotak2 merah biru. Ish.
Kelompok apres? Halah peduli amat.
Kelompok agama? Mati.
Kelompok or? Errrr bukannya gmn2 gue agak sdikit kurang yakingue akan diajak kerja haha
satu-satunya kelompok yg paling gue suka kelompok inggris gue. itu yg paling hmmmm pewe, sekalipun semua geje tp tetep kompak.kalo main jujur-jujuran, yg paling niat gue kerjain itu apres inggris. yaaah emg klompok gue blm mulai kerjain apa2 sih hehe cuman gue peweeeeeeeee bgt deh, mau ngomong enak ga di cemooh, ga di kasih tatapan gajelas, kalo lg bareng temen2 yg sklompok inggris itu kayanya enaaaak gitu, gue merasa sangat dihargai sbg seorg tmen :) yah mgkinlebay. tp mmang bianda oji evan jewe zefanya itu temanteman terbaik gue di 9e lah ;)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
all my troubles seemed so far away.
now it looks as if they're here to stay
oh i believe, in yesterday.
- theBeatles.
all my troubles seemed so far away.
now it looks as if they're here to stay
oh i believe, in yesterday.
- theBeatles.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
the boy i need.
i need a boy. a true guy. one who looks real tough, but won't make me cry. i need that kinda guy who understands and even when he's with his boys, he still says:
Friday, February 4, 2011
bta = having fun B)
heeeylow ;) today's saturday and i've to wake up early to go to school hrrrr.
Pas gue nyampe sekolah itu datengnya bareng andrew christ jd dari pagi aura geje sudah melekat dalam diri gw haha udah gitu gue lgsung taro tas terus ngobrol sama fanny, ngmongin apres gituu hehe, udah gitu ngobrol sama esterrr gaby. Duduk bentar abis itu ngobrol bentar ama bianda terus gue becanda2 smaa jordy kan soal cover apres. Lu bayanginyaaaah, dia itu disuruh bikin cover itu asal2an bgt. Gambar monyetnya itu loh, aneh bangeet! Yg kemaren monyetnya serem bgt kayak hantu di bleach, yg tadi? Monyet versi beni mice errrrr, jor?
Eh pas nengok si bianda udah ga ada, yaudah gw ngbrol2 aja lg smaa yang lain. Td pas bta mat sir yopinya ga ada, jd kita kaya free tp ga free gitu deeh hehe.
Terus pas kimia gue pindah ke depan kan, awalnya sama bianda, tp abis itu dia duduk sama benita jd gue sendiri, jd gue ngobrol2 aja ama sorta dea hehe jujur bukannya apa apa gue jg td ga gt peduli sih ga duduk ama bianda hehehe, udah gitu nyanyi2 lagu rohani sama sorta dea, terus nyanyi2 yg lain lgg, udah gitu istirahat kan, gue ngobrol sm andrew hehe. Udah gitu pas masuk gue duduk sama erickooo! Haha aku sudah tidak kesal lg loh, uda gitu becanda2 ber4, terus dia blg gitu mau ntn davincicode. Terus masa katanya yaaaah si MONALISA itu mata kanannya gada! Jd kaya di copas gitu mata kirinya ckck. Katanya di gituinsoalnya si leonardo da vincinya itu kesel sm dia gara2 cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan! Jd si da vinci kan udah bangkot tuh waktu itu uda umur 50, si monalisa umurnya baru 30, ya otomatis gamau dong yaa jd dia kesel terus dibikin jelek. Yaaah tp tetep aja ya ujung ujungnya bagus -_-
udah gitu tbtb chilwin ngikut kaan udah gitu nyanyi2 lgggg huahua. Eh tbtb yg cowo2 gitu pada mainpesawat kertas terus di terbangin kan, terus yg dapet pesawatnya dicieinhaha. Terus si sharon dapet melulu dari timy, eh si icon lgsung lebay gitu deeh marah2 errr pls deh yah -_-. Terus si ericko juga ngelempar paaaaaaas bgt jatohnya di pangkuan ivanna hahaha lgsung ngakak ngakak semua.
Eh tbtb miss hermina masuk lgsung hening haha
ah i love today B)
Pas gue nyampe sekolah itu datengnya bareng andrew christ jd dari pagi aura geje sudah melekat dalam diri gw haha udah gitu gue lgsung taro tas terus ngobrol sama fanny, ngmongin apres gituu hehe, udah gitu ngobrol sama esterrr gaby. Duduk bentar abis itu ngobrol bentar ama bianda terus gue becanda2 smaa jordy kan soal cover apres. Lu bayanginyaaaah, dia itu disuruh bikin cover itu asal2an bgt. Gambar monyetnya itu loh, aneh bangeet! Yg kemaren monyetnya serem bgt kayak hantu di bleach, yg tadi? Monyet versi beni mice errrrr, jor?
Eh pas nengok si bianda udah ga ada, yaudah gw ngbrol2 aja lg smaa yang lain. Td pas bta mat sir yopinya ga ada, jd kita kaya free tp ga free gitu deeh hehe.
Terus pas kimia gue pindah ke depan kan, awalnya sama bianda, tp abis itu dia duduk sama benita jd gue sendiri, jd gue ngobrol2 aja ama sorta dea hehe jujur bukannya apa apa gue jg td ga gt peduli sih ga duduk ama bianda hehehe, udah gitu nyanyi2 lagu rohani sama sorta dea, terus nyanyi2 yg lain lgg, udah gitu istirahat kan, gue ngobrol sm andrew hehe. Udah gitu pas masuk gue duduk sama erickooo! Haha aku sudah tidak kesal lg loh, uda gitu becanda2 ber4, terus dia blg gitu mau ntn davincicode. Terus masa katanya yaaaah si MONALISA itu mata kanannya gada! Jd kaya di copas gitu mata kirinya ckck. Katanya di gituinsoalnya si leonardo da vincinya itu kesel sm dia gara2 cintanya bertepuk sebelah tangan! Jd si da vinci kan udah bangkot tuh waktu itu uda umur 50, si monalisa umurnya baru 30, ya otomatis gamau dong yaa jd dia kesel terus dibikin jelek. Yaaah tp tetep aja ya ujung ujungnya bagus -_-
udah gitu tbtb chilwin ngikut kaan udah gitu nyanyi2 lgggg huahua. Eh tbtb yg cowo2 gitu pada mainpesawat kertas terus di terbangin kan, terus yg dapet pesawatnya dicieinhaha. Terus si sharon dapet melulu dari timy, eh si icon lgsung lebay gitu deeh marah2 errr pls deh yah -_-. Terus si ericko juga ngelempar paaaaaaas bgt jatohnya di pangkuan ivanna hahaha lgsung ngakak ngakak semua.
Eh tbtb miss hermina masuk lgsung hening haha
ah i love today B)
Thursday, February 3, 2011
你好! 今天是二月三日也是中国的新年!
我是中国和印泥。sooo i want to say :
hmmm i'm not so sure if the hanzi is right but i still am going to say happy chinese new year to u all :)
so my wishes are ::
1. being a happier girl!
2. having a better life!
3. getting the highest grade for every uan subjects!
4. getting more twitter followers! *follow meeeeee @naadiinne :)
5. being RICHER!
no need to be a hypocrite laa. who doesnt want money? wekeke.
however money osmt really everything. but it's still important for our lives jehehe.
soooo hong bao na lai laaa zhong guo da ren! *wheres my angpao laaa adult chinese ppl????!?!
我是中国和印泥。sooo i want to say :
hmmm i'm not so sure if the hanzi is right but i still am going to say happy chinese new year to u all :)
so my wishes are ::
1. being a happier girl!
2. having a better life!
3. getting the highest grade for every uan subjects!
4. getting more twitter followers! *follow meeeeee @naadiinne :)
5. being RICHER!
no need to be a hypocrite laa. who doesnt want money? wekeke.
however money osmt really everything. but it's still important for our lives jehehe.
soooo hong bao na lai laaa zhong guo da ren! *wheres my angpao laaa adult chinese ppl????!?!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
rain B)
'rain rain go away,
come again some other day..'
errrr as a lover of the rain, i disagrreeee! I want everyday to b raining!
Things i love about the rain ::
1. The temperature!
Temperature's just perfect while raining. Not too cold yet not too hot. (8)
2. The smell
it smells well. idk how should i explain the odor of the rain but it's just grrreeat.
3. Perfect time to re-lax.
No one does hard work while raining and so do i. I hate working hard so i enjoy the times when i can forget everything and enjoy my sparetimeee. And when you're tired, just sleep in peace O:)
4. Evrything.
The point is, i love everything abt the rain. No matter how hard the water hits the floors of the earth. Even when there's thunder involved during the rain, i laff it B)
but the thing is,
no matter how hard i cry in the middle of the rain, no one will know if i'm crying ;)
come again some other day..'
errrr as a lover of the rain, i disagrreeee! I want everyday to b raining!
Things i love about the rain ::
1. The temperature!
Temperature's just perfect while raining. Not too cold yet not too hot. (8)
2. The smell
it smells well. idk how should i explain the odor of the rain but it's just grrreeat.
3. Perfect time to re-lax.
No one does hard work while raining and so do i. I hate working hard so i enjoy the times when i can forget everything and enjoy my sparetimeee. And when you're tired, just sleep in peace O:)
4. Evrything.
The point is, i love everything abt the rain. No matter how hard the water hits the floors of the earth. Even when there's thunder involved during the rain, i laff it B)
but the thing is,
no matter how hard i cry in the middle of the rain, no one will know if i'm crying ;)
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
baby please dont go!
if i wake up tomorrow will u still be here?
i dont knooooowww ooo
if u feel the way i do, if u leave imma find you
baby please dont go go go go
baby please dont baby please dont runaway.."
those words are swirling around in my mind without any particular reason ;)
i was watching some random channels and i came across MTV hits on mtv and this song was played there.
the lyrics are some adult stuffs but i dont care. the music is great haha
mike posner, i like you but sorry, you're not in my top 3 ;p
if i wake up tomorrow will u still be here?
i dont knooooowww ooo
if u feel the way i do, if u leave imma find you
baby please dont go go go go
baby please dont baby please dont runaway.."
those words are swirling around in my mind without any particular reason ;)
i was watching some random channels and i came across MTV hits on mtv and this song was played there.
the lyrics are some adult stuffs but i dont care. the music is great haha
mike posner, i like you but sorry, you're not in my top 3 ;p
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