Sunday, March 28, 2010
my faves :P
1973 - James Blunt
You're getting older
Your journey's been
Etched on your skin
Wish I had known that
What seemed so strong
Has been and gone
I would call you up every Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Singing "Here we go again"
Wish I was sober
So I could see clearly now
The rain has gone
I guess it's over
My memory plays our tune
The same old song
[Chorus x3]
And though time goes by
I will always be
In a club with you
In 1973
Angels - Robbie Williams
I sit and wait
Does an angel contemplate my fate
And do they know
The places where we go
When we're grey and old
'cos I have been told
That salvation lets their wings unfold
So when I'm lying in my bed
Thoughts running through my head
And I feel the love is dead
I'm loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead
When I'm feeling weak
And my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
And I know I'll always be blessed with love
And as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
And when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead
And through it all she offers me protection
A lot of love and affection
Whether I'm right or wrong
And down the waterfall
Wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead
Stop and Stare - OneRepublic
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shaking off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can you see what I see
They're trying to come back, all my senses push
Untie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Gonna run till you can't walk
Something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
What you need, what you need...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do you see what I see...
a cute 7th grader :D
Saturday, March 27, 2010
holilday or study at home?
heyyooo blogwalkers :D back with me nadineeee hahaha well, luckily, right now, i'm in a good mood to write some stuffs. so, as we all know, i had done my mid term test patheticly. and yesterday, on the 27th day of march in 2010, the report card was delivered and my parents had seen my AMAZING scores.
my teacher's method in delivering report cards was easy : 'students who don't have any problems with their score (underlined : not too much stabilos) will get their reports first, then the ones with lots of problems will get theirs later'. then luckily, i'm the one with no problem >> FOR HER. but for me, there's something wrong with it.
hmmmn, i got one stabiloed score. and guess what. that beautiful score sat nicely inside the box of my biology mid and it was a 58! uuuu, exciting HAHA. well, i am terribly disappointed with my score. and i regret that that time, i wasn't so serious at memorizing the stuffs i should memorize. then badaboo badabing, that's the risk i should take. and during the test, i didn't bring any dictionaries to help me find some meanings. so that's absolutely my mistake and i regret it.
but i think, it's no use to talk about it anymore. because WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. right? so, i stopped looking at it and talked about it except when somebody asked me. but still, there's a room in my heart which would like to rip that paper into pieces then burn them down! HAHAHAHHAA
ok, enough! let us travel to another topic. it is HOLIDAAAAAYYY :))
so, the nine graders are having national tests or what we usually call UN (Ujian Nasional). so the seventh and eighth graders are being told to stay home. my teachers said that 'It's not a holiday. You should study at home as students.'. well, dear teachers, i won't say to my parents that next week, i'll study at home, will I? what i will say is 'NEXT WEEK, I'M HAVING A HOLIDAY', right Ipin? TRUE TRUE TRUE hahahaaha i think i've gone mad hahaha
anddd, the good news is, i have no plan of what i am going to do next week. perhaps i should finish my homeworks first then go have fun hahaha wish i could :)
by the wayyy, for my seniors, I WISH YOU LUCK, God Bless You all :)))))
best regards,
my teacher's method in delivering report cards was easy : 'students who don't have any problems with their score (underlined : not too much stabilos) will get their reports first, then the ones with lots of problems will get theirs later'. then luckily, i'm the one with no problem >> FOR HER. but for me, there's something wrong with it.
hmmmn, i got one stabiloed score. and guess what. that beautiful score sat nicely inside the box of my biology mid and it was a 58! uuuu, exciting HAHA. well, i am terribly disappointed with my score. and i regret that that time, i wasn't so serious at memorizing the stuffs i should memorize. then badaboo badabing, that's the risk i should take. and during the test, i didn't bring any dictionaries to help me find some meanings. so that's absolutely my mistake and i regret it.
but i think, it's no use to talk about it anymore. because WHAT'S DONE IS DONE. right? so, i stopped looking at it and talked about it except when somebody asked me. but still, there's a room in my heart which would like to rip that paper into pieces then burn them down! HAHAHAHHAA
ok, enough! let us travel to another topic. it is HOLIDAAAAAYYY :))
so, the nine graders are having national tests or what we usually call UN (Ujian Nasional). so the seventh and eighth graders are being told to stay home. my teachers said that 'It's not a holiday. You should study at home as students.'. well, dear teachers, i won't say to my parents that next week, i'll study at home, will I? what i will say is 'NEXT WEEK, I'M HAVING A HOLIDAY', right Ipin? TRUE TRUE TRUE hahahaaha i think i've gone mad hahaha
anddd, the good news is, i have no plan of what i am going to do next week. perhaps i should finish my homeworks first then go have fun hahaha wish i could :)
by the wayyy, for my seniors, I WISH YOU LUCK, God Bless You all :)))))
best regards,
Monday, March 15, 2010
pictures pictures pictures
Friday, March 12, 2010
wishlist :P

hai hai haiiiii :) hehehe hari ini gw cukup lega karna alasan yang pasti sama sama beberapa orang, yakni UDAH SELESAI MID, HORE! yaap. di skolah gw seminggu ini ngerjain ulangan molo ampe muntah darah gw hehee ga ding itu hiperbola ehehe jadi skarang setelah selesai mid dan pastinya bentar lagi ada libur dong yaaaaa... gw mau menuliskan apasaja yang gw pengen lakuin slama liburan itu. yaaa semoga aja semuanya tercapeeeii wkwkkw
1. jalan jalan ke paris!
ini dia yang paling gw pengenin! jalan2 ke negeri indah nun jauh di eropa eneh hahaha yaa tujuannya udah pasti santai santai kan yaaa.. terus jalan jalan ngeliat liat bangunan bangunan sono.. kali aja gw terinspirasi nanti pas udah gede terus bisa bikin bangunan kek disono hehhe teruss mau belajar bahasanya! yaap i am definitely interested in francais. dan menurut gw, kalo misalnya ke negara tersebut, kan otomatis gw harus ngomong pake bahasa dia, apalagi katanya orang prancis sebel kalo kita pake inggris, eeeenn kalo ngomongnya jelek malu-maluin nama bangsa dan negara alias nama GUE atuh hehehe
yaa tapi gw sadar sih untuk memenuhi keinginan yang satu ini orang tua gw harus banting tulang otot daging hehehe dan kalo begini caranya bisa bisa gue dimintain "persembahan" alias di suruh NYUMBANG! kan ogaah jadi mending nanti nanti aja deh kalo emang udah punya duit hahahha
2. shop shop shop ping ping ping
yeeepp, liburan itu harus memperbanyak koleksi barang di rumah. apalagi baju gw itu itu aja, dan kaos gw yang layak pake jalan jalan cuman satu. jadi gw kalo jalan2 harus pake kemeja ato ga yang tangan panjang kan bosannn.. masa tiap kali mo jalan jalan harus ke kamar ade gw buka lemari dan nyomot kaos dia? astaga gengsi gelaa di depan anak kecil kek gitu hahaha
yaaaa, yang ini juga sulit. soalnya nyokapbokap gue itu cenderung beli barang kalo emang udah rusak parah. sedangkan kaos gw belom rusak parah. jadi masih layak pakai. dan kalo gw bilang baju gw cuman satu pasti mereka langsung berkata 'pake kaos ade kau aja, sizenya sama kan? kalo ga pake baju mama aja, kan kamu bisa tuh maen gulung2an' -_____- astaga mama, papa, aku kan bosan hahahaha
3. bisa memainkan berbagai macam lagu dengan gitar
yang ini adalah salah satu keinginan terberat gw. gw tertarik sebenernya baru dari awal klas 8. pas cici gue main main lagu i'm yours, i will fly, lagu2 gereja, tiba tiba JEDEEERRR gw di berikan secercah perasaan iri. yaap, gue juga mau bisa maen gitar. nah sekarang gue cuman bisa maen melodi i will fly. tadinya gw bisa maen sampe chord ke 4 tapi karena males maenin lagi gw jadi lupa dahh itu apaan aja hehehe
so, i think when my sister comes back, i can ask or maybe make her teach me how to play the guitarrr :))
4. nyokap gw berbaik hati beliin gw macbook
liburan itu pasti identik dengan main komputer. dan kalo maen itu harus gantian. dan kalo gantian itu pasti ada bumbu bumbu perselisihan alias pasti berantem hehehe jadi kan gw butuh milik pribadi meeeen heheh sayangnya duit gw ga memadai, jadi aku berharap nyokap mau membelikan barang tersebut dengan lapang dada suka rela sebagai hadiah atas libur mid yang aku dapatkan dari sekolah AWKAWKAWK
hmmn, sbenernya masih banyak yang gue pengenin, tapi capek ngetiknya, nanti yang ada jari gue kepletek semua dahh heheheeeeeee
yaudahh dehh,
udah dulu yeeaaaaa hihihi
sekarang ini, gue lagi suka dengerin ni laguuuuuu abisnya enak seeh hahahaa mungkin lo juga suka? kalo suka silahkan menonton dan menyanyi :))
I know you've suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied
I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine
Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
Please me
Show me how it's done
Trust me
You are the one
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
I know you've suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied
I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
You trick your lovers
That you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine
Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
Please me
Show me how it's done
Trust me
You are the one
I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognise your beauty's not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart
Saturday, March 6, 2010
jejeef xD
Heeeeyyyyy... Hehee okeee, so this evening i went to jiexpo with my mom to see java jazz festival. At first, i felt excited because i've never been there before and this's the first time.
In my mind, the place would be full of humans screaming and singing but it was just people going to the halls. Then when i enter the hall d2, a man said that i should get a kind of bracelet with the label from the sponsor where i bought the ticket. So my mom and i went to the booth to get that thing. Then a woman there said that the counter was near the entrance and faaaar from that booth. Oh maaann, it was so riddiculous. But kindly, they said they would send one of their crew to take me to the counter. So i finally got that bracelet and went to the entrance door to d2.
There was a lounge there, so my mom and i sat there for a while then we saw andre hehanusa performed on the stage. But it wasn't so exciting that we decided to go to puri indah mall to meet my dad and had dinner there..
Well then, the thing is, java jazz is not enjoyable for me :(
In my mind, the place would be full of humans screaming and singing but it was just people going to the halls. Then when i enter the hall d2, a man said that i should get a kind of bracelet with the label from the sponsor where i bought the ticket. So my mom and i went to the booth to get that thing. Then a woman there said that the counter was near the entrance and faaaar from that booth. Oh maaann, it was so riddiculous. But kindly, they said they would send one of their crew to take me to the counter. So i finally got that bracelet and went to the entrance door to d2.
There was a lounge there, so my mom and i sat there for a while then we saw andre hehanusa performed on the stage. But it wasn't so exciting that we decided to go to puri indah mall to meet my dad and had dinner there..
Well then, the thing is, java jazz is not enjoyable for me :(
Friday, March 5, 2010
hai hai hai semuaahh :)) sekarang sepertinya gw mau cerita dehh hehehehe mau ngomel ngomel juga kayaknyaa hehe mungkin bakal di bales di blog dia, tapi gw mah bodo amet dahh kalo gw baca post dia, paling panas panas dikit lah, kalo panas banget yaa tinggal cerita cerita ke orang hehehe
jadi gw punya temeen, dulu pernah kok gw ceritain gw sebel ama dia ampe gw sensiin ampe kaya apa juga hehehe ehh ternyata sekarang dia juga sebel ama gw, ya bagus dehh, jadi gw ga kaya orang gila lagi dah ngata ngatain dia di belakang tapi dianya baek baek aja ama gw, kalo kaya gitu kan keki lah yaaa hehehehe
terus ituu dia sebel ama gw ama temennya juga tuuh hehehe terus pas hari apa tuh gw lupa gw cerita tentang masalah kluarga gitu ke gru bk di skolah ampe menitikkan segudang aer mata gitu lahh hehehe terus emang dasar anak kampung kepedean dia mungkin ngerasanya gw cerita tentang masalah gw ama dia gituu deeeh, susah lah yaa orang agresif norak kepedean selangit ampe mentok di langit ketujuh ampe mao jebol tuh langit permukaan ozonnya hehehe lebay ya? iya kayknya. hehehe okeh lanjut. terus dia kaya ngata ngatain gw gitu dehh di twitter. tapi kan gw ga bales kann.. dalam pikiran gw, biar aja dia yang sekarang kek orang gila marah marah di twitter padahal kaga ada yang ngerespon dia, secara dulu kan gw juga pernah kan tuh marah marah sendiri ngata ngatain dia kek orgil, sekarang gantian dong dia yang betingkah layaknya orgil hehehhe yauuda terus gw block ajee daripada panas sendiri ngeliat tweet2 dia hehehe udah kaan gw melanjutkan ol dengan hati ceria sekalipun rada gedek2 dikit gitu deeh hehehe terus gw lagi chat tuh ama temen gw, terus dia kek kasi link gitu di youtube, katanya ada yang lucu. pas gw buka, ternyata video lagu Indonesia Raya. nah kan itu suasananya patriotik gitu kan, yang ada gw terharu terharu gimana gitu bukannya ketawa. eeh ternyata yang lucu itu di bagian komennya. ada satu cewe gitu udah menggebu gebu ngata ngatain malaysia, tapi ga ada satu orang pun yang ngerespon komen dia hahaha kalo gw jadi dia mah malunya setengah mampus dahh haha terus gw update twitter gitu deeh gw bilang 'konyol banget tuh uda komen2 ga ada yang ngerespon, kek orgil' tapi gw ga bilang itu mba mba di youtube. daaaaaan emang dasar orang gila kepedean itu si orang yang gw sebelin, dia merasa itu dia terus dia nge RT gituu deeehh. aduh kesian yaaaa? mati aja sih kalo overpede kaya dia gituu... terus dia kek ngomong2 gitu lah gw ga ngerti dia ngomong apaan soalnya ga jelas gitu lah ngomongnya namanya juga orang kepedean jadi dengan pedenya ngomong panjang lebar padahal orang ga ngerti dia ngomong apa hehehehe terus dia kek sms gw gituuu deeeh bilang katanya dia sebel sama gw gara gara gw suka nyolotin dia, suka ngotbahin dia tentang dia sama cowoknya, tentang dia yang suka nyontek, tentang apalagi ya gw lupa tuh satu lagi hehehhehe
dasar tulul ya dianya, gw nyolotin dia yaiyalah orang gw sebel ama dia ya gw nyolotin dengan berbagai macam cara tapi gw ga bilang ke dia sih gw nyolotin krn gw sebel ama dia abis ga enak ati gw heheheh terus yang tentang dia sama cowonya, yaiyalah secara dulu pas tmen gw suka ama orang temen gw jaim2 stengah mampus dia ngomel2 ke gw bilang bilang temen gw najis lah apa lah eeeh sekarang dia yang kek gitu, apa ga lebih najis tuuuuhh? munafik banget dah tu orang. terus yang gara gara dia suka nyontek gw kotbahin gini gitu gini gitu. yaaa secara gw yang tiap kali di tanya tanyain jawaban ya ogah lahh yaa guenya. tiap kali gw bilang nggak dia bilang plas plis plas plis gitu gitu apa kurang najis? seenak jidat dia aja nyuru gw bilang NGGAK
terus dia bilang temen gw yang satu lagi selalu nurut tiap kali gw ngomong apa. contohnya gw sebel ama si a, terus temen gw yang itu bilang sama gw juga. terus gw ngomong apa di iyain. emang gw perna nyuru dia nurut ama gw apa? ya bukan salah gw lah ya dia kek gitu, salah dia ga punya pendirian sendiri. terus kan yang ngatain lu ama cowo lu bukan cuman gw, si e juga ngatain! bilang bilang gw yang mulai? dia juga yang mulai cerita cerita ke gw!
terus dia juga bilang gw gamau minta maaf. dulu pas gw ada masalah sama anak 8C gw minta maaf yaaaaa, terus pas gw ada maslah sama 3 anak 8C gw minta maaf juga tuuh tapi dia nyuruh gw ga usa minta maaf. katanya tindakan gw salah minta maaf soalnya dia masih mau ribut ama itu anak. terus pas dia bilang dia sebel ama gw juga gw minta maaf yaaaa. bingung gw. ngatain orang kok ga mikir! gapunya orak kali yaaa? tapi mana mungkin? dia mikir buat nyontek gimana caranya bisa kok. oh mungkin otaknya kecil kali ya! btw btw, orang yang dia sebut sebagai sahabat dia dulu juga uda benci ama dia gara gara tingkah dia yang ga perna di pikir, ga perna ngaca. padahal fotonya banyak yang di kaca. oh dia ngaca cuman mengagumi diri doang kali yaa. padahal ga ada tuh dari diri dia yang pantes di kagumin. hehehehe jahat ya gw? maaf deh abis lagi keseeeeel, gedeeg ati gw wkwkwk
sekarang gw uda minta maaf ga di hargain ama dia, najis banget sih. tapi gw rada takur sih, nanti kalo ada orang dari pemerintah baca blog gw terus isinya ngatain orang nanti di tangkep lagi gw kena denda hehehe tapi dia juga sih dia yang mulai juga lagi! yauda mati aja gw kalo ampe kek gitu hehehe kalo dia yang protes gw bikin beginian terus dia panas ngeliatnya, gw cumam bisa bilang, SYAPA SURUH LIAT LIAT? LAGIAN INI BLOG GUE YA SUKA SUKA GUE DONG MAU NGE POST APAAN! yaaa gw rada kesian sih ama yang sekarang kalo apa apa harus skelompok ama dia, nanti di jadiin babu tanpa gaji! hehehheee keterlaluan ya? yauda lain kali gw apus deh kalo uda rada ilang gedegnya heheheeeee :))
okokok, udah dulu deh marah marahnya, kapan - kapan lagi heheheheee
jadi gw punya temeen, dulu pernah kok gw ceritain gw sebel ama dia ampe gw sensiin ampe kaya apa juga hehehe ehh ternyata sekarang dia juga sebel ama gw, ya bagus dehh, jadi gw ga kaya orang gila lagi dah ngata ngatain dia di belakang tapi dianya baek baek aja ama gw, kalo kaya gitu kan keki lah yaaa hehehehe
terus ituu dia sebel ama gw ama temennya juga tuuh hehehe terus pas hari apa tuh gw lupa gw cerita tentang masalah kluarga gitu ke gru bk di skolah ampe menitikkan segudang aer mata gitu lahh hehehe terus emang dasar anak kampung kepedean dia mungkin ngerasanya gw cerita tentang masalah gw ama dia gituu deeeh, susah lah yaa orang agresif norak kepedean selangit ampe mentok di langit ketujuh ampe mao jebol tuh langit permukaan ozonnya hehehe lebay ya? iya kayknya. hehehe okeh lanjut. terus dia kaya ngata ngatain gw gitu dehh di twitter. tapi kan gw ga bales kann.. dalam pikiran gw, biar aja dia yang sekarang kek orang gila marah marah di twitter padahal kaga ada yang ngerespon dia, secara dulu kan gw juga pernah kan tuh marah marah sendiri ngata ngatain dia kek orgil, sekarang gantian dong dia yang betingkah layaknya orgil hehehhe yauuda terus gw block ajee daripada panas sendiri ngeliat tweet2 dia hehehe udah kaan gw melanjutkan ol dengan hati ceria sekalipun rada gedek2 dikit gitu deeh hehehe terus gw lagi chat tuh ama temen gw, terus dia kek kasi link gitu di youtube, katanya ada yang lucu. pas gw buka, ternyata video lagu Indonesia Raya. nah kan itu suasananya patriotik gitu kan, yang ada gw terharu terharu gimana gitu bukannya ketawa. eeh ternyata yang lucu itu di bagian komennya. ada satu cewe gitu udah menggebu gebu ngata ngatain malaysia, tapi ga ada satu orang pun yang ngerespon komen dia hahaha kalo gw jadi dia mah malunya setengah mampus dahh haha terus gw update twitter gitu deeh gw bilang 'konyol banget tuh uda komen2 ga ada yang ngerespon, kek orgil' tapi gw ga bilang itu mba mba di youtube. daaaaaan emang dasar orang gila kepedean itu si orang yang gw sebelin, dia merasa itu dia terus dia nge RT gituu deeehh. aduh kesian yaaaa? mati aja sih kalo overpede kaya dia gituu... terus dia kek ngomong2 gitu lah gw ga ngerti dia ngomong apaan soalnya ga jelas gitu lah ngomongnya namanya juga orang kepedean jadi dengan pedenya ngomong panjang lebar padahal orang ga ngerti dia ngomong apa hehehehe terus dia kek sms gw gituuu deeeh bilang katanya dia sebel sama gw gara gara gw suka nyolotin dia, suka ngotbahin dia tentang dia sama cowoknya, tentang dia yang suka nyontek, tentang apalagi ya gw lupa tuh satu lagi hehehhehe
dasar tulul ya dianya, gw nyolotin dia yaiyalah orang gw sebel ama dia ya gw nyolotin dengan berbagai macam cara tapi gw ga bilang ke dia sih gw nyolotin krn gw sebel ama dia abis ga enak ati gw heheheh terus yang tentang dia sama cowonya, yaiyalah secara dulu pas tmen gw suka ama orang temen gw jaim2 stengah mampus dia ngomel2 ke gw bilang bilang temen gw najis lah apa lah eeeh sekarang dia yang kek gitu, apa ga lebih najis tuuuuhh? munafik banget dah tu orang. terus yang gara gara dia suka nyontek gw kotbahin gini gitu gini gitu. yaaa secara gw yang tiap kali di tanya tanyain jawaban ya ogah lahh yaa guenya. tiap kali gw bilang nggak dia bilang plas plis plas plis gitu gitu apa kurang najis? seenak jidat dia aja nyuru gw bilang NGGAK
terus dia bilang temen gw yang satu lagi selalu nurut tiap kali gw ngomong apa. contohnya gw sebel ama si a, terus temen gw yang itu bilang sama gw juga. terus gw ngomong apa di iyain. emang gw perna nyuru dia nurut ama gw apa? ya bukan salah gw lah ya dia kek gitu, salah dia ga punya pendirian sendiri. terus kan yang ngatain lu ama cowo lu bukan cuman gw, si e juga ngatain! bilang bilang gw yang mulai? dia juga yang mulai cerita cerita ke gw!
terus dia juga bilang gw gamau minta maaf. dulu pas gw ada masalah sama anak 8C gw minta maaf yaaaaa, terus pas gw ada maslah sama 3 anak 8C gw minta maaf juga tuuh tapi dia nyuruh gw ga usa minta maaf. katanya tindakan gw salah minta maaf soalnya dia masih mau ribut ama itu anak. terus pas dia bilang dia sebel ama gw juga gw minta maaf yaaaa. bingung gw. ngatain orang kok ga mikir! gapunya orak kali yaaa? tapi mana mungkin? dia mikir buat nyontek gimana caranya bisa kok. oh mungkin otaknya kecil kali ya! btw btw, orang yang dia sebut sebagai sahabat dia dulu juga uda benci ama dia gara gara tingkah dia yang ga perna di pikir, ga perna ngaca. padahal fotonya banyak yang di kaca. oh dia ngaca cuman mengagumi diri doang kali yaa. padahal ga ada tuh dari diri dia yang pantes di kagumin. hehehehe jahat ya gw? maaf deh abis lagi keseeeeel, gedeeg ati gw wkwkwk
sekarang gw uda minta maaf ga di hargain ama dia, najis banget sih. tapi gw rada takur sih, nanti kalo ada orang dari pemerintah baca blog gw terus isinya ngatain orang nanti di tangkep lagi gw kena denda hehehe tapi dia juga sih dia yang mulai juga lagi! yauda mati aja gw kalo ampe kek gitu hehehe kalo dia yang protes gw bikin beginian terus dia panas ngeliatnya, gw cumam bisa bilang, SYAPA SURUH LIAT LIAT? LAGIAN INI BLOG GUE YA SUKA SUKA GUE DONG MAU NGE POST APAAN! yaaa gw rada kesian sih ama yang sekarang kalo apa apa harus skelompok ama dia, nanti di jadiin babu tanpa gaji! hehehheee keterlaluan ya? yauda lain kali gw apus deh kalo uda rada ilang gedegnya heheheeeee :))
okokok, udah dulu deh marah marahnya, kapan - kapan lagi heheheheee
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