ERRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGH. i'm sooooo mad at my classmate! biar lebih afdol gue ngomel pake bahasa ibu yah hehe
jaaadiii! Kan sekolah gue bentar lg ada ujian praktek, terus ada yaaaa anak kelompok gue yg sumpedeh gatau diri abis ngeselin sumpah minta di jitak jotos tampar tampol tojos gila.
Pertama itu, dia ngomong TEMEN TEMEN, GUE AKAN BERBUAT APAPUN UTK MENYUKSESKAN KLMPK INI. GUE GAPEDULI SAMA NILAI GW, YG PENTING NILAI LU PADA BAGUS2. Man, i need proof. Oopps i dont think you're a real man cos men keep their words and wbu? Errrrrr. NOPE.
Udah gituu, kan disuruh bikin lagu sendiri kan tiap kelompok, nah dia gabisa bikinlagu, akhirnya lu tau siapa yg bikin lagu? Anak drama sama anak drawing, dan dia ga nanya sama sekali. Yg butuh nilai siapa blok? Hish.
Kedua! Sok cemburuan bgt jd orang! Sok overprotektif sm cewenya! Kepo pula. Mas lu kira urusan semua orang mesti lu tau? Muka lu pas minta dikasih tau juga gausah sok sok melas gitu kali. Orang bukanya kasian malah geli.
Ketiga! Ngatain orang gapernah pake otak! Emang sih anaknya pinter ya. Cuman entah kenapa setiap mau ngejek orang gapernah pake otak. Ga mikirinperasaan orang. Padahal, giliran dia di katain? Tampangnya langsung berubah jd kaya kucing laper!
Keempat! Ngga tau trima kasih! Gue harus stuck sama dia. Weh kalo temen cewe lu sebel ama lu bukan slaah gua dong. Itu anak yg tdnya bakal bareng ama gua jd sakit ati grgr lu! Lu minta maaf juga nggak! Aplg bilang makasih. Malah malemnya lo sok sok ngambek. Bukannya apa apa ya makin geli gua.
Kelima! Pas lo ada masalah ama wali kelas kita. Gausah nyuruh nyuruh anak sekelas ngebela lu ya. Gausah bawa bawa solider. Kita ga ngapa2in, kita ngerjain kok. Kalo lu salah yaudah salah aja, ga usah nyuruh nyuruh kita ikutan dong. Kaya cewe aja lo di marahin ngajak ngajak. Cewe aja ga sampe gitu gitu amat.
Btw kalo lu mau marah pas baca terserah deh. Gw juga udah marah2 kan, ini juga baru gue ketik ya belomgue keluarin ke lo beneran.
Ohiya satu lg, coba lu tes kecil2an deh, cuman utk buktiin lu itu cowo apa bukan. Setau gue yaaaaa
cowo itu gak OMDO.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Saturday, January 29, 2011
in the beginning of the year, i read a magazine which i've forgotten the name. and i got the the zodiac section. then i went directly to the LIBRA part. and the things written there was :: 'THIS YEAR'S GONNA BE A TOUGH YEAR FOR YOU. EVEN THE PROBLEMS WONT BE AS HARD AS YOU THINK, IT'S STILL GOING TO BE A PRETTY TOUGH YEAR."
i didnt believe it at first as i'm not that kind of girl. yaaah i believe it for 5% lah, but i only considered it as a fun reading. but now, everything is changing. this year is tough. i dont mean to believe the zodiac thingy for 100%. but i really think that the year's going to be difficult.
well there's no road without pebbles, no matter how small the pebble is.
and a life without problems is not a "life".
i now know that God give me problems so i can be a tough human being. so i can stand in the middle of a hurricane. so i can still be alive even when i'm deep down under the deepest ocean. so i can climb the highest mountain with no one's help but His. so i can survive in this cruel cruel world no matter how old i am.
OKAY i'm getting a little bit disgusting.
anywaaaaaay, although i know God give me my personal "pebbles" to "decorate" my imperfect road, i sometimes feel like can i survive? i'm walking on a road full of pebbles, how could i keep walking with blood under my feet? i wont be dead by bleeding under the feet, but i can still feel the pain, cant i? i guess that's why God gives me my shoes that comfort my feet, just like my friends comfort me. wait. what if your shoes get broken just like a friend who stabs you at your back? well, you can always leave your shoes behind you and find for another one, ryte? and that's what you do with your friend who backstabs you. leave them behind, but put an effort to pray for them no matter how deep they stabbed you. yep i know it's hard, but fyi, i'm walking on my private road of super sharp pebbles too here!
the thing is, i need a friend. and i know you need one too :D
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
'seperti cahaya hadirmu di duniakuuu.
Seperti ribuan bintang yang menghujam jantungkuuu wuo o o o ;)
kau membuatku merasakan indahnya jatuh cinta, indahnya dicintai saat kau jadi milikku oh takkan kulepaskan dirimu oh cintakuuuu teruslah kau bersemi di dalam lubuk hatikyuuu ;p'
ahooy indonesians! kalo lu orang indo sejateh pasti tau lah itu lirik lagu apaaaa!
Yeeep it's tompi's menghujam jantungq hehe
i'm not falling in love with anybody, i just love the song!
The music is great and awesome.
Yah asik deeyyyy uhuuhuyy ~
Seperti ribuan bintang yang menghujam jantungkuuu wuo o o o ;)
kau membuatku merasakan indahnya jatuh cinta, indahnya dicintai saat kau jadi milikku oh takkan kulepaskan dirimu oh cintakuuuu teruslah kau bersemi di dalam lubuk hatikyuuu ;p'
ahooy indonesians! kalo lu orang indo sejateh pasti tau lah itu lirik lagu apaaaa!
Yeeep it's tompi's menghujam jantungq hehe
i'm not falling in love with anybody, i just love the song!
The music is great and awesome.
Yah asik deeyyyy uhuuhuyy ~
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
setiap ngeliat berita tentang jb kok jantung sama otak gue langsung betingkah kaya bedug dah yah ngejedag jedug jeder dagdigdugdegdog errrrr.
it may sound disgusting but that's thetruth.
i'm a fan of justin bieber but i'm only a fan and not a huge one. i want to be followed back and i want to be mentioned. i like him idk if i love him
ah bieber, why do u have to be a superstar?
why dont u just be an ordinary boy who loves to sing?
cos if you had been that way, my heart wont pound this fast everytime i heard your name being called or even mentioned.
however, being a fan of an artist makes me feel normal even when i'm not.
but that's life.
fyi i was a bieber hater before i heard and saw his baby vid clip
if you're a belieber and you came across my blog and read this post, pla dont hate me for being an ex-hater!
it may sound disgusting but that's thetruth.
i'm a fan of justin bieber but i'm only a fan and not a huge one. i want to be followed back and i want to be mentioned. i like him idk if i love him
ah bieber, why do u have to be a superstar?
why dont u just be an ordinary boy who loves to sing?
cos if you had been that way, my heart wont pound this fast everytime i heard your name being called or even mentioned.
however, being a fan of an artist makes me feel normal even when i'm not.
but that's life.
fyi i was a bieber hater before i heard and saw his baby vid clip
if you're a belieber and you came across my blog and read this post, pla dont hate me for being an ex-hater!
hello:) well idk what to post actually but since i'm alreay here, let's roll ;)
so today's sunday and that means tomorrow's monday and that means a new week ia about to start. so, should i be jumping and yay-ing or should i be locking myself up in my bedroom and start to cry? err i prefer the first options of jumpandyaying.
well i'm in the middle of preparing myself to stay quiet tomorrow. i'm not very hyperactive bu i'm having trouble of shutting my mouth up. and my maths teacher was mad and she said that she would throw me out of the class if i cant be able to sit still and pay attention fully. i'm not scared but i still think it's best to stay calm i. class and change hehe man, i want to be better! yahuu :D
by the way, i want to apologize to my moraled presentation group for being such a passive member and not helping at all. i'm feeling a little bit down lately and i dont really wAnt to be active. sorry :(
well i used to be active but since i was being overactive, now i'm feeling tired hehe i know i'm being a real jerk right now so i'm sorry, trying to chNge here :D
awkaay, i dont know what else i should say so maybe be for now? yep i think it's best :/.
sooo, farfarren!
so today's sunday and that means tomorrow's monday and that means a new week ia about to start. so, should i be jumping and yay-ing or should i be locking myself up in my bedroom and start to cry? err i prefer the first options of jumpandyaying.
well i'm in the middle of preparing myself to stay quiet tomorrow. i'm not very hyperactive bu i'm having trouble of shutting my mouth up. and my maths teacher was mad and she said that she would throw me out of the class if i cant be able to sit still and pay attention fully. i'm not scared but i still think it's best to stay calm i. class and change hehe man, i want to be better! yahuu :D
by the way, i want to apologize to my moraled presentation group for being such a passive member and not helping at all. i'm feeling a little bit down lately and i dont really wAnt to be active. sorry :(
well i used to be active but since i was being overactive, now i'm feeling tired hehe i know i'm being a real jerk right now so i'm sorry, trying to chNge here :D
awkaay, i dont know what else i should say so maybe be for now? yep i think it's best :/.
sooo, farfarren!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
saturday report ;)
hellooooo :) i've just arrived home and yeeerp i'm so damn tired. maybe you're wondering where i was from or maybe you're not. well i admit i'm not that kind of popular girl everyone asks for. and i also admit i sometimes want to be a little more famous than i am right now, but i'm still grateful for who i currently am :)
anyway, i'm here to tell you about my super broken saturday instead of having a confession hehe so here we go.
to begin with, i woke up at 6.30 am and my sister woke me up by yelling my name. her scream wasnt really loud but still i'm annoyed. i dont really remember abt what i dreamt of but maybe it's quite important and fun that i still feel a lil bit disturbed if i remember all the things happened in the morning. -__-
then i cleaned my body which was supposed to be clean since i was only sleeping, and i walked around my house, wandering around and i wasnt really sure what i was doing at that moment. but at 7 am sharp i drove to school and there were only few of my friends at school and i took my maths book from my locker then i did nothing.
i dont think i need to tell you what happened at school as i was having a badmood.
after school i went to st ignatius and studied english and maths. well i only studied english actually since we were only discussing the tryouts for maths. i got 62 for my english tryout and take a guess for my maths' tryout mark! i didnt get any 40s or 50s. i didnt even get 30. i got 26 -______- i dont mean to be snobbish or what, but it's creepy when you never got 26 during your junior highschool times of studying then suddenly, you got your first 26 mark in the last 3 years. i'm stressed out. when the questions are so hard, i dont care. but these questions were so easy and my mistakes were all silly. and the teacher refused to give any marks for my super long handwriting. if you want to know how silly my mistakes are, here comes an example ::
you know lah the formula of ro = m/v! i've got the v and it's 291000 m3. and the ro is 1,26 kg/m3.
then, we were told to find the mass. i had got the right moves, but then when the results were delivered back, here was what i wrote ::
1.26 = m : 219000.
first word in my head ::: DAAAAAAAAMN!
anyway, i'm here to tell you about my super broken saturday instead of having a confession hehe so here we go.
to begin with, i woke up at 6.30 am and my sister woke me up by yelling my name. her scream wasnt really loud but still i'm annoyed. i dont really remember abt what i dreamt of but maybe it's quite important and fun that i still feel a lil bit disturbed if i remember all the things happened in the morning. -__-
then i cleaned my body which was supposed to be clean since i was only sleeping, and i walked around my house, wandering around and i wasnt really sure what i was doing at that moment. but at 7 am sharp i drove to school and there were only few of my friends at school and i took my maths book from my locker then i did nothing.
i dont think i need to tell you what happened at school as i was having a badmood.
after school i went to st ignatius and studied english and maths. well i only studied english actually since we were only discussing the tryouts for maths. i got 62 for my english tryout and take a guess for my maths' tryout mark! i didnt get any 40s or 50s. i didnt even get 30. i got 26 -______- i dont mean to be snobbish or what, but it's creepy when you never got 26 during your junior highschool times of studying then suddenly, you got your first 26 mark in the last 3 years. i'm stressed out. when the questions are so hard, i dont care. but these questions were so easy and my mistakes were all silly. and the teacher refused to give any marks for my super long handwriting. if you want to know how silly my mistakes are, here comes an example ::
you know lah the formula of ro = m/v! i've got the v and it's 291000 m3. and the ro is 1,26 kg/m3.
then, we were told to find the mass. i had got the right moves, but then when the results were delivered back, here was what i wrote ::
1.26 = m : 219000.
first word in my head ::: DAAAAAAAAMN!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
i know team work is important to make a perfect deed. I know how important trust is in a team. I know. I want to be in the group where everyone accepts me. I want to be friendly with everyone. But it seems like you guys want to work without me even when i've asked you what should i do. You've told me to do it and i've done it, but then you came to me and showed me what you did. Guys, i dont hate you but i'm pretty mad at you. Idk if you talk abt me behind my back and tell everybody i do nothing for the team. And i care. Now idk what else i should do or say, if you want me to help you, i'll always be here :) and sorry for being nothing but annoying.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
we're all the same.
Orang orang bakalan selalu tergoda untuk nyampurin urusan lo sama gebetan lo sebaik apapun mereka. Kenapa? Karena mereka manusia yang punya rasa penasaran yg super duper gaul gedenya. Sekalipun itu ngeselin, memang gitu kenyataannya. Gue percaya dan gue berani taruhan lo pernah ngorek ngorek info dari gebetan temen lo setelah temen lo ngasih tau lo dia suka sama orang itu. Kenapa gue bisa bilang gitu? Karna gue pernah jadi orang yang ngorek dan orang yang gebetannya di korek. Fine bahasa gue gaenak di denger, ya maaf, orang gue gatau gimana lagi ngomongnya.
Orang orang di dunia ini juga pasti pernah jadi orang munafik bohong banget kalo mereka bilang mereka bukan orang muna karena dengan ngomong gitu juga mereka munafik. Gue ga bakal nyangkal kalo gue ini munafik sekalipun gue kesel kalo gue dikatain muna. Yg gue bisa yah cuman nyoba utk stop jd org muna, emang susah, wong tiap kali ada aja yang bikin kita tergoda untuk jd orang muna. Yeeep life is tough.
Jadi, sebelom lo ngatain orang muna lo ngaca dulu. Gue sering ngatain org muna dengan embel2 'muna lo! Ngaca dulu sebelom ngatain gue!' padahal pas itu gue juga belom ngaca. So? Siapa yang muna? Kayaknya gue dan lo sama sama muna toh?
Orang orang di dunia ini juga pasti pernah jadi orang munafik bohong banget kalo mereka bilang mereka bukan orang muna karena dengan ngomong gitu juga mereka munafik. Gue ga bakal nyangkal kalo gue ini munafik sekalipun gue kesel kalo gue dikatain muna. Yg gue bisa yah cuman nyoba utk stop jd org muna, emang susah, wong tiap kali ada aja yang bikin kita tergoda untuk jd orang muna. Yeeep life is tough.
Jadi, sebelom lo ngatain orang muna lo ngaca dulu. Gue sering ngatain org muna dengan embel2 'muna lo! Ngaca dulu sebelom ngatain gue!' padahal pas itu gue juga belom ngaca. So? Siapa yang muna? Kayaknya gue dan lo sama sama muna toh?
Saturday, January 15, 2011
nightynight everybodey :) so here i am, once again, alone in my bedroom with the light on and my super loyal and lovely cellphone, typing everything that pops into my head. Here're what popped in. :)
1. Tomorrow's a kinda big day of my life, and i couldnt sleep at all. My eyes r forcing to stay open and idk why. In times when i dont have anything to do the next day, it crazily shuts a lil bit too early, and when i need it to shut earlier, it does the worst thing it could do. Whattheeee .....?
2. Idk why but i'm disliking my friend. She's a girl. She's smart, easy going, friendly yet she's also irresponsible, selfish, and unreliable. I dont like her not for the 3 adjectives i've just said. But since she's avoiding me without any particular reason i'm also staying away from her. Well, if that's what she wants, i'll be happy to fulfill her wish :).
3. I'm stressed. It seems like my parents think of me as a super dumb girl as they put me in so many courses and they're still expecting me to study everyday. Maybe they think my brain capacity will always be empty? Idk. Or maybe they think i'm way too far from my sister which is super ultra genius? Idk.
4. My parents never listen to anything i've said or i will say. Well they listened, but they forgot. Easily. They never put in too much effort to remember. And being mocked with my friends is what happen.
5. My classmates keep teasing me lyk i have no feeling. Even they're the best friends i've ever had, i'mjust like them. I dont wanna be teased all the time. But since i always smile and say ''it's ok'' they keep doing it. Idk if i'll be angry someday.
Gah. -_-
1. Tomorrow's a kinda big day of my life, and i couldnt sleep at all. My eyes r forcing to stay open and idk why. In times when i dont have anything to do the next day, it crazily shuts a lil bit too early, and when i need it to shut earlier, it does the worst thing it could do. Whattheeee .....?
2. Idk why but i'm disliking my friend. She's a girl. She's smart, easy going, friendly yet she's also irresponsible, selfish, and unreliable. I dont like her not for the 3 adjectives i've just said. But since she's avoiding me without any particular reason i'm also staying away from her. Well, if that's what she wants, i'll be happy to fulfill her wish :).
3. I'm stressed. It seems like my parents think of me as a super dumb girl as they put me in so many courses and they're still expecting me to study everyday. Maybe they think my brain capacity will always be empty? Idk. Or maybe they think i'm way too far from my sister which is super ultra genius? Idk.
4. My parents never listen to anything i've said or i will say. Well they listened, but they forgot. Easily. They never put in too much effort to remember. And being mocked with my friends is what happen.
5. My classmates keep teasing me lyk i have no feeling. Even they're the best friends i've ever had, i'mjust like them. I dont wanna be teased all the time. But since i always smile and say ''it's ok'' they keep doing it. Idk if i'll be angry someday.
Gah. -_-
today's saturday and it was usually the day when i didnt have to make myself step on my school's floors. but starting from today i have to force myself to walk into the front door of what i call the earth's private hell -_-
butbutbut i rocked this period between 7.30 am - 12.30 pm with my super duper hyper ultra cool classmates!
and first of all :: CONGRATS TO ZEFANYA AND GAABBYYYYYY! longlast yaaaaaahhhh sekalipun parah banget udah ngasih tau telat, ga ngasih peje pula huuuuu ;)
jadi skrg karena gue anak pengacara a.k.a pengangguran banyak acara, gue mau membahas teman teman sekelas gue yg hmmmm aneh tapi nyata tapi gahul tapi baik tapi iseng tapi keren tapi menye tapi oke :D
in the number one position is my bestest chairmate eveeeeerrrrr: BIANDA :)
si baik nan imut dengan pipi tembem menggemaskan ini sudah menjadi teman sebangku gue sejak kelas 8 smester2, setelah gue berantem agak kurang heboh dengan 3 teman teman gahul gue yg lain haha. setiap kali cerita ceritaaaaaaa melulu, sekalipun skrg udah jarang cerita cerita dan gue pernah sebel sama dia, tapi tetap laaa dia sahabatkyuu yg paling wuuoke :D
the second spot's for SORTA! cewek yang sangat amat lembut halus kalem diam di kelas. tapi giliran denger nama edward cullen, jantung lu pasti bakalan copot seketika. kenapaaaa? karena si anak "pendiam" ini bakalan loncat dari bangkunya terus bilang "APAAN TUH CULLEN CULLEN?" yaaaah ga loncat juga sih, ngomongnya ga gitu juga sih, tapi intinya begitu lah, yaaaaah kalo di ringkas dia itu heboh kalo denger nama lakinya di sebut sebut seketika hahaha asik sekali kalo di ajak cerita cerita, baiiiiiiik banget :)
lalu lalu lalu ada hmmmm siapa yaaah ohiyaa! MARSHA! ihihiyyy rambutnya indah sekali loh dia ini, tapi udah di potong terus jadi lebih indah alamakkk bikin iri ahhaa. satu lg fakta yg sngat amat penting, DIA CADEL LOH :D weeeeyyytts jangan salah, sekalipun cadel cadel begini dia punya cowok loooh huahua.
IVANNA is next. anak kelas gue yg paling up to date yah dia ini. haha lu tanya gosip yg lg hot hotnya juga pasti dia tau. yaaah pokoknya dia tau dr yg paling hot sampe yg paling cold deh wekeke, cewek bataks anak dokter jantung ini gaul beneer kalo diajak cerita cerita haha. tapi dia pintar, aku jd susah kalo mau ngalahin dia huhu, tp anehnya nilai inggris dia sama gue sama teruuus haha
ohyaaaa 1 lg CINDY. wogh. galak super ini wanita muda. suaranya? bedeeeeeeh menggemparkan dunia persilatan *apabanget* anak anak cowo kelas gue pada ngeri sama dia haha. bogemannya? mantav. wkwk, gara gara bendahara kelas gue dia, uangkas lunas nas nas, kalo ngeliat dia sama wali kelas gue si babeh udah kaya ngeliat duet gamal audrey! kolaborasi yg super indah deh pokoe hahaha
hmm siapa lg yaaaa ohiya yg pria pria belum ada yg di sebut hahha.
hmmm in no particular order the ones that are cool enough are :::::
ANGGATAMA TIRTAU huahua. gaya? okelah. (re: ncek ncek glodok mode on). tampang? oke juga laaah, (re: boboho versi indo). tingkah? teopebegeteh (Re: anak autis elit banget). hahaha sumpah dah kalo deket deket dia gue bawaannya pengen ketawa mulu. idk what is it in him that makes me laugh all the time. maybe he's meant to be a joker? who knows haha.
lalu lalu ada ICONZZ. haha alay? memang. ohiyaaaa remember when i told you about ms. marsha? yeayea the one that cant spell any Rs correctly. this silly yet pretty nice guy's her boyfriend. haha they touched each others' hands so very often wkwk. and they both make me laugh when they're together haha perfect match lah wwk. si icon ini juga seriiiing banget ngatangatain gua, entah opa gua lah, ngata2in gua geje lah, pokokya pakiu. cuman kalo lg bosen terus pengen ngobrol seseru mungkin, datanglah padanya. sekalipun awal awal dia kejam, ntar ntarannya juga ngakak lu haha
hemmm next's ANDREW CHRIST. teman sebangku gua di kelas mat ini kayaknya gasuka belajar yaaa, sampe pas quiz mat dia nyontek gue ketawan hahahha mati banget dah dia. udah ga demen belajar, mau nyontek ga pro, ckck mau jd apa ini diaaa? haha udah gitu anaknya gejeeeeeeeeee bhuanget. pernah pas gue lg mau nonton sama angel sama bianda, tbtb dia sama cara dkk dateng, udah gitu s angel nanya, "ra, kaki lo kenapa?" tbtb dia lgsung ngomong "jatoh dia" terus dia jatoh. bayangin. BAYANGIN. apa perasaan lo pas ada orang baru dateng langsung jatoh ngejogrok di depan lo, pas lo lg serius ngomong sama org lain. yap apapun yg bakal lo rasain, itulah yang gue rasakan pas saat itu.
lalulalu hemmmmm OJI. dewa gitar, dewa drum, dewa BULU. yaaap kalo di dunia ini ada persekutuan pria berbulu sedunia, pasti dia jadi ketuanya. yaah paling mentok sekertaris lah wkwkk. temen cerita gue ini, sekalipun agak agak bolot kalo di ceritain tp dia yg paling ga banyak bacot lah haha, baik juga anaknya. mukanya kayak orang arab arab indihey gituuu tapi bulu bulu gitu dia udah punya cewek loh. dan hmmmm ceweknya mulus kok bulunya ga keliatan. sekalipun ada juga seenggaknya ga keliatan dari jauh HAHAHA.
teruuus errrrr ZEFANYA. cakep? iya. baik? iya. pinter? yaaaah lumayan lah. badannya? oke. betisnya? kuda banget. tapi, JAYUS -__-" tapi yg membuat gue seneng kalo deket deket dia ituuu adalaaaaaaah ORANGNYA ASIK DI KATAIN! hahhaa di katain gapernah bisa bales, responnya cuman kupingnya jd semerah cabe merah yg harganya lg naik sekarang sekarang ini hahahha udah gitu suka salting sendiri, dan kalo udah salting bakalan ngegeje sendiri terus kalo udah ngegeje di liatin jd malu terus kupingnya merah lagi huahahahaha. gue bersyukur sekali yaaa dia skrg duduk sebelah gue pas inggris, jd gampang kalo mau ngejek haha. udah gitu skrg dia udah punya cewek, beeeeh makin napsu gua bikin kupingnya merah menyala >:]
udah deh yaaa skrg kita pake nomor urut ajah :)
ANAS : rambut bob gaul, anak pendiem, muka joker, baik, tampang agak agak juteks, but she's the one you want to be friends with :)
ANDREW W : ahutish, pinter, rajin, batboy, baik, gak ngember, kalo pake bajuu bah designer punya semuaaaaaa! sayang pernah dia pake kemeja kotak" zara cuman ga di"kerenin" akhirnya hampir diajarin zefanya ngegulung baju hahahaha
AURIMA : baik, asik, and SHE'S A BELIEBER :) tapi dia juga suka ngerebut rebut cowo gue gitu deeeeh astaga banget kan temen sekelas tapi lagaknya kaya penghianat gitu ckckck *hahaha you know what i mean lah rimmmm ;)
BENITA : benibenibeni baik bangeet, pinterrr, rajin, teliti, cuman kalo udah marah itu serasa dunia bergetarrr tar tarrrrrr. gilakkk teriak teriak marahnya, hahhaa
DEA CAHYAA : baiiiiiiik, jago main biola :(, she's taken guys wkwk, pintarrr, sekalipun udah punya pacar dia suka selingkuh loh, tau ga sama siapa! SAPI. bayangin sapi! ckckck haha, and and and she likes SM*SH hahahhaa
ERICKO : wedeeew, sebel di awal, berteman di akhir huahua, gila banget pas itu gue udah stress terus curhat ke dia ckckk hahaha
ESTER : she's always been the one i tell stories to, baik bgt anaknya, kalem juga lagi, udah gitu pinter gambar, hahaha
EVAN : pinter, baik, former english chairmate, skrg jd agpgs *Anak Gaul Penabur GS* sejak temenan ama oji zef wkw, kalo diliatin mukanya langsung merah merah geje gituu, padahal di liatinnya cuman sebentar dan sengaja hahahha
GABY : iciheyyy pacar barunya zefanyaa haha, baik loh diaaaa, kalem bangeet, cwek bangett, menurut rumor yg beredar, dia bokep, tapi aku tak percaya, haha dia ini sebelum sama zefanya sama gue cuman gue di tinggalin huhu. stop.
JONWIL : sakaaauuuuu, ngeleeeemmmm, jago gambarrrrrr, kecciiiiil, imuuuutttt, bibirnya ga nahaaaann! hhahaha
JORDY : ah ga ada yg spesial laaaah wkwk
KENNY : anak kesayangan sir titus, anaknya rajin sekolah, gapernah cemberut, rajin ngerjain tugas...
CHILWIN : obsessed with everything, he's a rapper hahahaha
MONICA : putri cina wkwk, baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik banget, enak di ajak cerita cerita, gahul, chatter yang sangat pro wkwk, she understands yahoomessenger better than anybody does :) she's one of my best mates!
NATHANIA TIFFANY : if einstein were a boy, then she's the female form of einstein whom i called as einsteiNETTE. wkwk parah banget lah dia pinternya bikin kesel tau ga sih. mana larinya kenceng banget lg kayak kijang, udah gitu jago basket pula, ckckck
STEVAN : he's everything he is lah ya yang jelas haha
TIMI : gaya agak agak sok cool gimanaaaaa gitu yaa, haha tapi gue udah biasa aja lah sama dia, and he's going to china hahahaha
YOI : when you're studying about metamorphosis and transformation and you're looking for an example, come in to my class and seek for him. he's the one who can give you all you want to learn. *kalo lu ga tau maksud gue, yah DEEL hehhee
maybe that's all about my classmates, the thing is, I LOVE THEM :)
today's saturday and it was usually the day when i didnt have to make myself step on my school's floors. but starting from today i have to force myself to walk into the front door of what i call the earth's private hell -_-
butbutbut i rocked this period between 7.30 am - 12.30 pm with my super duper hyper ultra cool classmates!
and first of all :: CONGRATS TO ZEFANYA AND GAABBYYYYYY! longlast yaaaaaahhhh sekalipun parah banget udah ngasih tau telat, ga ngasih peje pula huuuuu ;)
jadi skrg karena gue anak pengacara a.k.a pengangguran banyak acara, gue mau membahas teman teman sekelas gue yg hmmmm aneh tapi nyata tapi gahul tapi baik tapi iseng tapi keren tapi menye tapi oke :D
in the number one position is my bestest chairmate eveeeeerrrrr: BIANDA :)
si baik nan imut dengan pipi tembem menggemaskan ini sudah menjadi teman sebangku gue sejak kelas 8 smester2, setelah gue berantem agak kurang heboh dengan 3 teman teman gahul gue yg lain haha. setiap kali cerita ceritaaaaaaa melulu, sekalipun skrg udah jarang cerita cerita dan gue pernah sebel sama dia, tapi tetap laaa dia sahabatkyuu yg paling wuuoke :D
the second spot's for SORTA! cewek yang sangat amat lembut halus kalem diam di kelas. tapi giliran denger nama edward cullen, jantung lu pasti bakalan copot seketika. kenapaaaa? karena si anak "pendiam" ini bakalan loncat dari bangkunya terus bilang "APAAN TUH CULLEN CULLEN?" yaaaah ga loncat juga sih, ngomongnya ga gitu juga sih, tapi intinya begitu lah, yaaaaah kalo di ringkas dia itu heboh kalo denger nama lakinya di sebut sebut seketika hahaha asik sekali kalo di ajak cerita cerita, baiiiiiiik banget :)
lalu lalu lalu ada hmmmm siapa yaaah ohiyaa! MARSHA! ihihiyyy rambutnya indah sekali loh dia ini, tapi udah di potong terus jadi lebih indah alamakkk bikin iri ahhaa. satu lg fakta yg sngat amat penting, DIA CADEL LOH :D weeeeyyytts jangan salah, sekalipun cadel cadel begini dia punya cowok loooh huahua.
IVANNA is next. anak kelas gue yg paling up to date yah dia ini. haha lu tanya gosip yg lg hot hotnya juga pasti dia tau. yaaah pokoknya dia tau dr yg paling hot sampe yg paling cold deh wekeke, cewek bataks anak dokter jantung ini gaul beneer kalo diajak cerita cerita haha. tapi dia pintar, aku jd susah kalo mau ngalahin dia huhu, tp anehnya nilai inggris dia sama gue sama teruuus haha
ohyaaaa 1 lg CINDY. wogh. galak super ini wanita muda. suaranya? bedeeeeeeh menggemparkan dunia persilatan *apabanget* anak anak cowo kelas gue pada ngeri sama dia haha. bogemannya? mantav. wkwk, gara gara bendahara kelas gue dia, uangkas lunas nas nas, kalo ngeliat dia sama wali kelas gue si babeh udah kaya ngeliat duet gamal audrey! kolaborasi yg super indah deh pokoe hahaha
hmm siapa lg yaaaa ohiya yg pria pria belum ada yg di sebut hahha.
hmmm in no particular order the ones that are cool enough are :::::
ANGGATAMA TIRTAU huahua. gaya? okelah. (re: ncek ncek glodok mode on). tampang? oke juga laaah, (re: boboho versi indo). tingkah? teopebegeteh (Re: anak autis elit banget). hahaha sumpah dah kalo deket deket dia gue bawaannya pengen ketawa mulu. idk what is it in him that makes me laugh all the time. maybe he's meant to be a joker? who knows haha.
lalu lalu ada ICONZZ. haha alay? memang. ohiyaaaa remember when i told you about ms. marsha? yeayea the one that cant spell any Rs correctly. this silly yet pretty nice guy's her boyfriend. haha they touched each others' hands so very often wkwk. and they both make me laugh when they're together haha perfect match lah wwk. si icon ini juga seriiiing banget ngatangatain gua, entah opa gua lah, ngata2in gua geje lah, pokokya pakiu. cuman kalo lg bosen terus pengen ngobrol seseru mungkin, datanglah padanya. sekalipun awal awal dia kejam, ntar ntarannya juga ngakak lu haha
hemmm next's ANDREW CHRIST. teman sebangku gua di kelas mat ini kayaknya gasuka belajar yaaa, sampe pas quiz mat dia nyontek gue ketawan hahahha mati banget dah dia. udah ga demen belajar, mau nyontek ga pro, ckck mau jd apa ini diaaa? haha udah gitu anaknya gejeeeeeeeeee bhuanget. pernah pas gue lg mau nonton sama angel sama bianda, tbtb dia sama cara dkk dateng, udah gitu s angel nanya, "ra, kaki lo kenapa?" tbtb dia lgsung ngomong "jatoh dia" terus dia jatoh. bayangin. BAYANGIN. apa perasaan lo pas ada orang baru dateng langsung jatoh ngejogrok di depan lo, pas lo lg serius ngomong sama org lain. yap apapun yg bakal lo rasain, itulah yang gue rasakan pas saat itu.
lalulalu hemmmmm OJI. dewa gitar, dewa drum, dewa BULU. yaaap kalo di dunia ini ada persekutuan pria berbulu sedunia, pasti dia jadi ketuanya. yaah paling mentok sekertaris lah wkwkk. temen cerita gue ini, sekalipun agak agak bolot kalo di ceritain tp dia yg paling ga banyak bacot lah haha, baik juga anaknya. mukanya kayak orang arab arab indihey gituuu tapi bulu bulu gitu dia udah punya cewek loh. dan hmmmm ceweknya mulus kok bulunya ga keliatan. sekalipun ada juga seenggaknya ga keliatan dari jauh HAHAHA.
teruuus errrrr ZEFANYA. cakep? iya. baik? iya. pinter? yaaaah lumayan lah. badannya? oke. betisnya? kuda banget. tapi, JAYUS -__-" tapi yg membuat gue seneng kalo deket deket dia ituuu adalaaaaaaah ORANGNYA ASIK DI KATAIN! hahhaa di katain gapernah bisa bales, responnya cuman kupingnya jd semerah cabe merah yg harganya lg naik sekarang sekarang ini hahahha udah gitu suka salting sendiri, dan kalo udah salting bakalan ngegeje sendiri terus kalo udah ngegeje di liatin jd malu terus kupingnya merah lagi huahahahaha. gue bersyukur sekali yaaa dia skrg duduk sebelah gue pas inggris, jd gampang kalo mau ngejek haha. udah gitu skrg dia udah punya cewek, beeeeh makin napsu gua bikin kupingnya merah menyala >:]
udah deh yaaa skrg kita pake nomor urut ajah :)
ANAS : rambut bob gaul, anak pendiem, muka joker, baik, tampang agak agak juteks, but she's the one you want to be friends with :)
ANDREW W : ahutish, pinter, rajin, batboy, baik, gak ngember, kalo pake bajuu bah designer punya semuaaaaaa! sayang pernah dia pake kemeja kotak" zara cuman ga di"kerenin" akhirnya hampir diajarin zefanya ngegulung baju hahahaha
AURIMA : baik, asik, and SHE'S A BELIEBER :) tapi dia juga suka ngerebut rebut cowo gue gitu deeeeh astaga banget kan temen sekelas tapi lagaknya kaya penghianat gitu ckckck *hahaha you know what i mean lah rimmmm ;)
BENITA : benibenibeni baik bangeet, pinterrr, rajin, teliti, cuman kalo udah marah itu serasa dunia bergetarrr tar tarrrrrr. gilakkk teriak teriak marahnya, hahhaa
DEA CAHYAA : baiiiiiiik, jago main biola :(, she's taken guys wkwk, pintarrr, sekalipun udah punya pacar dia suka selingkuh loh, tau ga sama siapa! SAPI. bayangin sapi! ckckck haha, and and and she likes SM*SH hahahhaa
ERICKO : wedeeew, sebel di awal, berteman di akhir huahua, gila banget pas itu gue udah stress terus curhat ke dia ckckk hahaha
ESTER : she's always been the one i tell stories to, baik bgt anaknya, kalem juga lagi, udah gitu pinter gambar, hahaha
EVAN : pinter, baik, former english chairmate, skrg jd agpgs *Anak Gaul Penabur GS* sejak temenan ama oji zef wkw, kalo diliatin mukanya langsung merah merah geje gituu, padahal di liatinnya cuman sebentar dan sengaja hahahha
GABY : iciheyyy pacar barunya zefanyaa haha, baik loh diaaaa, kalem bangeet, cwek bangett, menurut rumor yg beredar, dia bokep, tapi aku tak percaya, haha dia ini sebelum sama zefanya sama gue cuman gue di tinggalin huhu. stop.
JONWIL : sakaaauuuuu, ngeleeeemmmm, jago gambarrrrrr, kecciiiiil, imuuuutttt, bibirnya ga nahaaaann! hhahaha
JORDY : ah ga ada yg spesial laaaah wkwk
KENNY : anak kesayangan sir titus, anaknya rajin sekolah, gapernah cemberut, rajin ngerjain tugas...
CHILWIN : obsessed with everything, he's a rapper hahahaha
MONICA : putri cina wkwk, baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik banget, enak di ajak cerita cerita, gahul, chatter yang sangat pro wkwk, she understands yahoomessenger better than anybody does :) she's one of my best mates!
NATHANIA TIFFANY : if einstein were a boy, then she's the female form of einstein whom i called as einsteiNETTE. wkwk parah banget lah dia pinternya bikin kesel tau ga sih. mana larinya kenceng banget lg kayak kijang, udah gitu jago basket pula, ckckck
STEVAN : he's everything he is lah ya yang jelas haha
TIMI : gaya agak agak sok cool gimanaaaaa gitu yaa, haha tapi gue udah biasa aja lah sama dia, and he's going to china hahahaha
YOI : when you're studying about metamorphosis and transformation and you're looking for an example, come in to my class and seek for him. he's the one who can give you all you want to learn. *kalo lu ga tau maksud gue, yah DEEL hehhee
maybe that's all about my classmates, the thing is, I LOVE THEM :)
Friday, January 14, 2011
thanks for being my super great friends :)
halohalo :) i've just got out of school ryte now and i'm heading to a course to you knowww study. Blah -,- you'd think i'm a nerd or sth but the truth is, i do not want to go there and study. But i have to huhu pity me lahhh
btwbtw kelas gue asiiiiiikk banget yah :) cuman yg asik ratarata cowocowonya doangg, abis yg cewe kek pada diem diem gitu lah, paling yg berbaur banget it cuman cindy, ivanna, sharon, aurima. yg lain masih idk yah malumalu? Hemmmm gak deh kayanya haha.
Udah gitu siaul banget td pas istirahat jidat super lebar gua kena botol. Bahloelah. Ga sakit sih, cuman pas banget di tengah, gue pngen ketawa tp gue jg malu setengah sadar, tp yasudahlah udah lewat juga sih haha udah gitu gue turun ke bawah terus di kantin gue iseng becandain om yohan 'om minta yupi gratis dungggg' eh di kasih beneran ckck baik ya om ini, xiexie om :) selain itu ya ga ada yg spesial lah haha but but but i knew a shocking life-changing info! Errr maybe life-changing's a bit stupid, but it's reeeaaallly shockiiinnggg! I guess sh*t just happened ckck.
Yaaaah sepanjang sekolah gue agak2 badmood gitu lah. Apalg pas istirahat prtma, gue sampe gaenak sm sherry gr2 nanya knp gue diem, terus nawarinmakaan, gitugitu. Yaaah gue bete grgr 1, eh 2 org. Even both of them are my closest friends but since life's unpredictable, yeeeep they both pissed me off. So the title of my this time's for them :) yeeaaaa, thanks for being my really good friends hahaa
then then then, pas komputer tbtb si cindy sama fanny di panggil utk lomba baskeet, terus kek mendadak kelasnya sepi gituuu, aplg pas mat, udah dua org itu pergi, aurima dea orkes, ivanna sharon nari, zefanya drama, benit jm gamasuk pula. Ckck benar2 seppiiii, tp untung si chilwin kaya nyanyi gituuu jd rame deh. Eh tbtb si andrew c, angga, kenny, jonwil di panggil sr cahyo! Beeeeedeh makin sepi ckck ga asik pula peljrnnya gue ga mood ngmong. Yg gue ngmg banyk itu pas inggris. Abis temen temen ngocol gue ada di situ semuaa haha, pertama! Kiri gue ada oji, lah dia mah temen cerita guaa, jd gampang ngbrolnya. Kanan gue zefanya, anak yg agak hmmmm garing nan bhuawel, terus hari ini dia kaya salting2 gitu deeeh grgr ssuatu jd makin gue ledekin laaaaah haha, serong kanan gue icon! Baaaaah ini udah ga nahan dah bawelnya, kalo udh sma dia gue harus pura2 staycool biar ga ngikut ngegeje sekalipun sebetulnya gue benar2 ingin ngegeje hahaa, depan gue! Raja geje aka andrew christ menyyeeee tempat gua ga strategis bnget kalo utk belajaaaarrrrr. Terus sebelah oji ada sharon, kalo sm sharon gue jg demen ngbrol, jd gampang banget tinggal nengok kebelakang, mengok samping kiri, julurkan tangan kiri, toeltoel bahu sharon, ngomong deeeeh hahaha jd pas ist kedua mood gue masih agak bagus, terus selesai ist bi masih lumayaaan, awal2 mat msh lumayan jg, dengdeeeeeenngggg mat tengah - akhir doeng gubrak jatoh deh mood gua -..-
sooooo what abt now? My mood's still floating :1. Soooo we'll see what it'll be lyke! nadine x :)
btwbtw kelas gue asiiiiiikk banget yah :) cuman yg asik ratarata cowocowonya doangg, abis yg cewe kek pada diem diem gitu lah, paling yg berbaur banget it cuman cindy, ivanna, sharon, aurima. yg lain masih idk yah malumalu? Hemmmm gak deh kayanya haha.
Udah gitu siaul banget td pas istirahat jidat super lebar gua kena botol. Bahloelah. Ga sakit sih, cuman pas banget di tengah, gue pngen ketawa tp gue jg malu setengah sadar, tp yasudahlah udah lewat juga sih haha udah gitu gue turun ke bawah terus di kantin gue iseng becandain om yohan 'om minta yupi gratis dungggg' eh di kasih beneran ckck baik ya om ini, xiexie om :) selain itu ya ga ada yg spesial lah haha but but but i knew a shocking life-changing info! Errr maybe life-changing's a bit stupid, but it's reeeaaallly shockiiinnggg! I guess sh*t just happened ckck.
Yaaaah sepanjang sekolah gue agak2 badmood gitu lah. Apalg pas istirahat prtma, gue sampe gaenak sm sherry gr2 nanya knp gue diem, terus nawarinmakaan, gitugitu. Yaaah gue bete grgr 1, eh 2 org. Even both of them are my closest friends but since life's unpredictable, yeeeep they both pissed me off. So the title of my this time's for them :) yeeaaaa, thanks for being my really good friends hahaa
then then then, pas komputer tbtb si cindy sama fanny di panggil utk lomba baskeet, terus kek mendadak kelasnya sepi gituuu, aplg pas mat, udah dua org itu pergi, aurima dea orkes, ivanna sharon nari, zefanya drama, benit jm gamasuk pula. Ckck benar2 seppiiii, tp untung si chilwin kaya nyanyi gituuu jd rame deh. Eh tbtb si andrew c, angga, kenny, jonwil di panggil sr cahyo! Beeeeedeh makin sepi ckck ga asik pula peljrnnya gue ga mood ngmong. Yg gue ngmg banyk itu pas inggris. Abis temen temen ngocol gue ada di situ semuaa haha, pertama! Kiri gue ada oji, lah dia mah temen cerita guaa, jd gampang ngbrolnya. Kanan gue zefanya, anak yg agak hmmmm garing nan bhuawel, terus hari ini dia kaya salting2 gitu deeeh grgr ssuatu jd makin gue ledekin laaaaah haha, serong kanan gue icon! Baaaaah ini udah ga nahan dah bawelnya, kalo udh sma dia gue harus pura2 staycool biar ga ngikut ngegeje sekalipun sebetulnya gue benar2 ingin ngegeje hahaa, depan gue! Raja geje aka andrew christ menyyeeee tempat gua ga strategis bnget kalo utk belajaaaarrrrr. Terus sebelah oji ada sharon, kalo sm sharon gue jg demen ngbrol, jd gampang banget tinggal nengok kebelakang, mengok samping kiri, julurkan tangan kiri, toeltoel bahu sharon, ngomong deeeeh hahaha jd pas ist kedua mood gue masih agak bagus, terus selesai ist bi masih lumayaaan, awal2 mat msh lumayan jg, dengdeeeeeenngggg mat tengah - akhir doeng gubrak jatoh deh mood gua -..-
sooooo what abt now? My mood's still floating :1. Soooo we'll see what it'll be lyke! nadine x :)
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
"truth hurts, but lies worse".
'you cant play on broken strings. You cant feel anything, that your heart dont want to feel. I cant tell you something that aint real. OH THE TRUTH HURTS, BUT LIES WORSE, how can i give anymore? When i love you a little less, than before..' - broken strings.
'got your picture in my head saying if i'm not broke, i'm just a broken hearted man..... ... How can i move on when i'm still in love with you.' - the man who cant be moved
'everybody's laughing in my mind, rumors spreading bout this other guy.. did you forget all the plans that you made with me, cos baby i didnt.... this is so wrong, i cant go on til u believe that that should be me. You said u needed a little time for my mistakes, it's funny how u use that time to have me replaced. now if you're trying to break my heart, it's working... I need to know should i fight for love or disown, it's getting harder to shield this pain in my heart.' - that should be me
we can't play on broken strings cos we can't feel anything. and the point is that truth hurts, but lies worse, then how can i give anymore? well, i'm not broke, i'm just a broken hearted girl. now it's quite funny how u use the time you give me to have me replaced. and if you're trying to break my heart, it's working, congratulations! :)
'got your picture in my head saying if i'm not broke, i'm just a broken hearted man..... ... How can i move on when i'm still in love with you.' - the man who cant be moved
'everybody's laughing in my mind, rumors spreading bout this other guy.. did you forget all the plans that you made with me, cos baby i didnt.... this is so wrong, i cant go on til u believe that that should be me. You said u needed a little time for my mistakes, it's funny how u use that time to have me replaced. now if you're trying to break my heart, it's working... I need to know should i fight for love or disown, it's getting harder to shield this pain in my heart.' - that should be me
we can't play on broken strings cos we can't feel anything. and the point is that truth hurts, but lies worse, then how can i give anymore? well, i'm not broke, i'm just a broken hearted girl. now it's quite funny how u use the time you give me to have me replaced. and if you're trying to break my heart, it's working, congratulations! :)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
hey :) <--- senyum lesu.
sekarang ini gue lg mikir kalo si stephanie meyer yg bikin novel twilight saga itu bikin pemeran utama nya itu berinspirasikan gue. yaah memang sih ya kita berdua ga saling kenal, tapi gue cukup eksis kok di kalangan novelis novelis, gue kan kritikus *halah ngarangnya kumat*. yaah pokoknya setelah gue baca new moon lagi itu, gue jd berpikir si bella sama gue kayak anak kembar tapi tak sama. contoh! kan dia ga pinter olah raga, yaaak patheticly, i do too :/. kita berdua di sukai banyak lelaki dan kita berdua pintar <----- ngarang total haha. yaah pokoknya ada lagi lah tp gue lupa apaan wkwk. but the most common thing we both have is that we attract troubles easily like we have special kind of magnetic energy that pulls anykind of problems toward us. sad? truly.
but like i've said, we are like twins but we are different. the difference that is seen clearly is that she gets the one she loves -- Edward Cullen -- when i dont have what i want to be mine -- justin bieber -- haha
so enough with the bullpees. now let's get back to the real world :D
yaaaah yg gue blg barusan itu ga semua bohong sih, gue kan beneran ga pinter or terus gue jg gak bisa mendapatkan justin biber huhu :( halah gapenting lah itu. tapi yg paling bener itu memang gue sedang menjadi pribadi yg sangat menarik utk di dekati sama sesuatu yg namanya masalah.
jd gue itu berdoa kan biar bisa jadi lebih baik, eh yg di bilang sama kak yael itu malah jd kenyataan. setelah gue berdoa begitu gue di kasih cobaan yg bikin gue gak jadi berubah menjadi lebih baik -__-
so i'm in a cat fight with a friend. well it's my fault actually for blabbering. see i've told you this thing is my only major problem. and i'm taking her angers. tapiiiiii yg gue males itu, dia ngomongin guenya ga langsung ke gue, tapi malah dia curhat ke fesbuk sama twiter. yaaah gue jg sering sih kek gitu. twiterfesbuk itu udah kaya pasangan yang sangat pendiam tp juga baiiiiiiik banget sama gue grgr mau nampung semua masalah gue. tapi gue udah males smaa mereka, krn mereka bocor. -__-
nah nah nah nah nah gue juga gengsinya geeedeeee banget. jadi gue males ah minta maaf ke dia sekalipun gue pingin. abis dia juga ga ngomong ke gue dia sebel sama gue, jadi daripada gue lgsung minta maaf nnti di kira ge er mending gue diem. hhhh.
sudahlah gue capek. bbay :)
sekarang ini gue lg mikir kalo si stephanie meyer yg bikin novel twilight saga itu bikin pemeran utama nya itu berinspirasikan gue. yaah memang sih ya kita berdua ga saling kenal, tapi gue cukup eksis kok di kalangan novelis novelis, gue kan kritikus *halah ngarangnya kumat*. yaah pokoknya setelah gue baca new moon lagi itu, gue jd berpikir si bella sama gue kayak anak kembar tapi tak sama. contoh! kan dia ga pinter olah raga, yaaak patheticly, i do too :/. kita berdua di sukai banyak lelaki dan kita berdua pintar <----- ngarang total haha. yaah pokoknya ada lagi lah tp gue lupa apaan wkwk. but the most common thing we both have is that we attract troubles easily like we have special kind of magnetic energy that pulls anykind of problems toward us. sad? truly.
but like i've said, we are like twins but we are different. the difference that is seen clearly is that she gets the one she loves -- Edward Cullen -- when i dont have what i want to be mine -- justin bieber -- haha
so enough with the bullpees. now let's get back to the real world :D
yaaaah yg gue blg barusan itu ga semua bohong sih, gue kan beneran ga pinter or terus gue jg gak bisa mendapatkan justin biber huhu :( halah gapenting lah itu. tapi yg paling bener itu memang gue sedang menjadi pribadi yg sangat menarik utk di dekati sama sesuatu yg namanya masalah.
jd gue itu berdoa kan biar bisa jadi lebih baik, eh yg di bilang sama kak yael itu malah jd kenyataan. setelah gue berdoa begitu gue di kasih cobaan yg bikin gue gak jadi berubah menjadi lebih baik -__-
so i'm in a cat fight with a friend. well it's my fault actually for blabbering. see i've told you this thing is my only major problem. and i'm taking her angers. tapiiiiii yg gue males itu, dia ngomongin guenya ga langsung ke gue, tapi malah dia curhat ke fesbuk sama twiter. yaaah gue jg sering sih kek gitu. twiterfesbuk itu udah kaya pasangan yang sangat pendiam tp juga baiiiiiiik banget sama gue grgr mau nampung semua masalah gue. tapi gue udah males smaa mereka, krn mereka bocor. -__-
nah nah nah nah nah gue juga gengsinya geeedeeee banget. jadi gue males ah minta maaf ke dia sekalipun gue pingin. abis dia juga ga ngomong ke gue dia sebel sama gue, jadi daripada gue lgsung minta maaf nnti di kira ge er mending gue diem. hhhh.
sudahlah gue capek. bbay :)
Taylor Swift
I didn't know what I would find
When I went looking for a reason, I know
I didn't read between the lines
And, baby, I've got nowhere to go
I tried to take the road less traveled by
But nothing seems to work the first few times
Am I right?
So how can I ever try to be better?
Nobody ever lets me in
I can still see you, this ain't the best view
On the outside looking in
I've been a lot of lonely places
I've never been on the outside
You saw me there, but never knew
I would give it all up to be
A part of this, a part of you
And now it's all too late so you see
You could've helped if you had wanted to
But no one notices until it's too
Late to do anything
So how can I ever try to be better?
Nobody ever lets me in
I can still see you, this ain't the best view
On the outside looking in
I've been a lot of lonely places
I've never been on the outside
When I went looking for a reason, I know
I didn't read between the lines
And, baby, I've got nowhere to go
I tried to take the road less traveled by
But nothing seems to work the first few times
Am I right?
So how can I ever try to be better?
Nobody ever lets me in
I can still see you, this ain't the best view
On the outside looking in
I've been a lot of lonely places
I've never been on the outside
You saw me there, but never knew
I would give it all up to be
A part of this, a part of you
And now it's all too late so you see
You could've helped if you had wanted to
But no one notices until it's too
Late to do anything
So how can I ever try to be better?
Nobody ever lets me in
I can still see you, this ain't the best view
On the outside looking in
I've been a lot of lonely places
I've never been on the outside
Friday, January 7, 2011
2 first days of school!
BA! :D
so here i am sitting in front of my laptop with random thoughts swirling in my head. this is pretty ummm confusing, but somehow, i love it :) so, the loooong boring dying holiday is OVER. how do i feel? bad? good? errr i'm actually in the middle of it.
first impression of the first day of school : IT WOULD SUCK, NO DOUBT.
reality : IT WAS FUN :D
things i did :
1. went to theatre class which was usually the time that killed me slowly.
what happened yesterday : i LAUGHED a lot.
so the art teachers told us that we will have our practical exam soon and they want us to perform a kind of musical drama with the theme of Indonesian tales. not a fairytale as indonesia doesnt have any stories of faires. all we have are stories about pocong. if you wanna know what it is, go check its twitter page! @poconggg . unfortunately, it doesnt follow back :(
we were divided into groups and my groupmates are reaaaaaally the ones i wanna work with! they are :: tiffany, sorta, gabrielle, wilson, zefanya, yosua, josua, jordy, and stevan. they are all my best pals so i will have lots of fun during the process of making this drama haha
we, the girls, were discussing about what tale will we perform when icon suddenly came up with an idea of performing the story of 'Danau Toba', a tale of a fish goddess who marries a fisherman who has a dog and they have a child who is a boy and in the end, the boy and his mom transform into fishes while the father is transforming into an island. the story is really good but the sets are soo hard to be prepared.
however, we are going to perform the story of 'Lutung Kasarung' which is waaaaaaaaaay harder than the lake tale. yea baby i guess we just had a bad luck. but we still had fun :)
2. got a lesson from an american teacher, mr. paul which was usually letting me have my good times.
what happened yesterday : nothing special -____-
3. graphic design class which always makes me feel like i'm in hell.
what happened yesterday : I LOVE IT :D
so mr. titus was really nice yesterday and i chatted a lot with bradley -- the guy who sat beside me that time -- phebe -- a super nice girl who sat in front of me --, valie -- also sat in front of me and she's super kind --, and toro -- he sat next to bradley and he's hyper talkative! -- i laughed a lot that time. staring at a girl and a boy who can be called a COUPLE as they're together all the time. but believe me, there's no way in hell you should say either 'AWWW :3' or 'SO SWEEEEET :3' cos the truth is 'EW' is all you need to say :D
4. history! which has always been my favorite lesson so far.
what happened yesterday : pretty good.
it was still my favorite lesson yesterday. we were talking about the first world war which didnt really interest me so i dont care. but when the time came for the teacher, sir sangkuh to sing, angga -- my super funny classmate -- poked me and said 'din, imagine when you're walking on the beach, you see him *pointed at sir sangkuh* wearing sunglasses, beach flowery shorts, and he had a guitar. then he use his guitar and whistle." and we both laughed hahhaha
second day of school.
*no special expectations*
what i had just done ::
BA! :D
so here i am sitting in front of my laptop with random thoughts swirling in my head. this is pretty ummm confusing, but somehow, i love it :) so, the loooong boring dying holiday is OVER. how do i feel? bad? good? errr i'm actually in the middle of it.
first impression of the first day of school : IT WOULD SUCK, NO DOUBT.
reality : IT WAS FUN :D
things i did :
1. went to theatre class which was usually the time that killed me slowly.
what happened yesterday : i LAUGHED a lot.
so the art teachers told us that we will have our practical exam soon and they want us to perform a kind of musical drama with the theme of Indonesian tales. not a fairytale as indonesia doesnt have any stories of faires. all we have are stories about pocong. if you wanna know what it is, go check its twitter page! @poconggg . unfortunately, it doesnt follow back :(
we were divided into groups and my groupmates are reaaaaaally the ones i wanna work with! they are :: tiffany, sorta, gabrielle, wilson, zefanya, yosua, josua, jordy, and stevan. they are all my best pals so i will have lots of fun during the process of making this drama haha
we, the girls, were discussing about what tale will we perform when icon suddenly came up with an idea of performing the story of 'Danau Toba', a tale of a fish goddess who marries a fisherman who has a dog and they have a child who is a boy and in the end, the boy and his mom transform into fishes while the father is transforming into an island. the story is really good but the sets are soo hard to be prepared.
however, we are going to perform the story of 'Lutung Kasarung' which is waaaaaaaaaay harder than the lake tale. yea baby i guess we just had a bad luck. but we still had fun :)
2. got a lesson from an american teacher, mr. paul which was usually letting me have my good times.
what happened yesterday : nothing special -____-
3. graphic design class which always makes me feel like i'm in hell.
what happened yesterday : I LOVE IT :D
so mr. titus was really nice yesterday and i chatted a lot with bradley -- the guy who sat beside me that time -- phebe -- a super nice girl who sat in front of me --, valie -- also sat in front of me and she's super kind --, and toro -- he sat next to bradley and he's hyper talkative! -- i laughed a lot that time. staring at a girl and a boy who can be called a COUPLE as they're together all the time. but believe me, there's no way in hell you should say either 'AWWW :3' or 'SO SWEEEEET :3' cos the truth is 'EW' is all you need to say :D
4. history! which has always been my favorite lesson so far.
what happened yesterday : pretty good.
it was still my favorite lesson yesterday. we were talking about the first world war which didnt really interest me so i dont care. but when the time came for the teacher, sir sangkuh to sing, angga -- my super funny classmate -- poked me and said 'din, imagine when you're walking on the beach, you see him *pointed at sir sangkuh* wearing sunglasses, beach flowery shorts, and he had a guitar. then he use his guitar and whistle." and we both laughed hahhaha
second day of school.
*no special expectations*
what i had just done ::
- came up early and had a morning chat with duo andrews and fanny.
- talked and sang a lot at the morning sermon with cindy and icon.
- chattered and gossiped a lot with angel.
- had a little mahjong competition with cindy and fanny.
- gossiped with the boys and cindy.
- looked and laughed patheticly at the boys while they were dirty-chatting with some random strangers on omegle. they were introducing themselves as a 16 year old female who was horny and when they were asked their name they said it was NADINE. WHAT THE HEEEEEELL -___________-
- again, talked talkatively with angel after school.
- chatted with yoha and jose since the three of us hadn't been picked up yet -__-
- walked around and observed & commented silly sarcastic comments to the posters of the osis leader candidates with kenny bewe hhaha
- waited in silence patiently with bewe. we both were sooo pathetic back there.
- talked to andrew! killed the silence. he was being my hero, literally haha.
- borrowed icon's blackberry and found out some cool stuffs like his old chats >:)
- waited unpatiently with my sister. HEY I WAITED FOR 1 AND A HALF HOURS!
- went home safely :)
that's the story of my days :D
I got a lot of bestfriends. some of them i dont even hardly know ;)
Thursday, January 6, 2011
first day of school.
today started BEAUTIFULLY. Seriously, i was flying :)))))))))))))) what a really enjoyable morning :)
anywaaaay teacher's are preaching about how close the national exam is and please you all are not calming me down when all you do is telling me that my life is depended in three days.
And when they said there's a good news. I was hoping and putting high expectations that there wont be any school's exams, but all i get is the thing that the UN wont be done in april but in MAY. Gaaaaah i dont care of when it will be done. It aint good news to me by the way. But it was ok lah it didnt completely ruin my perfect morning B)
betewe my embak is in the stage where she's really really disturbing me. She's on the phone with random guys every hour. And she talks loudly! And even when she uses her headsets i can still hear what the guys spoke. Like now, she's here cleaning my room and yeep she's on the phone. So, i'm sitting on my table writing and listening to jason mraz's song and she's busy cleaning my bed which approximately 1m far from me. And i can still hear on what the guy said when i'm 1m away from her and i'm wearing my headphones. He said : 'ya mau gimana lagi? Orang aku udah putus..' whatheck.
Guess its all for now! Babaaaai :)
btw i saw that kid at schooool! he cut his hair off! he was awesome :)))
anywaaaay teacher's are preaching about how close the national exam is and please you all are not calming me down when all you do is telling me that my life is depended in three days.
And when they said there's a good news. I was hoping and putting high expectations that there wont be any school's exams, but all i get is the thing that the UN wont be done in april but in MAY. Gaaaaah i dont care of when it will be done. It aint good news to me by the way. But it was ok lah it didnt completely ruin my perfect morning B)
betewe my embak is in the stage where she's really really disturbing me. She's on the phone with random guys every hour. And she talks loudly! And even when she uses her headsets i can still hear what the guys spoke. Like now, she's here cleaning my room and yeep she's on the phone. So, i'm sitting on my table writing and listening to jason mraz's song and she's busy cleaning my bed which approximately 1m far from me. And i can still hear on what the guy said when i'm 1m away from her and i'm wearing my headphones. He said : 'ya mau gimana lagi? Orang aku udah putus..' whatheck.
Guess its all for now! Babaaaai :)
btw i saw that kid at schooool! he cut his hair off! he was awesome :)))
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
ohmyohmy i'm feeling super random lately. well i don't think i have any kinds of problem with any of my friends. but when i see them like in the social networks, it feels like hmmmmm something's wrong. i don't know if that something is in me or them. let's say it's me who's awry. so, i'm feeling errrr copied. copy as a verb, and as what we normally use in COPYcat. well yaaah inspite of the part of my narcissistic personality which is coming up quite often lately, i do feel that feeling of being "xerox"ed. gah let's skip this topic and move on to another ones.
by the way, the scholarship GAT test's coming reaaaaaal soon and heck yes i'm FREAKED out! baby, if i can scream girls' screaming sound, i'll scream right away. but unfortunately i cant. -_-. maybe you're hmm confused? but the truth is saying so, i can NOT scream as a girl. once it comes, it'll sound like squeaking pig, and believe me, it is totally embarrassing. no denial.
but with no apparent reason, i'm making myself believe i can do this test even when i'm not studying, at all. however, my other part which is less rational and more abnormal says i should you know, suck some words into my head while the other part which keeps telling me to make the words the abnormal part i should suck to stay the hell out of my head. confused? me too. :)
haaah if people keep saying being mad all the time is the first thing on the list that makes you older than you look and begin the granny-becoming process faster, then they're wrong. well not completely wrong cos maybe it's taking the second place, while the first spot is taken by "THINKING TOO MUCH THINGS THAT ARE ACTUALLY NOT IMPORTANT BUT YOU 'PRETEND' IT IS IMPORTANT."
yaya i know this scholarship thingy is important for me since i've been dreaming for this. but still .... i don't know ah -________________________-
anyway, as we were speaking about dreams, i've always dreamed of going to Harvard you know, and study there. i've checked its website about bio-engineering once and i admit i'm pretty interested in it. saving the environment? it sounds weird for someone my age but it's huge and hmmmm incredible? like if someday i really become a bio-engineer and i saved the environment, wow. ppl who underestimated me back when i was sitting in high school would probably think they should be good to me haha. but it is just a dream :)
besides i'm really passionate in being a psychologist. i love to share stories as much as i love to listen. the only thing in me that really bothers myself is that i'm a blabber-mouth. i love sucking up people's life stories but the only thing i'm afraid of is that i tell their stories to someone accidentally like what i did to a friend of mine.
the real thing is i don't know what i will be in the next 10 years but i wish whatever it is i'm going to be, i'll be the best! hahha nadine x ;)
"May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future." - anon. :)
Sunday, January 2, 2011
my confession.
Your smile brings light into my days
The toughts of you, warm my night
To hold you in my arms,
Even in my dreams it feels so right
Loving you...
You never see the way I look into your eyes
You never realize the love I feel inside
Pain and sorrow that haunting me,
Cause words I've left unsaid
Now you found someone else to love
Deep in my heart, my love won't fade away
To hold you in my arms
Even in my dreams it feels so right loving you
You never see the way I look into your
You never realize the love I feel
Pain and sorrow that haunted me,
Cause words I've left unsaid
"Now you found someone else to love. Deep in my heart, my love won't fade away."
Saturday, January 1, 2011
may you get all your wishes fulfilled!
now let us all FORGET the past, LIVE the present, and BUILD the future!
have a colorful new life! -nadine:)
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