heyyyaaaaaahhh ;) i've got good news and bad news :) the good news isssss ::
and the bad news is ::
SCHOOL'S NOT OVER YET -__________-.
soooooo gue udah dapet beberapa hasil mid yaaa hhehe yang pertama gue tau itu nilai mid mat. errr ini keajaiban tapi gue dapet 86.7 :D sip lah gue bergembira bersenang senang berputar putar ke kiri dan ke kanan syalallaala *oke gue melebaayyy hehehe iyalah yaa secara nilai mid mat tertinggi gue sampe kelas 8 terakhir itu cuman 7 berapaaaaaaaaaa gitchuu eh sekarang? dapet 8? mati gembira guaa hehhe
next issss biology :( this quite upsets me. gue cuman dapet 77,8 sedangkan si jordy dapet 85 -___- bukannya gimana gimana tapi perasaan gue udah belajar super gila deh hehe ya gak juga sih males males gitchu akyu belajarnya hehe yasudahlah tidak remed sudah menjadi suatu keajaiban untuku ;)
terus terus gue tau nilai sejarah -____- kalo ini sih gue OPTIMIS banget nilai dapet di bawah 8 -___- dan yaaaakk ironis, my prediction is t r u e. i got only mmmmm 72. sip lah gue emang ga ahli ya menghafal. karena di dunia ini tidak ada yang harus di hafal! semua harus spontan! maka dari itu kita semua disini harus memiliki spontanitas yang tinggi karena spontanitas tersebut menghasilkan kreatifitas teman teman, betttuuuuul? harus betul!
terus terus terus gue juga udah tau nilai mandarin loohhhh! naah ini dia yang paling aku gembirakan! aku dapet berapa hayo tebaakk. ok i'm freaking. aku dapaaaaaat CEPE a.k.a 100 :)))))))) hehe ga maksud nyombong ya tapi ini juga pertama kali mid mandarin gue dapet cepe heheheh memalukan memang tapi yasudahlah berbahagia ya dengan kebahagiaan gue :) thanks banget loh :)) tapi gue ga merasa spesial karena banyak yang dapet cepe huhu tapi gapapa lah :)
anywayyyssss besok gue mau jalan loh sama angel ama cindy. ga tau lagi deh siapa yang ikut gue terserah aja :) soooo see you tomorrow for the next post, blogbudddss ;)
xoxooxoxooxoxoxoxoxoox <-- gossip girl mode on :)
nadineCAHILL *sudirgouw (?) hish wkwkwkkwk*
p.s :
untuk temen gue valie :)
val gue minta maaf ya kalo ada salah sama lu. tapi jujur gue ga sebel kok sama lu hehe gue cuman ga demen aja ngeliat lu, tadi gue udah bilang kan? hehe mmm ga demennya soalnya lu kaya belagu belagu gitu val hehe tapi skarang udah nggak kok soalnya tadi gue udah jujur hehhee thanks valie :)))))))))
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
mid lagi.
haloh ;P gue lagi mid nihhhh seperti yang sudah di kasih tau dan di omongin kemaren hehe. aduh gue capek ya belajar. -___- sejauh ini mid gue oke oke sajalah tapi hanya O K E. ga lebih dari itu. ngeselin khaaaaaaannn? -____-
dan yang paling bikin kesel buat gueeeee, temen temen gue pada rajin kaya apaan tau dah -__- dikit dikit belajar dikit dikit belajar. gue mau di deket mereka juga ga enak ya nanti gue mengganggu konsentrasi mereka hehe gue juga pengen sih belajar, tapi gimana yaaa banyak banget godaan huhuhuu
dan yang paling bikin kesel buat gueeeee, temen temen gue pada rajin kaya apaan tau dah -__- dikit dikit belajar dikit dikit belajar. gue mau di deket mereka juga ga enak ya nanti gue mengganggu konsentrasi mereka hehe gue juga pengen sih belajar, tapi gimana yaaa banyak banget godaan huhuhuu
maybe i'm destined for not to be a diligent girl :(
Haloh :p hehe gue lagi mid lochhhh wkwk baru 2 hari sihh, udah biologi, pkn, sama mat.
Errr so far pretty good lahh, midnya ga sesusah yang gue kira. Bukannya sombong, tapi lebih susah yang kelas 8 punya!
Tapi gatau deh nanti hasil mid gue gimana, wish me and my mates the best of luck yaaaa super loyal readers ;)
Anyway, maaf ya jarang ngepost hehe,
Bytheway, udahan dulu ya, hape gue uda macet macet nihh,
Seeee you real soooon! Mid test, i'm comin to fight yaaa uuuu lol!
Errr so far pretty good lahh, midnya ga sesusah yang gue kira. Bukannya sombong, tapi lebih susah yang kelas 8 punya!
Tapi gatau deh nanti hasil mid gue gimana, wish me and my mates the best of luck yaaaa super loyal readers ;)
Anyway, maaf ya jarang ngepost hehe,
Bytheway, udahan dulu ya, hape gue uda macet macet nihh,
Seeee you real soooon! Mid test, i'm comin to fight yaaa uuuu lol!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
today? pretty pritty good ;)
heyyaaa :) i'm not in a really good mood today. well not only today but errrr from monday? idk lah i forgot heheh, today's my dowwwwwwnnneeesssttt *is there any downest in dictionary? gah whatever* mood. whyyyy? i am pissed. whyyy? because of a snobbish girl called _ _ _ _ _ _ you fill in the blanks yourself. you know, fill in the shout box :))
now let's forget bout her. she's not that worth to be talked about lol. soooooo hari ini aku ke rumah cindy :) bersama monica, gaby, dan ester hehe. gue dateng duluan berhubung bokap gue mau ke toko hehehe, terus ada popo sama mamanya cindy, jadi gue nunggu bentar sampai cindy turun dan tak lama kemudian di ikuti adiknya APET hehehe kocak beeetthh si apet adik cindy, baju di masukin pipi bertabur bedakk uuuu lucunyaa hahahha uda gitu celananya ada odolnya dan itu membuat cindy marah hehehee terus di suruh gosok gigi ulang ama si cindy ahhaa kocaakkkksss hehhee uda gitu gue bikin mading inggris sebentar sampe mon ster gab datengg hehee
uda gitu kita mengeluarkan buku biologi. dan apa yang kita lakukan. tebakk. belajar? hell no. we chattered for a while, terus ada yang sadar kita ke rumah cindy untuk belajar namun aku lupa siapa dia hehhe, uda gitu translate separagraf laluuuuu.... yaaaaakkk kita membuka mulut kita dan mulai mengobrol hahaha
ga lama kemudiaann mereka pada pulang terus gue masih di rumah cindy dulu ngerjain mading lagi hehehe uda gituu gue ngomongin si anak gila sama cindy sampe darah sampe ubun ubun hehee abis itu gue di kasih makan sama tante mama cindy ehehe enak looh makanannya! sayang si monic gaby ester uda pada pulang hehehee uda gitu gue pulang deh di anterin sama cindy :)
soooo the conclusion isss ::
thanks for the food @cinputt. too bad @monniiicaa @esterlau and gaby went home earlier :P
ituu tweet gue hehehee udalah kapan kapan gue ke rumah cindy lg hahahaha :PP
Monday, September 13, 2010
buble-ing ;)
haiyaahh :P seperti judul eee, saya lagi suka sekali dengan MICHAEL BUBLE *mau tau lebih jauh? just click the MICHAEL BUBLE* hehe aduuh lagunya jazzy jazzy enak gittchuuu aaaa i love buble lah :PPP ini deh i beri you lyricsnya ;)
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love
This thing (this thing)
Called love (called love)
It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love
There goes my baby
She knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat
I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
And get on my track's
Take a back seat, hitch-hike
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love
I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
And get on my track's
Take a back seat (ah hum), hitch-hike (ah hum)
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready (ready Freddie)
Crazy little thing called love
This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Crazy little thing called love
I can't believe it's over
I watched the whole thing fall
And I never saw the writing that was on the wall
If I'd only knew
The days were slipping past
That the good things never last
That you were crying
Summer turned to winter
And the snow it turned to rain
And the rain turned into tears upon your face
I hardly recognized the girl you are today
And god I hope it's not too late
It's not too late
'Cause you are not alone
I'm always there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When your worlds crashing down
And you can't bear the thought
I said, babe, you're not lost
Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy
But you're not
Things have seem to changed
There's one thing that's still the same
In my heart you have remained
And we can fly fly fly away
'Cause you are not alone
And I am there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When the worlds crashing down
And you can not bear the cross
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
kalo mau dengeer, klik play di sini yaa :)) *pause atau stop dulu playlist yang satu lagi!*
"Crazy Little Thing Called Love"
This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Crazy little thing called love
This thing (this thing)
Called love (called love)
It cries (like a baby)
In a cradle all night
It swings (woo woo)
It jives (woo woo)
It shakes all over like a jelly fish
I kinda like it
Crazy little thing called love
There goes my baby
She knows how to rock 'n' roll
She drives me crazy
She gives me hot and cold fever
Then she leaves me in a cool cool sweat
I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
And get on my track's
Take a back seat, hitch-hike
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready
Crazy little thing called love
I gotta be cool, relax, get hip
And get on my track's
Take a back seat (ah hum), hitch-hike (ah hum)
And take a long ride on my motorbike
Until I'm ready (ready Freddie)
Crazy little thing called love
This thing called love I just can't handle it
This thing called love I must get round to it
I ain't ready
Ooh ooh ooh ooh
Crazy little thing called love
"Quando, Quando, Quando"
(feat. Nelly Furtado)
Tell me when will you be mine
Tell me quando quando quando
We can share a love divine
Please don't make me wait again
When will you say yes to me
Tell me quando quando quando
You mean happiness to me
Oh my love please tell me when
Every moments a day
Every day seems a lifetime
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare
I can't wait a moment more
Tell me quando quando quando
Say its me that you adore
And then darling tell me when
Every moments a day
Every day seems a lifetime
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare
I can't wait a moment more
Tell me quando quando quando
Say its me that you adore
And then darling tell me when
Whoa lover tell me when
Oh darling tell me when
Oh come on tell me when
Yea tell me when
(feat. Nelly Furtado)
Tell me when will you be mine
Tell me quando quando quando
We can share a love divine
Please don't make me wait again
When will you say yes to me
Tell me quando quando quando
You mean happiness to me
Oh my love please tell me when
Every moments a day
Every day seems a lifetime
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare
I can't wait a moment more
Tell me quando quando quando
Say its me that you adore
And then darling tell me when
Every moments a day
Every day seems a lifetime
Let me show you the way
To a joy beyond compare
I can't wait a moment more
Tell me quando quando quando
Say its me that you adore
And then darling tell me when
Whoa lover tell me when
Oh darling tell me when
Oh come on tell me when
Yea tell me when
I can't believe it's over
I watched the whole thing fall
And I never saw the writing that was on the wall
If I'd only knew
The days were slipping past
That the good things never last
That you were crying
Summer turned to winter
And the snow it turned to rain
And the rain turned into tears upon your face
I hardly recognized the girl you are today
And god I hope it's not too late
It's not too late
'Cause you are not alone
I'm always there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When your worlds crashing down
And you can't bear the thought
I said, babe, you're not lost
Life can show no mercy
It can tear your soul apart
It can make you feel like you've gone crazy
But you're not
Things have seem to changed
There's one thing that's still the same
In my heart you have remained
And we can fly fly fly away
'Cause you are not alone
And I am there with you
And we'll get lost together
Till the light comes pouring through
'Cause when you feel like you're done
And the darkness has won
Babe, you're not lost
When the worlds crashing down
And you can not bear the cross
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
I said, baby, you're not lost
"Haven't Met You Yet"
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to loose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility
And I know some day that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I’ll never give up
I guess it's half timin and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come outta nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazin
And baby your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all’s fair in love and war
But I won’t need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazin
And bein in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you kid I’ll give more than I get
Oh you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid to give so much more than I get yeah
I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh promise you kid to give so much more than I get
I said love love love love love love love
I just haven't met you yet
I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up then I let myself down
I tried so very hard not to loose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility
And I know some day that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And I promise you kid that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
I might have to wait, I’ll never give up
I guess it's half timin and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come outta nowhere and into my life
And I know that we can be so amazin
And baby your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility
Somehow I know that it’ll all turn out
You'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid I'll give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet
They say all’s fair in love and war
But I won’t need to fight it
We'll get it right and we'll be united
And I know that we can be so amazin
And bein in your life is gonna change me
And now I can see every single possibility
And someday I know it'll all turn out
And I'll work to work it out
Promise you kid I’ll give more than I get
Oh you know it'll all turn out
And you'll make me work so we can work to work it out
And promise you kid to give so much more than I get yeah
I just haven't met you yet
I just haven't met you yet
Oh promise you kid to give so much more than I get
I said love love love love love love love
I just haven't met you yet
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
And love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
And love is all that I can give to you
Love, love, love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
'Cause love was made for me and you
I said love was made for me and you
You know that love was made for me and you
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
And love is all that I can give to you
Love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
Love was made for me and you
L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one I see
V is very, very extraordinary
E is even more than anyone that you adore
And love is all that I can give to you
Love, love, love is more than just a game for two
Two in love can make it
Take my heart but please don't break it
'Cause love was made for me and you
I said love was made for me and you
You know that love was made for me and you
kalo mau dengeer, klik play di sini yaa :)) *pause atau stop dulu playlist yang satu lagi!*
Sunday, September 12, 2010
thanks to youu BRIAN!
heeeyy i've just chatted with a guy named Brian on omegle and he's from the UK.
i told him i LOVE justin bieber and he gave me this link!
thanks a lot briaaannn :))))))))))))
i wish you good luck for finding your new girl, YOU ROCK!
by the way, here's what happen when you hit that link!
Saturday, September 11, 2010
I want APPLE !
Hey theeerrreeee :))) here're 2 things i'm gonna tell ya ::
1. My mood of the day : o k a y .
2. Mood booster : itouch, ipod shuffle, macbook.
Then are they im por tant? For moi? Yes they are, for you? Idk.
Like what i told you beforeee, i'm ka to the tro. Well my hands were too comfy when i touched those things. And that makes me not wanting to let it go but unluckily, my sister'll be back to singapore tomorrow so, bye bye my beloved gadgets, i'm gonna miss y'all huhuhu
By the waaayyy i took some photos with the photobooth but the pics havent been copied to my usb yet. But the point is, i had soooo much fun woo to the hoo deh \o/
Okay i gtg my silly sister's toooooooo noisy byeeeee :D
1. My mood of the day : o k a y .
2. Mood booster : itouch, ipod shuffle, macbook.
Then are they im por tant? For moi? Yes they are, for you? Idk.
Like what i told you beforeee, i'm ka to the tro. Well my hands were too comfy when i touched those things. And that makes me not wanting to let it go but unluckily, my sister'll be back to singapore tomorrow so, bye bye my beloved gadgets, i'm gonna miss y'all huhuhu
By the waaayyy i took some photos with the photobooth but the pics havent been copied to my usb yet. But the point is, i had soooo much fun woo to the hoo deh \o/
Okay i gtg my silly sister's toooooooo noisy byeeeee :D
Friday, September 10, 2010
i cut my hair a ga in ha ha
heeeyya :) just like the title, yeerrp i cut my hair. take a peeeeeekkk :D

ssooo what do yaaa thinkk ? haha
i am totally KA to the TRO ;)
haaayyooloh libiiuuurrr ;p apa deh gue malem malem ngegeje wekekee pertama tama saya ngepost di malam idul fitri sooooo saya merasa harus berkata ;
HAPPY IDUL FITRI FOR MY MOSLEM GUYSS ;) do my apologies accepted? i do hope so ;) btwbtw, nanti selesai libur bagi bagi thr yaaaa ;P
okeyeyey kamu kamu kamu libur kemana nih? aku ke bandung dooonngg.. penting ga sih? ngga ya? yaudalah ya uda terlanjur di ketik tuuh hehehe oke gue menggeje ha to the ha. oke ivanna, gara gara lu gue jadi kena sindrom 'TO THE' haha lets get back to the topic, my "trip" to bandoeng the fire ocean *lautan api* <---- i'm a dead gal hahaha gue ngienp di d batoe wehehe enak tempatnya, saya pulas tidurnya hehe kita kita nyewa 2 kamar, yang satu di huni oleh kakek saya, kakak saya, dan saya. dan yang satu lagi di huni oleh adik saya, mama saya, dan papa saya. gue sih enak ya tidurnya, tapi awal awal pas mau tidur kek gatel gatel gitchuu deh hehe gatau deh kenapa mungkin ga biasa kali yaa, maklum lah kulit artis, SENSITIF ha ha. hhehe apadah ;p
udah gitu pas malem malem ada ulangannya american idol season kris allen gitttuuu, terus cici gue tergila gila ttm *to the max ---> baru belajar tadi sore haha* sama si om kris. sayang ya om, ente udah berbini kalo kaga mah gueee . . . gue diemin sih hahaha uda gitu ada si adam lambert jugaa, keren sih tapi . . . HO TO THE MO <--- lemash to the poll saya huhuhu uda gitu besokannya kita kita makan bakso sama BABI PANGGAAANNGG :D asik itu babi mantaaaffff, kata tantenyaa begini : errhhm 'KITA MASAKNYA DI KAYU KARET OM. 8 JAM. HARUS PAKE KAYU KARET! KALO GA NANTI GA RENYAH. PENJUAL LAIN MANA BISA KAYA KITA?' di mobil, langsung gue ulang ulang deh haha itu sih sebenernya ngomongnya udah lama, tapi masih terngiang ngiang di benakkyu hehe
uda gitu peduli amat dengan apa yang terjadi kemudian. pokoknya hari ini kartika sari tutup sehingga aku tidak bisa beli brownies keju. padahal dari semalam aku sudah planning mau beli 7... 4 buat diri sendiri 3 terserah mau di apakan hiks mbak kartika dan mbak sari jahat! aku benci benci benci okey geje. anyywwaaayy di jalan aku hanya tertawa tertawa dan tertawa. sampe rumah apa yang terjadi? GUA KEKUNCI DI LUAR DAN GA BISA MASUK. hal ini di karenakan mbak gue terlalu pintar, ada pintu, kunci gesernya di selot *di masukin ke lobang yg tersedia maksute kalo lu orang awam ga ngerti di selot haha* alhasil aku tak bisa masuk. terus saya dan keluarga makan kentucky yang sudah di persiapkan di luar rumah. serasa kemping gagal deh gueeeeee, and thanks to the mbak. ha ha ha
then as i waited pretty long, my dad came with the keys on his hand, thanks God :))))) terus gue masuk mandi nonton dan membuka buka MacBook cici guee, dan apa yang terjadi? aku mendecak kagum seolah olah MacBook itu adalah benda ajaib dan taboo. hehe yaaakk ggue tau gue norak haha iya gimana yaaa gue ga punya sihhhh jadi yaa gitu deh haha
then the point is, i want everything with an eaten apple symbol soooo freaking bad!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
heeeyyaaaa ;)))))) gue lagi gembira nih, mood of the day : OUUUKKEEYY ;P kenapa kenapaa? alah anak penabur mah pasti tau kenapa. haayooo tebaaak kenapa *oke geje wekekeke* karennnaaaaaaa BESOK LIBUR WOOOOHHHOOOOO /o/ \o\ \o/
seriius ya gue hari ini mood bagus abis hehe gue marah marah ga yaaa ga deh kayanya. paling gue males sama satu orang doang tuh orang gatau diri hehe, sisanya? ahh mereka membuat hariku sempurna. terlebih : MARIA SHARON , IVANNA PRISKILLA , CINDY YUWONO , BIANDA CALYSTA , KEVIN CHILWIN , ANGGATAMA TIRTO , ANDREW CHRIST , TAN WILSON , JORDY SUDIRGOUW , GEORGY F. A. B. , ZEFANYA SINALSAL , EVAN AUDRIAN , DLL DLL :D you guys made my daaaaayyyyyy :D:D:D:D oiya sama MR ABNER BABEH wahahaha guru paling gaul sedunia ;D
udah gitu tadi si mam rosa ga masuk, beedddeeehh makin sempurna hari guaaaa :DDDD terus tadi mandarin gue cuman ketawa tawa geje, hahaha ahh i love today, and i believe i'll love tomorrow waayy more than how i love today ;))
Friday, September 3, 2010
ggaaahhh i'm ex ha us ted
hheeeell o ;) seperti judulnyaaaa, aku lelah, tapi aku sangat segar dalam hal yang berhubungan dengan internet, dan komputer :) hehe jadii, dari pulang sekolah itu uda maceeeeeeeeeet banget di jalan yaaa, terus gue tidur. sampe rumah, gue uda merem semenittt uda di kotbahiiiiinn lagiii -__________________- yaudah gue naik aja ke atas dan aku bermain komputer bukannya malah mandi wekekeke
btwbtwbtw tadi di bagiin ul mat mam dian sama mam rosa, terus akuuuu dapat 77 >> similarity dan 80 >> mensuration. eerrrr sebenarnya gue agak sedikit bingung yaa perasaan yang gue lebih ga bisa ul mam dian, kok malah lebih tinggi? hhh takdir wekekekkks tapi, ada evan dapet cepe huhuhuhuu biar lah yg penting gue ga remed! malu maluin kalo remed hehee
oiya! tadi pas bi, sir han kan mau jelasin puisi -----> tema baru, ya gue yang udah kerjain pe er kemaren cape cape gamau dong peer gue di diemin dan ga di bahas? lagian pas hari rabu pagi udah pada nyalin! terus pas sirnya udah mau mulai ngomong gue bilang : 'Sir kok pe ernya ga di periksa?' sir 'pr yang mana?' 'yg komentar komentar itu loh sirr' 'oooohh jadi kalian belom di periksa yaaa... yasudah kita priksa dulu deh' teeeruus anak anak kelas gue langsung pada bilang gitu deh 'sapa tuh yang bilang?' 'ah bego lu din' 'yaaahh nadinneeeeee' tapi ada satu orang yang mengumpat di belakang gueeee bilang bilang 'AH BANGSAT' woooooooooiii plis deh yaa gue juga tau diri! gue bilang ada pe er karena gue tau temen temen gue semua udah pada bikin! sori yaa kalo lu udah bikin apa belom gue ga tau tuuh, lu ga ngomong ngomong sihhh. lagipulaa gue ga ada respek sama lu jadi gue ga minta maaf. sama yang lain juga gue minta maaf kan ngomng ke sirnya. seandainya lu belom bikin, ya salah lu! makanya jadi anak tau diri! gausah nyolot makanya ga punya temen! gausah anak anak cowo atau gue deeehh gebetan lu juga kesel kali sama lu, mending dia mau sama lu! kegenitan lagi jd anak iddddiiihhh, anak anak cewe aja uda pada males sama lu! uda anaknya suka ngeboong, suka ngayal! geeeeli kaleeee -___-
ookkay enough talking bout her. D I S G U S T I N G h a h a anyywaaaayy lagitu pas istirahat hari kamis sebelum pramuka, gue cerita cerita sama angel haha terus pas dia cerita tentang si joseph gue jadi mendadak bijak gitttuuu hahahha gue aja jadi ketawa kalo ngingetnya wkwkwk uda gitu gue cerita tentang gebetan barunya si . . . . akhirnya ... kau mendapat juga orang yang membalas cintamu WAHAHAHHAAHAHHAAHHAHAA
terus terus tadi pas istirahat gue ngeliatin anak anak cowo pada main tarik tarikan gituu, jadi di suruh duduk awalnya terus di boongin di suruh relax lah apa lah terus di tarik hahaha gue jd ketawa wkwk uda gitu anak anak dari kelas lain yang disuruh ikutan di kibulin dulu, di bilang bisa ngeliat setan lah apa lah padahal . . . hahhahahaha
udah dulu deh yaaaa gue capek dan males ngetik hehe bye byeeeeee ;))
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